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Messages - Mike Douche

Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
May 15, 2008, 09:16:27 AM
Quote from: PTanner on May 15, 2008, 09:09:48 AM
Quote from: Mike D on May 15, 2008, 08:20:32 AM
Quote from: TJ on May 13, 2008, 01:37:17 PM
Quote from: PTanner on May 13, 2008, 01:11:56 PM

The Bears, or any other team in the NFL, would have some tough sledding to out-dumbass Gang Green as far as draft picks go.

Remember the year they cut the entire draft class? The year they took Jeff Lagemann with the #7 pick, prompting Kiper to say "The Jets have no idea what the draft is for"?

Steak balls.

[Thrillho]If you don't remember, you can relive[/Thrillho]

Kyle Brady over Warren Sapp?  Wow.

That clip is gold.  Kudos to whomever put that together.  I really don't feel as badly for the Bears now.  Last time I saw him, Fork told me about the J. Lam Lones pick.  They coulda hadd Ronnie lott.

Steak sauce, TJ.

forgot to watch the clip. Do they have the Roger Vick pick in there?


And you'll fucking love the clip.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
May 15, 2008, 08:20:32 AM
Quote from: TJ on May 13, 2008, 01:37:17 PM
Quote from: PTanner on May 13, 2008, 01:11:56 PM

The Bears, or any other team in the NFL, would have some tough sledding to out-dumbass Gang Green as far as draft picks go.

Remember the year they cut the entire draft class? The year they took Jeff Lagemann with the #7 pick, prompting Kiper to say "The Jets have no idea what the draft is for"?

Steak balls.

[Thrillho]If you don't remember, you can relive[/Thrillho]

Kyle Brady over Warren Sapp?  Wow.

That clip is gold.  Kudos to whomever put that together.  I really don't feel as badly for the Bears now.  Last time I saw him, Fork told me about the J. Lam Lones pick.  They coulda hadd Ronnie lott.

Steak sauce, TJ.
These Cards are folding faster than cards showing a two and nine.  I think the more rational of us called this a week ago.  I believe I, myself,  said something to the effect that their Sunday night win over the Cubs--with Izzy acting like they had won a WS (which he's never paricipated in, BTW) when he struck out Lee for the series win--may well mark their high point. 

Enjoy your long, hot smelly summer, ass sticks.

BC you can keep worrying, though.  It's fung.
Yes.  My bad.  It was Ordonez.  All of those shitty shortstop blend together after a while.  I think they've all come through town.
Quote from: LoneStarCubFan on May 12, 2008, 12:38:08 PM
Quote from: Dave B on May 12, 2008, 11:52:05 AM
I concur. I was thinking of that series as an example of what could have happened this year if the Cubs had gotten off to a smilar slow start. The panic level hit DANGER for fans at Wrigley that weekend and things got out of control.

For me that season went off the rails when Mercker, Bako and Farnsworth conspired to blow that big lead against St. Louis on a night they were poised to move into a tie for first. Happened in late June as I recall.

Indeed, LoneStar.  The night before, Rammy blasted a gap double to right-center off of Isringhausen for a comeback win in Game 1.  I was in Bowling Green, KY, for the next night getting my drink on at some Ruby Tuesday's when Mercker and Farnsworth and such blew a big lead and Mercker went into a speed-induced freakout on the umps, blaming them, apparently, for his inability to not suck, yielding me with an Eyre-like hangover the next morning. The next night I was driving back to Chicago when Cesar Izturis made 7 errors and hit into 18 double plays.  The Cubs never drew that close to the Tards again.

Can we lock this thread?  2004 was the shittiest season, from beginning to end, in my life.  Shittier than 1997 because they dragged us all the way to the finish line before kicking us in the nuts.
Quote from: Kerm on May 12, 2008, 10:13:48 AM
Quote from: TJ on May 12, 2008, 09:18:25 AM
He screwed up a double switch. Ramon Martinez hit a go-ahead double but was called out for batting out of order. Baker apparently tried to explain the double-switch by "pointing" to Martinez and then to the pitcher from the dugout. CB Bucknor mysteriously did not understand. The Cubs wound up winning late on back-to-back HRs by Sosa and Alou, I believe.

I was at that game.  It was actually a fun one.  I believe Mitre started, and an inning or two before the Sosa-Alou [Santo]BACK-TO-BACK JACKS[/Santo] Hollandsworth hit a bomb to tie it or put the Cubs ahead or something.  That was early enough in the year that I didn't hate that team.

Wasn't that also the same series when Wood got tossed after bitching about the non-called strike three against Dunn, followed by a bomb?

Yes, but I think it was double off the bat of Wile E. Moe Pena that did 'em in.  Sean Casey started the rally by hitting one through the box that Kerry lazily tried to "backhand" and  Wood later got all petulantly entitled because the ump wouldn' give him his nibblin' shit off the corner to Dunn.

That whole series was an indicator of the unneccessary overdramatization that was 2004.  Everyone--team, fans, media--were acting like it was October, and it was the season's second weekend.  I think it was at that point that I started to hate everything about the Cubs.
Here's an idea--

Why doesn't John Paxson just coach the team?
Quote from: Shooter on May 11, 2008, 07:57:22 PM
From the Padres portion of Sunday:

QuotePitcher Mark Prior is returning to San Diego on Sunday, though it won't be to pitch for the Padres.

Prior experienced discomfort in his surgically repaired right shoulder during a throwing session on Saturday. He will be examined by team doctors on Sunday.

"I think you can call it a setback," San Diego manager Bud Black said, "but we'll know more [Sunday]."

Prior experienced the soreness while throwing a batting practice session Saturday at the Padres Spring Training facility in Peoria, Ariz., that was cut short.

As the thread title says, somebody else's problem.

And that somebody else is coming to town just begging to put out of their misery.

Nice going, Mary.  Enjoy the beach.  Say hi to the waves.
I managed to somehow tune 620-AM in my home last night.   I think I positioned the radio upside down.

Anyway, listening to that 9th inning from the perspective of the team I was pulling for (or, against the team I was rooting against.  Same thing), Bob Uecker's call was deee-lightful to hear.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 09, 2008, 11:24:50 AM
Quote from: Dave B on May 08, 2008, 02:25:32 PM
On a positive note, the 'Tards gave up four in the eighth to blow one to the Rockies Wednesday night, and the Rocks are up 3-0 in the first this afternoon.

It's just a matter of time.

The only thing these guys have in common with the Tard teams of the early aughts is the uniform.  Much as we loathed those Edmonds/Rolen/Renteria teams, they were good.  These guys?  C'mon.  Outside of Fat Albert, they ain't shit. 

There impending free-fall will promise to be good times.
Quote from: LoneStarCubFan on May 07, 2008, 10:09:12 PM
Not because Rich Hill's vagina is bigger than Jenna Jameson's.

Not because Jason Marquis is a useless bag of puss.

Not because Ted Lilly needed a month of regular season starts to get into regular season shape

No, Larry Rothschild can eat a bag of dicks because this fucking pitching staff won't fucking go after hitters. It's nibble, nibble, nibble, rocket off the fucking wall. And never, ever pitch inside. And whatever you do, when one of your teammates gets dusted don't EVER go up and in on the other guy's star or the fucking cocksucker who dusted your guy.

Fucking asshole.

As a charter member of the "Run Larry Fraudschild Outta Town On a Rail" club, I heartily endorse this thread.
Quote from: LoneStarCubFan on May 02, 2008, 06:32:57 PM
Quote from: Slaky+ on May 02, 2008, 06:00:06 PM
Quote from: Mike D on May 02, 2008, 04:37:50 PM
Quote from: EG on May 02, 2008, 04:27:08 PM
If you're the type who occasionally likes to laugh at NSBB, take a glance at their thread about the Gallardo injury.  Definitely a few board warnings were issued here.

Nothing new from them.  Still made me laugh.

Mind numbing.

In the "I'll take 'Things You'll Never, Ever, See At Desipio' for five hundred, Alex" category:

QuoteLet's stop the namecalling in this thread. Calling another member of this board a name is clearly against the rules and completely uncalled for. While were at it, let's try to refrain from calling players, coaches, and GMs names also. Either way, it provides nothing of value to the board.

Heh heh.

So...don't call anyone in the world any kind of name on that board.

Holy shit what a boring place.

Rules like that are why they permanently banned me from their messageboard.

I mean, do we really want to live in world where we can't call Sox fans wife-beating parole violators?

I don't think we do.

I have a hard time imagining you lastig more than 10 minutes there.

And the best thing abou this place is not just that we can call Sux and Tards fans whatever  the fuck we want but, more often than not, we can call each other whatever the fuck we want.
Quote from: EG on May 02, 2008, 04:27:08 PM
If you're the type who occasionally likes to laugh at NSBB, take a glance at their thread about the Gallardo injury.  Definitely a few board warnings were issued here.

Nothing new from them.  Still made me laugh.

Mind numbing.

In the "I'll take 'Things You'll Never, Ever, See At Desipio' for five hundred, Alex" category:

QuoteLet's stop the namecalling in this thread. Calling another member of this board a name is clearly against the rules and completely uncalled for. While were at it, let's try to refrain from calling players, coaches, and GMs names also. Either way, it provides nothing of value to the board.

Heh heh.

Quote from: Dave B on May 02, 2008, 09:18:57 AM
Quote from: Dave B on May 01, 2008, 03:23:39 PM
Bernie Dickless is at it again today in his Post-Dispatch blog:

"I write this on Thursday, in anticipation of the renewal of the funtastic Cubs-Cardinals rivalry.

And this one is easy to frame: all the pressure in the world is on the Cubs. The Cardinals have nothing to lose. According to the national baseball punditry, the Cardinals were supposed to be an also-ran this season, far up the track, and a hideous representation of a MLB team. They were buried under 4th place, 5th place, predictions. Even the august publication, the Chicago Tribune, marked the Cardinals down for a 69-93 season.

Instead, the Cardinals won 18 games in April and emerged as a first-month surprise with their refurbished, budget-conscious roster. Sure, the Cardinals have much to prove, and they'll be facing better competition and a more difficult schedule.

But so what? The Cardinals have nothing to lose. They aren't supposed to be a factor in this. They can delightfully play the role of pest, nuisance, underdogs.

The Cub$, meanwhile, have been on a spending frenzy for the last two years, trying to become the NY Yankees of the National League as they handed out around $500 million in free-agent deals or contract extensions in an effort to win big, and as soon as possible.

The latest Cub$ purchase was the splendid Japanese outfielder, Fukudome, who signed for 4 years, $48 million over the winter. That contract went into the top-dollar file along with the previous deals for Alfonso Soriano ($136 million), Carlos Zambrano ($91.5 million), Aramis Ramirez ($75 million), Derrek Lee ($65 million), Ted Lilly ($40 million), Jason Marquis ($21 million) and Mark DeRosa ($13 million).

Hey, but at least the Cardinals countered with Cesar Izturis...

The Cubs have a helluva team. They've spruced up their one weakness, a lack of plate discipline. They're drawing walks, getting on base, setting up a feast of RBI opportunities for the big fellas. Going into Thursday's game against Milwaukee, the Cubs (.375) had a one-point lead over the Cardinals for the best onbase percentage in the NL. The lineup is loaded with OBP machines, including Lee (.437), Ramirez (.411), Fukudome (.436), Geovany Soto (.427), DeRosa (.416), Ryan Theriot (.396) and Reed Johnson (.379).

Soriano has just returned from the DL — and oddly enough, his free-swinging ways may actually have a nominal negative impact on a lineup that's been taking a lot of intelligent at-bats. He had a mediocre OBP of .337 at the top of the lineup card last season, and was stuck at an OBP of .230 when injured last month.

Anyway, the Cubs definitely have one of the best teams in the NL, and there's no reason why they shouldn't have a strong season. And why not? There are no excuses for the North Siders. When you spend $500 million in 24 months, you'd better have great players, and you'd better get impressive results. And the Cub$ have assembled a very impressive roster, which is being guided by a proven winner in second-year manager Lou Piniella.

It's going to be fascinating to see if the Cardinals can keep up with the best ATM in the NL Central."

I sent an e-mail response that was a little tame because I sent it from work. However, I pointed out that none of the St. Louis minions whined about money when the Cardinals outspent the Cubs in 2000, 2001 (by a whopping $14 million), 2003, and 2005. And his characterization of the Cubs as "NY Yankees of the National League is a little off seeing how the Cubs are THIRD in the NL in payroll (by the way, the White Sox are fifth in MLB at $121.2 mil and the Cubs eighth at $118.3, with the Cardinals in at 11th).

Check out his response I got at 3:10 this morning. I'm not sure if he's trying to insinuate that he makes a lot of money or what, but it's kinda stupid:

Cubs win -- I'm paid the same.
Cardinals win -- I'm paid the same.


From: Bohnenkamp, David [DOC] []
Sent: Thu 5/1/2008 3:03 PM
To: Bernie Miklasz
Subject: It's been the Cardinal$ recently, too

So it was OK for the Cardinals to be outspending the Cubs in 2000, 2001 (by $14 million), 2003, and 2005, but you can write all the snide comments you want when the Trib finally starts acting like a large-market team and finally puts some of their moldy money back on the field? Everything was fine for the Cardinals' minions when they were handing out long-term deals to Rolen and Pujols, but as soon as one of those contracts became an albatross and the owners puckered up with the purse strings, it becomes fashionable to bash the teams who spend money. Get over it and quit trying to be a homer.

Nice work, Dave.