We avoided all attempts at any Remember The Titans jokes, and instead started with a few minutes of talk about Mike D. nearly needing to crack some heads during his election judge stint on Tuesday. But then it was time to remember the Houston Oilers, a coach with a perfect record (for a while), Jeff Fisher’s incredible ability to go 7-9 or 8-8, the Liberty Bowl, Bud Adams’ toupee, NFL fight songs, Dan Pastorini, an OT game that ended with a safety, Buddy Ryan punching guys, and why it’s probably not cool that kids pick the teams they’re going to root for when they’re…kids.

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First up, Bud Adams toupee?

Bud Adams hair

Or, maybe not?

Bud Adams Bird

Here’s the Oilers Fight Song

And here’s the Dolphins fight song

And just for fun, here’s the Chargers’ fight song