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Messages - ChuckD

Desipio Lounge / Re: Your mind is literally blown
February 25, 2009, 12:22:30 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 25, 2009, 12:11:32 PM
*real* laws

Oh, please do elaborate!
Desipio Lounge / Re: Your mind is literally blown
February 25, 2009, 11:05:31 AM
Quote from: Slakee on February 25, 2009, 10:56:10 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 25, 2009, 10:53:52 AM
Quote from: Tank on February 25, 2009, 10:22:08 AM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 25, 2009, 10:15:36 AM
How about this: Where are they going to smoke it? The main reason I don't deal with that shit is because, personally, I think it stinks. Anytime any friends of mine are smoking around me, and I catch wind of it, it truly makes me want to gag. I know there are certain others out there who may love the smell of it, but I, for one, cannot take it. Should I just assume that it's going to be like smoking cigarettes? You can only smoke outside of public buildings? I know I still wouldn't enjoy walking down a street and it smell horribly of marijuana.

Then here's my other angle, when I managed at Steak N Shake (even a fuckwad like me can handle a night shift when I was 18-20) I knew who did and didn't do it. I also knew that on their breaks they'd go out and toke it up. Afterwards, they were less motivated employees in general. So can we expect that businesses will ban the usage during breaks and such? And if so, couldn't the employees claim the business is taking away a right that they have by law? I would expect that some provisions must be in place to prevent that.

Personally, I wouldn't mind pot being legal. I can see the concerns of slippery slopes but I would think the benefits might outweigh the costs. If the legalization turned out to cause more harm, then it may have to be revisited. I just hope that IF lawmakers go down this route they consider many of the different options, and make sure that there is not really too much ambiguity in any piece of legislation. Make it specific and cover many different things to hopefully alleviate many of the possible problems.

Are we to assume you support municipal smoking bans, then, Republican?

You know, as long as the legislation is specific and unambiguous?

That would be a negative, but hell as long as the ACLU and the government is out there to protect "MY" rights, then if I don't want to be subjected to the smell (which is much stronger and smells worse than cigs), then don't they have the *duty* to protect "MY" rights. I mean, I'm an American godammit. They need to make sure I'm not getting my right to clean air infringed on... and while they're at it, I don't want people or symbols fucking offending me.

You're really good at changing your voice from sarcastic to serious in the same argument to make sure that nobody understand what the fuck you're talking about.

And how. I'm no lawyer, but I don't think (hope) a subjective "bad smell" argument is enough to make a case. Maybe I'll sue that Chinese restaurant for smelling up the downtown.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Your mind is literally blown
February 24, 2009, 11:17:19 PM
Quote from: MAD on February 24, 2009, 10:40:00 PM
Quote from: Pre on February 24, 2009, 10:09:48 PM
Quote from: MAD on February 24, 2009, 08:19:31 PM
If 50 bucks for an ounce is high, it'd be because it would be some real low quality schwag.

Depends heavily on where you are in the country.

Where in the country is an ounce of grass fifty bones?  1950landia?

Also, I think there's a miscommunication here anyway.  The suggestion as cited by the article was a tax of $50 per ounce, not a purchase price.  Assuming an ounce of ordinary weed is, say, $250, then you're looking at a 20% tax.  Seems kind of high, but I'm sure most people would gladly pay that in exchange for the freedom to freely blaze up.  

I've long felt the government has been passing on a tremendous revenue stream here.  Combined with the decrease in expense for arresting, prosecuting and jailing said non-violent offenders--or, rather, reallocating those resources to more threatening societal dangers--and this would seem like the biggest no-brainer in the history of Earth.

$250 still seems a bit low. $40-50 for an eighth of mid-grade was pretty standard last time I bought a sack (although that was a while back). That would put the figure around $350, so the tax would be about 14%. Of course, the price of a bag might also drop through the floor without the need to be so discrete about growing or consuming.
Desipio Lounge / Re: BananaHands Was Next on His List
February 18, 2009, 09:52:29 AM
Fucking. Awesome.

QuoteConklin said Nash had recently gotten a haircut that changed her appearance significantly. Conklin said the chimp had been acting "rambunctious" earlier, prompting Herold to put Xanax in a cup of tea for him to drink. He did not know if the animal had been prescribed the medicine or if Herold had ever given her pet such a mixture before.
Quote from: Slakee on February 17, 2009, 01:27:37 PM
Quote from: Jon on February 17, 2009, 01:25:19 PM
Quote from: Slakee on February 17, 2009, 01:16:38 PM
Quote from: Jon on February 17, 2009, 01:15:51 PM
Quote from: Slakee on February 17, 2009, 01:09:11 PM
Quote from: BH on February 17, 2009, 12:46:06 PM
Quote from: RV on February 17, 2009, 12:43:43 PM
Quote from: Jon on February 17, 2009, 12:40:28 PM
College words. This is why we don't see winged spiders or wolves with horns.

A wolf with horns would be pretty badass. Stupid evolution.

And yet we end up with a zebra-horse hybrid... wtf.

Is the full question wtf is the coolest shit ever? The answer is zorse.

Yeah, but imagine a zorse with horns and wings.

You mean a Pegazorse? Yeah, we got those too.

HORNED Pegazorses? That's awesome.

Perhaps, a Unipegazorse? Antelopegazorse? Oh shit yeah.

Sure, Slak. Just go on pretending like the Pegazorselope doesn't exist.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The Phil Rogers Curse?
February 17, 2009, 09:54:17 AM
Quote from: Eli on February 17, 2009, 09:45:43 AM
Quote from: butthead on February 17, 2009, 09:28:51 AM
Phil's got a point. I mean, we hardly know anything about Rich. Somebody should really tag him to do a "25 things about me" in Facebook.

To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click post.)

This will probably be a total waste of time, lol, but I wanted to make sure people knew who I was.  Shout-out to Phil!

1. I can throw a baseball over 95 mph
2. On the days after I pitch, I have to get help brushing my own teeth
3. My favorite band is OUR LADY PEACE.  Best pump up music ever!
4. I like the movie The Big Lebowski more every time I see it. It's more than just ridiculousness. Not much but somewhat. Hilarious.
5. I was in 4-H growing up and used to show calves and steers and horses. Seems like a real long time ago now.
6. I have never worn a pair of corduroys.
7. I hate snakes!
8. I treat my dog like a child.
9. I watch entirely too much television, and I have the DVR to thank for that.
10. I really like cartoons, especially Peanuts and Rocky and Bullwinkle.
11. I love the mountains. When I retire, I would like to find some small town in Oregon in amongst the mountains and live out the rest of my life.
12. During the holidays, I can't walk past the bell-ringers without giving them some money. This leads me to wonder why they don't have people ringing bells all the time.
13. I cried at the end of Marley & Me....and then I went to see it again the next day!
14. Sometimes I wish I could be a kid again.
15. I bought the most amazingly comfortable bed last year and one of my favorite things to do on a rainy day was lay in it watching movies all day.
16. I hate people who avoid attending funerals...we all know they arn't fun but seriously, just pay your respects.
17. I would be completely happy with getting married in a court house.
18. By the end of this calendar year I will have proven that I can read four languages at an intermediate level, but I cannot speak anything other than English.
19. I love gambling, but I'm way too cheap to actually risk my own money.
20. I can't snap my fingers or whistle. I get made fun of when I say, "Oh no you didn't!" because all I can do is wave my arm back and forth. And I think whistling is annoying, so I don't really mind not being able to.
21. I have wasted many a day-off on meandering Facebook and watching reality-medical TV/ old sitcom reruns.
22. I ate a lean pocket today and was hungry an hour later.
23. When I go to an amusement park I have to ride each ride at least once. One time I cried all the way home from Six Flags Great America (an hour and a half) because I didn't get to ride the Sky Trek Tower.
24. I admire my brother... but don't tell him that.
25. I like banana-flavored candy, but can't stand the texture of real bananas.

thx 4 tagging me lol @ 6
Mom's Basement / Re: MLB 2K9
February 16, 2009, 08:16:58 PM
Quote from: *In a Nutsack on January 13, 2009, 10:02:10 AM
DPD, but I finally had a look-see at the features list and found this:

Real-time Living World

Anything that happens in a baseball stadium happens in 2K9 in Real Time.
Players will move from the dugout to the batter's box and from the bullpen to the mound.
Players warm up by throwing around the horn, bat swinging practice, etc.
Umpire, ball boys, coaches – All onfield personnel will be moving naturally to and from their positions.
Celebrations – Players will react properly to a regular end-game to walkoff home run, to no-hitter and World Series celebration.
Vendors move in the crowd
Fans react to home runs and foul balls

That's going to be pretty cool, if it's done well.  But, again...I hope this includes some upgrading to the stadiums.

Mmmhmm. Must be playing a doubleheader.

Boobtube / Re: Friday Night Lights
February 16, 2009, 07:50:27 PM
Quote from: Slakee on February 15, 2009, 09:36:26 PM
Why do they score a touchdown with time expiring in every game?

You're kind of new to this whole "movies and TV shows about sports" thing, aren't you?
Quote from: butthead on February 16, 2009, 06:01:18 PM
I can handle it, but I shouldn't have to.

Intrepid Reader: Evolution

This post's superior genetics allow it to thrive amid the harsh realities of the feral jungle Thunderdome that is Desipio.

Quote from: Gil Gunderson on February 16, 2009, 05:28:46 PM
How does "In God We Trust" and "God Bless America" endorse Christianity per se, and not a religion in general?

So long as the religion in question is monotheistic, it does not.
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 05:22:53 PM
Quote from: TDubbs on February 16, 2009, 05:15:12 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 05:12:38 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 05:02:49 PM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 05:00:40 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 04:58:28 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 04:57:19 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 04:48:58 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 04:34:33 PM
If you get all fussy over saying/hearing two words, then please lighten up a little.
Fuck you.

Always an intelligent response.
If you get all fussy over saying/hearing two words, then please lighten up a little.

Was this redundant?

Oh dude, he totally fell into your trap. How often does that happen? You set it up and it worked to perfection.

Totally, dude. 10 on the richter scale, man
That's 8 words.  Or 7 words and one number.

Technically, isn't it two numbers?  Wrap your noodle around that.  Your brain, not your weiner.
Are you smarter than a third grader?  Seriously, this was just on Murton's Eldest's homework.  "10" is one number, but two digits.

As it's merely a representation of one number from one numeric system (decimal), you're both wrong. "10" can be an infinite number of numbers.
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 05:16:36 PM
Quote from: TDubbs on February 16, 2009, 05:15:12 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 05:12:38 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 05:02:49 PM
Quote from: Slakee on February 16, 2009, 05:00:40 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 04:58:28 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 04:57:19 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on February 16, 2009, 04:48:58 PM
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 04:34:33 PM
If you get all fussy over saying/hearing two words, then please lighten up a little.
Fuck you.

Always an intelligent response.
If you get all fussy over saying/hearing two words, then please lighten up a little.

Was this redundant?

Oh dude, he totally fell into your trap. How often does that happen? You set it up and it worked to perfection.

Totally, dude. 10 on the richter scale, man
That's 8 words.  Or 7 words and one number.

Technically, isn't it two numbers?  Wrap your noodle around that.  Your brain, not your weiner.

All those words that you just wrote, they offend me. I choose not to read them.

They offended me too, but I already read them. Why were they written in the first place? So Chad Dubbs could feel like his opinions were validated above those of the rest of us.

And that's why you don't use a one-armed person to scare someone!
Quote from: butthead on February 16, 2009, 03:14:31 PM
Why should I have to pledge allegiance to a god I don't believe in to pledge allegiance to my country?

Because, if we didn't have "under God" in the Pledge or "In God we Trust" on our currency, there would be nothing to distinguish us from those godless Commie bastards.
Quote from: IrishYeti on February 16, 2009, 12:51:23 PM
Quote from: ChuckD on February 16, 2009, 12:36:49 PM
Quote from: Tank on February 16, 2009, 12:27:53 PM
What does this even mean?

Yeti's such a free market advocate, he considers technology and rational thought to be unfair regulation, like the sharp lashes of a school marm's wooden spoon to the invisible hand of his feral jungle Thunderdome.

I've decided that the best route to take is the obvious one. The free-thinking left winger types are right. I will now fall in line.

Congratulations. You're starting to understand evolution.
Quote from: Tank on February 16, 2009, 12:27:53 PM
What does this even mean?

Yeti's such a free market advocate, he considers technology and rational thought to be unfair regulation, like the sharp lashes of a school marm's wooden spoon to the invisible hand of his feral jungle Thunderdome.