It?s a couple days before Valentine?s Day, which is not my favorite holiday (by a long shot). But that isn?t what this is about. The sports fans for two of my favorite teams, and two of the favorite teams for most of our readership, have developed an interesting devotion to two men: Bruce Weber and Dusty Baker. Maybe not devotion, but certainly a liking has indeed formed. What is it that gets us to like these two guys? They both have their little quirks.

Bruce: A salmon jacket?

(Hey, it was a nice try, and I?m not a fashion kind of guy, so I don?t think it?s that big a deal, especially since his team only won by TWENTY-FOUR FREAKING POINTS last night!)

Dusty: Wristbands?

Bruce: Gave a mock funeral for this guy?

(What?s the deal with Self wearing yellow ties by the way? He wore them ALL THE TIME at Illinois. Which isn?t exactly what he should have worn.)

Dusty: Wishes he could give a funeral for this guy?

Bruce?s odd move: Even trying to talk to this guy?

(And, yes, I picked THAT picture for a reason.)

So, in the end, maybe we should give these guys a little bit of time to institute their programs before absolutely putting them to the fire.


Hey, if THIS guy can win his first 10 games, then the Cubs can win a pennant in 2004, right?

Right now, ESPN is showing an NBA game. And, this is the reason Comcast wants to buy Disney? Yikes?

What is Colin Powell pointing at here? Probably his chances of becoming President someday slip-sliding away?

As a sophomore in college, I declare myself eligible for the 2004 NFL Draft. Thanks Maurice! (Not really?)

And, to conclude, remember to call up your media representative or college basketball coach and tell them to vote for Illinois in the Top 25 polls this coming week. Because, you know, they might actually be one of the 25 best teams in the nation now. Or something. It hasn?t snowed in a couple days, so I?ll consider myself really lucky and end this now. Happy Valentine?s Day, for those that observe it.