Just a couple of weeks ago in San Francisco, Starlin Castro thought there were two outs when there was only one, and he ate the ball and started to trot off the field when he should have tried (though it was unlikely to have worked) to turn a double play. Â A run scored. Â The Cubs lost. Â The Cubs gritty, lump faced manager threw a hissy fit after the game. Â Dopes with newspaper columns called for Starlin to be benched. Â Dumbasses on the radio demanded the Cubs trade the “undisciplined” “unfocused” 22-year old shortstop.
Last night in a game against the Cubs, White Sox redass AJ Eyechart did this:
And a good time was had by all. Â Oh, what a hoot! Â Anthony forgot how many outs there were! Â Isn’t that the cutest thing ever! Â (Titter, titter, titter!)
So the old American forgets how many outs there are but it’s OK because it didn’t mean anything to the outcome of the game.
But when the young Dominican does it (and it doesn’t mean anything to the outcome of that game either) it causes people to run outside and set their garages on fire?
The white American. When Milton Bradley threw the ball into the stands (allowing each runner to take an extra base and directly causing a run to score), he got crap for it. Proof that Chicagoans are all racists! I’m surprised that Gordon Wittenmeyer didn’t write about this first.
Wow, what ignorant drivel. What AJ did had zero impact on the game, save for delaying it a few seconds. It was a dead ball. Castro stopped during a live play because of a brain-fart. Its that simple. I agree that there was a bit of an over-reaction, but this is not the first time this kid has done this sort of thing. Starlin is a young player with almost unlimited potential, but his defense has been so bad at time that a position change has been considered. Which is absurd because he has the physical tools to be a gold-glover, if he would just keep his head in the game– THE EASIEST PART TO CONTROL. A.J. is what he is, a decent defensive catcher known more for his bat, and nearing the end of his career. Its not a racial issue. AJ’s gaffe did NOT impact the game, and had zero potential to do so. Castro’s err could’ve cost them the game. You claim they had no shot, but if Castro would’ve played that whole play knowing how many outs there were, with his ability, there could’ve been a totally different outcome. And if not, at least he TRIED.
As always you are speaking the truth Andy,
And I know the first comment was in jest, but yes Wrigleyville can be a very racist place.
cubfan81 is almost certainly one of the racist white people, to judge by that butthurt, way too much denial reply.
There IS racism in MLB. It’s overwhelmingly against black latin players. The treatment of Starlin by various media people (all old white guys) is obviously racist. His play had no bearing on the game, just like the Pierzynski play. His “having a history of it” – at age 22 – seems like less of a big deal to me than Pierzynski’s making the mistake despite supposedly being a “smart”, “defensive” catcher, who is a veteran of many seasons. I know Starlin’s excuse – he’s 22. What’s AJ’s?
So yes, of course it’s a racial issue.
cubsfan81: “Starlin is a young player with almost unlimited potential, but his defense has been so bad at time that a position change has been considered. ”
I’ll give you the first month of the season for his defense being bad, but since then he has improved, so are you watching the games?
Also can you tell us when Theo, Jed or Dale have considered changing his position? Because Theo seems committed to keeping Starlin at SS.