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Messages - Mike Douche

Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 13, 2008, 12:23:24 AM
Quote from: Ivy6 on April 12, 2008, 10:14:20 PM
Quote from: Weebs on April 12, 2008, 09:57:01 AM
Michael and Jan were WAY too over-the-top

I'm going to blame that dynamic on Melora Hardin.  Her suckassiveness as an actress became painfully evident when they flipped her switch from "stern female boss" to "crazy beyond believable."

Were some of your observations  lost in the Great Ratto Purge (10/1/07--1/1?/08), or was September 28th really your last post prior to this?

Either way. glad to see you're alive, IV-VI.
Quote from: butthead on April 11, 2008, 09:48:10 AM
Quote from: Mike D on April 11, 2008, 09:41:28 AM
Quote from: Waco Kid on April 11, 2008, 07:39:20 AM
Quote from: EG on April 10, 2008, 10:02:51 AM
Quote from: butthead on April 09, 2008, 02:38:01 PM
So the Bulls are eliminated by the Heat. Thank god they didn't make the playoffs. What a fucking waste of a season.

And they weren't even crappy enough to get a real shot at Beasley or Rose.

Hopefully they'll trade the pick, and make some moves to get better.  It should be an interesting summer.  Or not, given that it's John Paxson.  We might see the same team as this year, plus Kevin Love.  Yay.

More so for the other team that plays in the United Center. John Paxson is to bold moves as Hendry is to dieting.

Right.  That Ben Wallace signing screamed timidity.

And look how that worked out. Pax is going to be scared to do anything ever again.

That's true.

I still say Pax surrendered the season when, after canning Skiles, he didn't just come down to the hardwood to run the team himself.  The fact that he didn't have balls to take control of the situation and make a proactive attempt at saving the season by whipping the team into gear by himself has made me sour on him a little, and I haven't had a bad thing to say about Paxson since he was an All-American at Notre Dame.
Quote from: Waco Kid on April 11, 2008, 07:39:20 AM
Quote from: EG on April 10, 2008, 10:02:51 AM
Quote from: butthead on April 09, 2008, 02:38:01 PM
So the Bulls are eliminated by the Heat. Thank god they didn't make the playoffs. What a fucking waste of a season.

And they weren't even crappy enough to get a real shot at Beasley or Rose.

Hopefully they'll trade the pick, and make some moves to get better.  It should be an interesting summer.  Or not, given that it's John Paxson.  We might see the same team as this year, plus Kevin Love.  Yay.

More so for the other team that plays in the United Center. John Paxson is to bold moves as Hendry is to dieting.

Right.  That Ben Wallace signing screamed timidity.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 11, 2008, 09:38:22 AM
I liked it, ya bunch of complainin' pansies.

C'mon Dwight's date?  Who here thought it was his mom until Jim started talking to her (strictly carnal....ewww)?  Best part was Dwight made her take the bus home, and then he subsequently passed her standing at the bus stop, and you could see he also made her lug the cooler.

I loved the hand-wringing over Michael's two-hundred dollar plasma TV.  $200?  What was that a 6" plasma?

I also had this discussion with Thrill at the Shoutbox about Hunter.  I thought his song was about doin' it with a man, but Thrill pointed out that it was probably him doing it with Jan.

Not the best episode, surely, and surely a tad disappointing coming outta the strike.  But I still found it rather enjoyable.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The Fukkake Bukkake thread
April 08, 2008, 11:09:08 PM
Quote from: Taylor2 on April 08, 2008, 10:52:09 PM
Quote from: joesoxfan on April 08, 2008, 10:26:00 PM
Quote from: TJ on April 08, 2008, 09:37:57 AM
Quote from: joesoxfan on April 07, 2008, 11:25:20 PM
You the writer Dickens? You're 4000 years old.

That's funny. I thought he was more like 196, but hey, we have a Sox fan who is at least familiar with the name of 19th Century British author.

You went to Wikipedia and looked up when Charles Dickens was born. I hope it was worth your time.

Of course he had to go to wikipedia. It's not common knowledge to know that Dickens was a 19th century author and not 4,000 years old.

Really?  Because I would have BET that his tales of industrial era disiillusionment predated the blind poet's tales of the Trojan War.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The Fukkake Bukkake thread
April 08, 2008, 10:06:07 AM
Hiw appropriate that a Sox fan signs up and makes his first post here on the same day the Sox win their fifth game in a  row.
Quote from: Dave B on April 08, 2008, 10:02:21 AM
Back to D-Lee for a second.

He gets off to a hot start, then in one of his ABs Sunday, Len and Bob mention how he hadn't walked yet this season. Well, sure enough, he walks. Then I watch yesterday afternoon and he gets caught looking on some close pitches. It reminded me of the long stretches last season when he would get buzzed repeatedly on the outside corner, often taking called third strikes (and his numbers were a little "down" for him). One might theorize that D-Lee is better off being aggressive in the strike zone and not trying to coak walks or take chances on borderline outside-corner pitches.

What he needs to do--and what I was desperately hoping he'd do while struggling last year--is hammer that outside pitch the other way.

I think the broken wrist affected him, and he's only just now back to where he was in '05.  The reason he took the pitches on the corner last year was possibly because he didn't feel he could drive the ball as well as he would have liked.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The Fukkake Bukkake thread
April 07, 2008, 10:08:43 PM
Quote from: joesoxfan on April 07, 2008, 10:07:04 PM
You would be the expert on played out jokes.

Shutup Ligue, you're a douche.
I love that they have comments now in most of the MSM articles.

You know you suck when the typically unimaginitive mainstream commentors torch you like a rag soaked in kerosene.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Kerry Wood Sploogefest Thread
April 07, 2008, 09:31:55 AM
Quote from: CT II on April 07, 2008, 09:03:44 AM
Quote from: PTanner on April 07, 2008, 08:54:50 AM

The Cubs keep trying out walkout music for Wood (Yesterday was "Welcome To The Jungle"). Wood has said he'd just as soon have the organist play.

Wood is bad-ass.

In the paper last week, Sullivan said that Wood was entering to "Dynamite" by AC/DC.  Is it safe to assume that the song was actually "TNT" by AC/DC and that Sullivan is a dope?

Sullivan strikes me as a stoner from the 70's.  I know he was at Disco Demolition in '79, and copped to splitting a bottle of booze with his buddies after they commandeered the Tigers bench.  In other words, AC/DC sounds like it woulda been right up his alley. 

Maybe he smoked too much?
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
April 02, 2008, 06:27:14 PM
If Kerm was in the bleachers, it might not have been so bad.  Like I said I remember it being freezing in the shade.  It was also May 30th or May 31st.

Steering the topic back on, well, topic, I suggest that, if we wind up going inside the park as a group, that whomever pledged their appearance for the rooftop get first dibs at what likelywill  be a more finite number of people.

That is, if group sales are even still available.

Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
April 02, 2008, 11:52:45 AM
Quote from: Mike D on April 02, 2008, 11:34:36 AM
Quote from: Mike D on April 02, 2008, 11:31:45 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 11:16:35 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 11:02:56 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 10:55:21 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 10:52:42 AM
Quote from: PTanner on April 02, 2008, 10:44:14 AM

Beyond The Ivy is around $165/head.

Brixen Ivy is around $150/head.

Anyone been to either?

I've been to Brixen Ivy.  The assholes didn't even let us into the building until the top of the 2nd inning (I was screaming bloody murder).  It was the May 31st game in 2003 against the Astros that went 16 innings when they intentionally walked Patterson to get to Sosa, who finally won it with a bloop base hit over Jeff Kent.  Anyhow, my buddy and I were the only ones who stayed until the end.  I understand that they couldn't legally keep giving us booze, but they wouldn't even make us a freaking chicken sandwich.

Incidentally, that was the day I met Mrs. Kerm.

If I have a vote, I would go for inside the park, at this point.  I bet more people would go, since it'd be far cheaper, and we wouldn't have to deal with some of the douches who run the rooftops.

Let's just go sit at a bar and watch it across the street?  Beers are cheaper.  THey're $6.25 now inside

You mean like you did for the 8th, 9th, and 10th innings on Monday?  Pussy.


TDubbs I don't really know you, but you're dead to me.

For reals?

Is it the use of the word "fourf"? 

I botched the delivery here.  I was replying to BH.

Now I feel like such a Santo.  Oh how humiliating.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
April 02, 2008, 11:34:36 AM
Quote from: Mike D on April 02, 2008, 11:31:45 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 11:16:35 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 11:02:56 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 10:55:21 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 10:52:42 AM
Quote from: PTanner on April 02, 2008, 10:44:14 AM

Beyond The Ivy is around $165/head.

Brixen Ivy is around $150/head.

Anyone been to either?

I've been to Brixen Ivy.  The assholes didn't even let us into the building until the top of the 2nd inning (I was screaming bloody murder).  It was the May 31st game in 2003 against the Astros that went 16 innings when they intentionally walked Patterson to get to Sosa, who finally won it with a bloop base hit over Jeff Kent.  Anyhow, my buddy and I were the only ones who stayed until the end.  I understand that they couldn't legally keep giving us booze, but they wouldn't even make us a freaking chicken sandwich.

Incidentally, that was the day I met Mrs. Kerm.

If I have a vote, I would go for inside the park, at this point.  I bet more people would go, since it'd be far cheaper, and we wouldn't have to deal with some of the douches who run the rooftops.

Let's just go sit at a bar and watch it across the street?  Beers are cheaper.  THey're $6.25 now inside

You mean like you did for the 8th, 9th, and 10th innings on Monday?  Pussy.


TDubbs I don't really know you, but you're dead to me.

For reals?

Is it the use of the word "fourf"? 
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
April 02, 2008, 11:34:00 AM
Also, was at my cousin's baby's baptism when Kermy met Sally.  Cold as shit in the shade.

I also believe that game was one of the two instances thats season that Corey Patterson was IBB'ed in front of Sosa.  Imagine that.

Both times, Sosa failed to answer the affront to his gladiatorness.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
April 02, 2008, 11:31:45 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 11:16:35 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 11:02:56 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on April 02, 2008, 10:55:21 AM
Quote from: Kerm on April 02, 2008, 10:52:42 AM
Quote from: PTanner on April 02, 2008, 10:44:14 AM

Beyond The Ivy is around $165/head.

Brixen Ivy is around $150/head.

Anyone been to either?

I've been to Brixen Ivy.  The assholes didn't even let us into the building until the top of the 2nd inning (I was screaming bloody murder).  It was the May 31st game in 2003 against the Astros that went 16 innings when they intentionally walked Patterson to get to Sosa, who finally won it with a bloop base hit over Jeff Kent.  Anyhow, my buddy and I were the only ones who stayed until the end.  I understand that they couldn't legally keep giving us booze, but they wouldn't even make us a freaking chicken sandwich.

Incidentally, that was the day I met Mrs. Kerm.

If I have a vote, I would go for inside the park, at this point.  I bet more people would go, since it'd be far cheaper, and we wouldn't have to deal with some of the douches who run the rooftops.

Let's just go sit at a bar and watch it across the street?  Beers are cheaper.  THey're $6.25 now inside

You mean like you did for the 8th, 9th, and 10th innings on Monday?  Pussy.


TDubbs I don't really know you, but you're dead to me.