In my hung-over Saturday morning haze I saw Seabiscuit’s Jockey leaving the morning session with Dusty and Hendry. It was odd to see him out of his silks.

As if you needed it, confirmation that Sammy’s not in the calendar.

The Bulls are now 19-10 since their opening nine-game losing streak. Who knew?

Groucho wonders if LeBron will change Paxsons some day.

Groucho has this gem…

Rod Strickland, on joining his ninth team, Houston: “Every road trip seems like a reunion.”

…for Shawn Kemp, every road trip was a family reunion.

John Jackson says the Bulls’ don’t think .500 is a destination, just another mile marker.

I agree with Mark Prior that it’s going to be hard to replace Moises Alou’s “40 homers” and Matt Clement’s “200 innings.” Because neither Moises (39 homers) or Clement (181 innings pitched) did that.

Mariotti puts down the doughnut to figure out that Tom Brady’s kind of good.

Wait a minute, you’re serious? Herb Williams is coaching the Knicks? What, Tree Rollins didn’t want the job?

The Wizard of Roz had a drunken conversation at Kitty O’Shea’s with Jody Davis, too.

The Florida Sun-Sentinel says that the Mets and Rangers are out of the Carlos Delgado derby.

The Baltimore Sun says it’s just the O’s and Marlins.

The Daily News says Carlos’ agent told the Mets to go away.

…no, wait. Now they’re talking again. Oh, just wake me up when it’s over and we know if there’s anybody left to take Sammy.

The Cubs are acting like Sammy can apologize and everything will be fine. Anybody really believe that, though? has a new look, but Peter King is still writing the same old…stuff. Check out the pantlode he wrote about Randy Moss to the Bears.

Kelly Dwyer on the Grizzlies. I’m still mad he didn’t use any of my quality stuff about Fratello’s permed and non-permed career records. It was startling.

Guh. Eww.

Johnny Carson was writing monologue jokes for David Letterman until shortly before he died. He’d have written them for Leno, but Jay doesn’t like to use funny jokes.

America’s finest news source with the story of a California waitstaff who are just getting tired of having sex with each other.