The Remember This Crap tour around the diamond remembering the greatest (and other) Cubs players at each position has reached the hot corner. Andy and Huey are on hand to tell you more than you’d ever like to know about every regular third baseman (and some irregular ones) from the Hall of Famer who first played the position in 1876 all the way to the current day including a theory as to why Matt Shaw wears his number. The Cubs have had some legitimately great players including two World Series heroes (one we actually were alive to see play), several Utility Tunnel of Famers, some real Hall of Famers and Leo Gomez! You’ll hear us opine as to why our generation grew up with the myth that Ron Santo was the last great third sacker and why that was nothing more than propaganda. Third base has been a shockingly good position for this club with some really fun guys.

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You will want to watch this one…


Any excuse for this one…