
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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Messages - Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

Desipio Lounge / Re: Virus (all is well, funboys)
May 07, 2010, 08:30:18 PM
Quote from: CT III on May 07, 2010, 08:02:04 PM
Who the hell would Google Hockeenight?

Illiterate Canadians?
A couple more ABs for Castro plz.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Virus (all is well, funboys)
May 07, 2010, 06:41:38 PM
This hack has apparently been hitting PHP-based GoDaddy sites in waves for a few weeks now...

QuoteThe best part is that the exploit only executes when the traffic is referred by Google, making it the sort of thing that site maintainers won't easily notice. Clever and devious.

I'm curious if those of you who got hit by it today pull up Desipio in the morning via Google.

All indications seem to point to this being a GoDaddy issue, as it's not limited to sites run with Wordpress (though Wordpress has a spotty security history).* And, if the vulnerability wasn't fixed after the attacks a couple weeks ago, there's no guarantee that it's fixed now.

So heads up, HockeeNight.

More, for those who are interested...

*Not just GoDaddy. Other hosts are falling victim to similar hacks, too.
Boobtube / Re: Community
May 07, 2010, 03:39:50 PM
Quote from: Weebs on May 07, 2010, 02:03:23 PM
It was disappointing that most of them just stood there and then walked away.

So you found the "deaths" a bit anti-climactic? Like Shirley saying she was going home? I'm sure that wasn't totally the point or anything.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Virus (READ THIS, ASSHOLES)
May 07, 2010, 03:35:43 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on May 07, 2010, 03:06:05 PM
Is it all gone?  The old stuff?

Still gone from the published site, yes.*

But, as the old threads got Rattoed sometime before Wednesday morning, that's probably unrelated to this virus business today.

*Though, if Andy somehow happens to have a pre-Ratto datase backup somewhere, Steph's lost Desipio corpus may possibly be recoverable yet.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Virus
May 07, 2010, 09:29:47 AM
Note: us Macfags are likely safe.
Desipio Lounge / Virus (ANDY SAY RELAX)
May 07, 2010, 09:26:24 AM
The SBox has been abuzz about a script running on the messageboard that redirects some visitors to a virus.

<script src=""></script>

This script is still present on every page of Desipio (messageboard and "articles").

Use the site at your own risk.
Boobtube / Re: Parks and Recreation
May 06, 2010, 10:52:38 PM
Boobtube / Re: Community
May 06, 2010, 10:17:20 PM
I just wish Huey watched this show so he could get red-faced at all the Die Hard references he didn't understand.
Boobtube / Re: Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
May 06, 2010, 10:13:58 PM
Quote from: Weebs on April 23, 2010, 07:27:26 AM
Despite the fact that it starred Will Farrell, the promo for "Bitch Hunter" was awesome.

Mother's Day bump.
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on April 22, 2010, 02:10:25 PM
Halladay is in a world all by himself as far as SP's go these days.  I'd be surprised, but not shocked, if he threatened 30 wins this season.

Boobtube / Re: Community
May 06, 2010, 07:28:15 PM
Pitch perfect.

Also pretty unrealistic.
Quote from: Oleg on May 06, 2010, 03:44:14 PM
Update for Long Stroke.

UPDATE: The escort now says Rekers is indeed gay, and that Rekers paid him to perform daily nude body rubs during their European jaunt. "It's a situation where he's going against homosexuality when he is a homosexual," the young man told the New Times, adding that Rekers -- who repeatedly asked for a move he dubbed "The Long Stroke"

Linked from that link...

QuoteNARTH and Family Research Council co-founder Dr. George Rekers has responded to my inquiry about where to find the hottest male prostitutes. After the above, he continues:

QuoteI have spent much time as a mental health professional and as a Christian minister helping and lovingly caring for people identifying themselves as "gay." My hero is Jesus Christ who loves even the culturally despised people, including sexual sinners and prostitutes. Like Jesus Christ, I deliberately spend time with sinners with the loving goal to try to help them. Mark 2:16-17 reads, "16When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the "sinners" and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: "Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" 17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." In fact, in a dialogue with hypocritical religious leaders, Jesus even stated to them, "I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. 32For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him. " (Matthew 21:31).

Like John the Baptist and Jesus, I have a loving Christian ministry to homosexuals and prostitutes in which I share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them (see I Corinthians 6:8-11). Contrary to false gossip, innuendo, and slander about me, I do not in any way "hate" homosexuals, but I seek to lovingly share two types of messages to them, as I did with the young man called "Lucien" in the news story: [1] It is possible to cease homosexual practices to avoid the unacceptable health risks associated with that behavior, and [2] the most important decision one can make is to establish a relationship with God for all eternity by trusting in Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, including homosexual sins. If you talk with my travel assistant that the story called "Lucien," you will find I spent a great deal of time sharing scientific information on the desirability of abandoning homosexual intercourse, and I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him in great detail.

Oh, well that explains EVERYTHING! Dr. George Rekers is curing homosexuals ONE BY ONE by hiring them on MALE PROSTITUTION websites! Glory! Praise His Name!

The Family Research Council does their best to disavow "after reviewing the historical records"...

QuoteWASHINGTON, D.C. - Family Research Council President Tony Perkins (FRC) released the following statement in response to calls regarding Dr. George Rekers and his connection with the Family Research Council:

"In the past 24 hours FRC has received calls regarding Dr. George Rekers and his connection with the Family Research Council.  After reviewing the historical records we did verify that Dr. Rekers was a member of the original Family Research Council board prior to its merger with Focus on the Family in 1987.

"Reports have been circulating regarding Dr. Reker's relationship with a male prostitute.  FRC has had no contact with Dr. Rekers or knowledge of his activities in over a decade so FRC can provide no further insight into these allegations.

"While we are extremely disappointed when any Christian leader engages in the very activities that they 'preach' against, it is not surprising.  The Scriptures clearly teach the fallen nature of all people.  We each have a choice to act upon that nature or accept the forgiveness offered by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and do our best to ensure our actions, both public and private, match our professed positions."