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Messages - PenFoe

Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
February 09, 2017, 12:38:56 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 08, 2017, 10:09:41 PM
Quote from: Quality Start Machine on February 08, 2017, 07:51:51 PM
The Cubs sent Donny Dewees to Kansas City for Alec Mills, who was DFAed to make room for Hammel.

The Cubs are certainly not being timid about loading up on pitching projects.

And Brian Wilson's trying to come back as a knuckleballer...

On Dewees. The latest prospect prognostications said his absolute best case scenario is to become a younger Ben Revere, so this trade sounds about right.

To no one's surprise, I'm a little sad about them trading Donnie Dewees. 

He was probably never going to break through as the future leadoff hitter I was hoping, but I enjoyed his season of 90 triples last year.
The Old Feedbag / Re: Beer
February 09, 2017, 12:36:57 PM
Quote from: Shooter on February 08, 2017, 06:31:22 PM
Quote from: Oleg on February 08, 2017, 02:14:40 PM
Quote from: PenFoe on February 07, 2017, 01:04:02 PM
Saw last week that Odell was expanding distribution east, and coming to Illinois.

Good news for everyone.  A very solid brewery. 

This is good news.
Toppling Goliath also seems to be getting their product in to the Chicago area too.

This is great freaking news. I have a friend in Iowa who mails their stuff to me every so often. 
The Old Feedbag / Re: Beer
February 07, 2017, 01:04:02 PM
Saw last week that Odell was expanding distribution east, and coming to Illinois.

Good news for everyone.  A very solid brewery. 
Desipio Lounge / Re: Single Greatest Thread Ever
February 06, 2017, 03:37:49 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 06, 2017, 03:26:19 PM
Quote from: PenFoe on February 06, 2017, 02:47:42 PM
Quote from: Cannonball Titcomb on February 06, 2017, 02:08:30 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 01:21:13 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 06, 2017, 01:00:49 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 06, 2017, 12:45:53 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 12:42:45 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 06, 2017, 12:30:29 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 11:26:13 AM
Quote from: Yeti on February 06, 2017, 08:38:28 AM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 08:21:10 AM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 05, 2017, 11:14:42 PM
Quote from: Canadouche on November 06, 2016, 04:17:12 PM
Jason Hammel.

Everyone's favorite first-half Cy Young/second-half garbage fire reportedly has a two-year deal with the Royals for $16 (!) million. He and Jorge can cry together if they miss the playoffs.

I'm not sure what the (!) after 16 million is for. That's less money per year than the Cubs gave him, it's a pretty bargain contract. Unless that was what you were commenting on because you expected him to get more. It's not a bad deal for the Royals.

Yup... And maybe it's the post-WS glow, but I'm perfectly fine wishing people like him all the best. The only WS Cub I won't wish well to is Aroldis. Fuck him

Yeah Hammel barely registered on my list of hate worthy Cubs outside of days where he was getting shelled. On the whole he was a slightly better Jason Marquis, a perfectly acceptable back-end starter who only stood out on days when he sucked because he was on a team where everyone around him was far better than he was. His prickly response to being yanked early from starts is pretty standard for a world class athlete who naturally has to have more self-confidence than most in order to do his job well. I wish him well unless he somehow ends up being flipped to St. Louis at the deadline.

Slightly better Jason Marquis ... ouch.

It's harsh-sounding but Marquis basically gave the Cubs two years of ~180 IP and a 101 ERA+. That's like the dictionary definition of "Perfectly Tolerable 5th Starter You Leave Off of the Postseason Roster." Hammel the last two years gave them ~170 IP and 103 ERA+. So, slightly better Jason Marquis.

EDITED: what Tonk said.

Fake news. I hate Jason Marquis.

Anti-Semetic much?

How bad at being Jewish are you that you can't even spell anti-Semitic right?

Pretty sure it's been established that no matter how bad a Jew Chuck is, he's miles behind Penfoe & Oleg.

Chuck is basically a rabbi compared to us. 

Oleg doesn't even like Chinese food and my kids have Irish names.

I'm not the world's greatest speller.  Drives my ex-English teacher mother nuts.

Besides, you know what I meant. Message delivered, irregardless of spelling, syntax or grammar.

Can't tell whether to give you credit for trolling or not.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Single Greatest Thread Ever
February 06, 2017, 02:47:42 PM
Quote from: Cannonball Titcomb on February 06, 2017, 02:08:30 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 01:21:13 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 06, 2017, 01:00:49 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 06, 2017, 12:45:53 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 12:42:45 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 06, 2017, 12:30:29 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 11:26:13 AM
Quote from: Yeti on February 06, 2017, 08:38:28 AM
Quote from: SKO on February 06, 2017, 08:21:10 AM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 05, 2017, 11:14:42 PM
Quote from: Canadouche on November 06, 2016, 04:17:12 PM
Jason Hammel.

Everyone's favorite first-half Cy Young/second-half garbage fire reportedly has a two-year deal with the Royals for $16 (!) million. He and Jorge can cry together if they miss the playoffs.

I'm not sure what the (!) after 16 million is for. That's less money per year than the Cubs gave him, it's a pretty bargain contract. Unless that was what you were commenting on because you expected him to get more. It's not a bad deal for the Royals.

Yup... And maybe it's the post-WS glow, but I'm perfectly fine wishing people like him all the best. The only WS Cub I won't wish well to is Aroldis. Fuck him

Yeah Hammel barely registered on my list of hate worthy Cubs outside of days where he was getting shelled. On the whole he was a slightly better Jason Marquis, a perfectly acceptable back-end starter who only stood out on days when he sucked because he was on a team where everyone around him was far better than he was. His prickly response to being yanked early from starts is pretty standard for a world class athlete who naturally has to have more self-confidence than most in order to do his job well. I wish him well unless he somehow ends up being flipped to St. Louis at the deadline.

Slightly better Jason Marquis ... ouch.

It's harsh-sounding but Marquis basically gave the Cubs two years of ~180 IP and a 101 ERA+. That's like the dictionary definition of "Perfectly Tolerable 5th Starter You Leave Off of the Postseason Roster." Hammel the last two years gave them ~170 IP and 103 ERA+. So, slightly better Jason Marquis.

EDITED: what Tonk said.

Fake news. I hate Jason Marquis.

Anti-Semetic much?

How bad at being Jewish are you that you can't even spell anti-Semitic right?

Pretty sure it's been established that no matter how bad a Jew Chuck is, he's miles behind Penfoe & Oleg.

Chuck is basically a rabbi compared to us. 

Oleg doesn't even like Chinese food and my kids have Irish names.
The Dead Pool / Re: Bokkie oke vrek
February 06, 2017, 11:54:44 AM
Quote from: Tonker on February 06, 2017, 10:07:46 AM
Joost van der Westhuizen, mere weeks after I finally gave up on his ever dying, has spun his last pass.

Funny, because his death was announced hours ago, and I know that more than one Moran has this guy in his list.  It's almost as though his name was just copied off a "most likely to die" list somewhere without really knowing who he was.  I'm sure that's not the case, though.  I expect Pen, CD and Thrill just haven't checked their daily rugby websites yet.

That's some juicy butthurt right there.
Paperback Writer / Re: John Dies At The End
February 06, 2017, 09:51:18 AM
Quote from: Quality Start Machine on May 21, 2014, 09:04:00 AM
Quote from: Slaky on May 21, 2014, 08:36:17 AM
Quote from: Tonker on May 21, 2014, 07:13:07 AM
I'm probably late to the party but I'm about a third of the way through this book having picked it up with precisely zero knowledge of what it was, and what it was about.  As with "The Truman Show", had I heard anything about it before I started it, I probably wouldn't have bothered - but now I've begun I don't seem to be able to stop.

Has anybody else read it?  Please tell me it doesn't fizzle out...

I thought this was a teen movie

I thought it was about the Beatles.

Literally my first thought.
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2017 Fantasy Baseball League
February 03, 2017, 04:57:53 PM
Quote from: JD on February 03, 2017, 02:59:20 PM
I don't understand those stats at all.  This is bad for my strategy. 

Your strategy is stupid and hasn't won you anything so maybe you should change it.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
February 03, 2017, 04:56:41 PM
Quote from: Cannonball Titcomb on February 03, 2017, 04:18:04 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 03, 2017, 03:51:20 PM
Quote from: Cannonball Titcomb on February 03, 2017, 03:39:53 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 03, 2017, 11:06:16 AM
Quote from: PenFoe on February 03, 2017, 10:16:36 AM
Quote from: Oleg on February 03, 2017, 08:15:59 AM
Quote from: WTB...A RING FFS!! on February 03, 2017, 02:25:09 AM
What % of these reclamation projects turn into gold for the Cubs? Or at least good enough to be traded for big upgrades, Theo/Jed haven't missed on much in this category, and most have somehow turned platinum in some way from either Arrieta beign a stud or these 1st-half wonders turned into major prospects. There's also a reason we call Bosio the Wizard as under his watch we've turned people into studs.

I think that, in a lifetime, turning one turd into Jake Arrieta is about the best anyone team could ever possibly hope for.  I'm not saying they shouldn't try but I'm not exactly counting on anything coming from Eddie Butler.

If he turns into a useful #4, that would be a major win.

Even outside of Jake, they're gotten decent to very good "unexpected" value (in performance and/or return) from:
Wood (he's certainly been better than Marshall)

I'm sure they're are more.

The whole they're are? To be fair to Marshall, it's easy to be better than someone who's been hurt pretty much this whole time.

I'd say Wood-for-Marshall is hardly "certainly" in Wood's favor.  Marshall was an All-Star reliever for a competitive contender.  Wood was an All-Star for a shitty team and a useful, contributing factor to a World Championship.  I'd say that one's a wash, on balance.

The trade was a win for the Cubs because they traded a lefty reliever they didn't need right then for a lefty reliever whose prime years would coincide with when they were actually good again, but whether that means Wood provided more or less value than expected, I dunno. He's given the Cubs almost 700 innings of exactly league average pitching (99 ERA+), which is more or less what I think people figured he might be when they got him. A league average left handed pitcher who might be more than average as a LOOGY on a contender someday. I don't know if he counts as a feather in Bosio's cap or not.

Yeah that's a good point.  Also, I guess the Cubs winning the World Series with a seasoned Wood is a win over the Reds dealing a raw Wood for an in-his-prime SeanBearPig but winning bupkus.  

I enjoy having these conversations, by the way, because they involve the factual words "Cubs winning the World Series"

There was certainly some hand-wringing when Marshall was traded for Wood. 
Wood doesn't qualify as a reclamation project, but he's certainly been far more valuable to the Cubs than Marshall has been to the Reds.
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2017 Fantasy Baseball League
February 03, 2017, 11:18:41 AM

Prelim Keepers: 

4. Charlie Blackmon
5. Jake Arrieta
6. Josh Donaldson
7. Jacob DeGrom
10. Michael Fullmer
11. Manny Machado
12. Sueng-Hwan Oh
13. Gary Sanchez
15. Jeff Samardzija
16. Francisco Lindor
19. Yu Darvish
23. Trea Turner
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2017 Fantasy Baseball League
February 03, 2017, 11:16:39 AM
Final Stats:

Hitters:              Pitchers:
R                            W
HR                           K
RBI                          ERA
SB                          WHIP
OBP                        SV + H 
SLG                         K/BB
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2017 Fantasy Baseball League
February 03, 2017, 11:14:00 AM
Quote from: D. Doluntap on February 01, 2017, 04:40:13 PM
If you need another player, and someone to most stay close to the relegation zone, lemme know!

Will do.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
February 03, 2017, 10:16:36 AM
Quote from: Oleg on February 03, 2017, 08:15:59 AM
Quote from: WTB...A RING FFS!! on February 03, 2017, 02:25:09 AM
What % of these reclamation projects turn into gold for the Cubs? Or at least good enough to be traded for big upgrades, Theo/Jed haven't missed on much in this category, and most have somehow turned platinum in some way from either Arrieta beign a stud or these 1st-half wonders turned into major prospects. There's also a reason we call Bosio the Wizard as under his watch we've turned people into studs.

I think that, in a lifetime, turning one turd into Jake Arrieta is about the best anyone team could ever possibly hope for.  I'm not saying they shouldn't try but I'm not exactly counting on anything coming from Eddie Butler.

If he turns into a useful #4, that would be a major win.

Even outside of Jake, they're gotten decent to very good "unexpected" value (in performance and/or return) from:
Wood (he's certainly been better than Marshall)

I'm sure they're are more.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
February 01, 2017, 01:41:43 PM
Quote from: SKO on February 01, 2017, 01:16:13 PM
Quote from: PenFoe on February 01, 2017, 12:55:21 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 01, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
Anyone have a clip of that one time Eddie Butler struck out a guy?

I kid, I kid. Maybe Chris Bosio can find something in him.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I don't know why no one else tries this "just trade for other teams refuse and turn them into Cy Young winners" strategy. Theo is streets ahead, man.

Hendry tried this for years, he just confused Chad Fox and Jake Arrieta.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
February 01, 2017, 12:55:21 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on February 01, 2017, 12:48:03 PM
Anyone have a clip of that one time Eddie Butler struck out a guy?

I kid, I kid. Maybe Chris Bosio can find something in him.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride.