– Some of the interview sessions, or whatever they call them were pretty entertaining, as usual.

On Saturday, Mark Prior told the story of being stuck in the snow in Kerry Wood’s car with him and Kerry and Glendon Rusch and Michael Barrett, on Friday night. When WGN’s John Williams said he wondered how worried Cubs’ management would have been with about $30 million of pitchers pushing a car in the snow, Prior laughed and said, “We weren’t pushing. Michael was.”

Michael also remarked that he got flipped off by half of Chicago as they drove by while he was pushing the car. Good times.

Ryan Dempster proved to be the funniest of the Cubs interviewees. He blamed the loss of a no-hitter when he was in Florida on Cliff Floyd being the only high school all-american basketball player who can’t jump.

Glendon Rusch theorized that Sammy Sosa’s boombox wasn’t broken by anyone. He said it was old and probably just fell apart from being played too loud.

Dempster wondered if it was still under warranty.

Both Todd Walker and Kerry Wood refused to take credit for smashing the boombox. Walker hinted it may have been a tag-team job by whoever did do it.

Dusty said “dude” at least 400 times in his Cubs’ coaches session and Ron Santo said, “Believe me” about 1900 times in the session with the announcers.

Santo joked that this is the first offseason in a long time where he’ll be going to spring training with “all of the same parts I had when the season ended.”

Walker taunted Ryan Dempster by asking him who the only player to ever hit a grand slam off of Dempster was. It was Walker.

Dempster taunted Rusch by reminding him that the loser in his one-hitter was Glendon, and Rusch pointed out that five of his losses in 2000 came in games he started against Dempster.

Prior constantly referred to Glendon as “G-Unit.” I don’t even want to know why.

Santo did little to hide his well-known disdain for Steve Stone by referring to Bob Brenly as “the best analyst in baseball” about four times during their session. To his credit, Stone used to taunt Santo, knowing that Ron didn’t like him in the first place.

– I saw Gail Fischer on Saturday and she’s taller than I remembered. She’s also still prettier on TV than in real life. She was buying five of those blue “Cubs Believe” wristbands and she asked the guy how many they sold on Friday. The answer? Improbably, it was 30,000. Woof.

And yes, I bought two. I’m a dope.

– Every year WGN-TV does a taped piece about the season before, and 2004 was no exception. Sammy got booed every time he appeared in the video and when they got to the end where they did a thing about looking forward to 2005, you saw a lot of the guys: Prior, Wood, Carlos, E-ramis, D-Lee, Barrett, Walker, Nomar, even Neifi…but no Sammy. Hmmm?

The calendar they give everybody had 12 chances to honor Sammy. Nope.

If Sammy really wanted to stay (which he doesn’t), would it have been a perfect chance to prove it by showing up for the convention and apologizing to his teammates in private and then the fans in public? You know how spineless most Cubs fans are, they’d have been hugging him and blowing him kisses by the end of it.

– Prior made fun of the video asking, “Hey, did anybody notice how half of the video is Barrett trying to pick fights with the umps and other players?”

– Barrett said he’s still mad that Zambrano got a five day suspension for hitting Lassie, but Roy Oswalt didn’t get anything for hitting him one pitch after an E-ramis grand slam. Michael pointed out that Bob Watson, the MLB discipline guy, is a former Astro. He also said he had one regret about his incident with Oswalt in the rematch, and he left it clear that if he had to do it all over again, Roy would have gotten a face full of fist. But…he’s let it go. Sure sounds like it.

Barrett also said that his toughest job is to get Carlos to focus on the mound. He used an example that when the Cubs play in Pittsburgh, Carlos will stand on the mound and watch himself on the big screen. Michael said that in an early season start last year he got so mad at Carlos that he went to the mound and “cursed him out in Spanish. I used words I didn’t even know I knew.”

– We found out that Jason Dubois sounds just like Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade. It’s actually very disturbing.

– The Ice Man has grown a disturbing mustache. It’s not as much intimidating as it makes him look like a used car salesman. Not a good look. Almost as bad as Bob Brenly’s goatee.

– Granted, they’re not the 23-Caucasian Astros, but the Convention Cubs…especially the ones who did the talking in the sessions were pretty white. The only panels they put Corey, Derrek Lee or Zambrano on were the “For Kids’ Only” one.

Then again, except for a “woo”-ing idiot, most of the fans were as white as the snow outside, too.
