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Messages - PenFoe

Quote from: R-V on November 04, 2016, 02:47:22 PM
It's about a day and a half later and I still - LITERALLY - can't believe I was there for games 6 & 7 of a Cubs World Series victory.

I was able to reach my dad from the stands via Facetime about 5 minutes after game 7 ended and could not get a word out because I absolutely lost control and cried my damn eyes out as soon as I saw his face. Then after I thought I had pulled it together, a few minutes later I was able to do the same with my wife & 6 year old son - who she had pulled out of bed before the final out - and immediately melted into a sobbing mess again as soon as I saw his smiling, joyful face. The range of emotions that I experienced during those almost 5 hours of baseball and rain are just...unfathomable. The Baez homer, the Ross homer, the Miggy single - absolute unfiltered joy, and I screamed so loudly I thought my head was going to split in two. The Davis homer - had to choke back vomit. And the final out - Lester talks about how he blacked out during his appearance, which is funny because I just kept telling myself as Montgomery warmed up to NOT BLACK OUT. And my god what a moment it was.

I apologize in advance for being that guy who constantly tells people, unsolicited, that he was there for the greatest game in the history of baseball (and suck my buttpuddle if you believe otherwise). But fuck me if it wasn't one of the top 4 things to ever happen to me.

Own this one forever, man.

Rock on.
Quote from: Saul Goodman on November 04, 2016, 03:10:16 PM
This dude is such a class act. Compare Chris Coghlan. Coghlan loses his regular spot for like a month in 2015 and can't wait to start bitching about it to reporters. Heyward struggles all year, and doesn't ever blame the team for changing his stance. Doesn't complain about all the tinkering even once. Gets benched in the playoffs and doesn't say a word. Instead he just keeps bringing his solid D, puts some good hits and baserunning together, and calls a team meeting for a reality check that rallies them to win the damn World Series.

There's no one I want to see succeed more next year than Heyward. What a pro.

I'd rather see Kris Bryant succeed.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Cubs 2017 Let's Win Two!
November 04, 2016, 04:28:27 PM
I thought TJ already started this thread weeks ago.
Quote from: Eli on November 04, 2016, 01:13:28 PM
Quote from: Saul Goodman on November 04, 2016, 01:15:17 AM
I hope someday I can love someone as much as Pen loves Carl Edwards Jr.

I hope someday Pen can be as right wrong as I was about Carl's future as a reliever who walks every batter he faces.

Quote from: Saul Goodman on November 04, 2016, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: BigDrinky on November 04, 2016, 11:05:27 AM
Watching the parade has started the feels up all over again.  Just seeing those buses with the '2016 World Champion Chicago Cubs' lettering on the side hit home.

I regret picking the ABC 7 stream with an anchor who doesn't know any of the players and identified every open-topped bus as "another bus with players these fans wanted to see."  Then the cameras didn't bother zooming in so I couldn't tell, either.  I demand another World Series in 2017 with BETTER PARADE COVERAGE, DAMMIT

I have great coverage on MLB Network (I think they're just streaming the WGN feed, not sure) and it's equally bad.  The announcers are just terrible. 

But hey....the fucking Cubs won the World Series.
Desipio Lounge / Re: I admit it...
November 04, 2016, 11:20:33 AM
Quote from: CBStew on November 04, 2016, 10:40:45 AM
Are we there yet? Are we as insufferable as Red Sox fans?  If so I don't care.  We earned it.

I think we get to be whatever we want until the first pitch of Opening Day 2017. 
Quote from: Saul Goodman on November 04, 2016, 01:15:17 AM
I hope someday I can love someone as much as Pen loves Carl Edwards Jr.

My wife and kids feel the same way.
As long as we're bumping everybody, this guy deserves a turn. 
He certainly wasn't flawless in the postseason, but I think we saw a lot more good than bad from him this year. 

Excited for this kid's long-term future, regardless of role. 

Rock on, Carl.
Quote from: Cannonball Titcomb on November 03, 2016, 04:43:03 PM
A minor quibble, but I thought KB deserved the World Series MVP.

Agreed on both counts (it's a minor quibble and he did deserve MVP in my eyes.) 

Him scoring from first yesterday was a thing of absolute beauty. 
Quote from: BldrMike on November 03, 2016, 10:38:08 AM
Hey guys,

Long time listener, etc. etc.  Want to thank all of you for being a great place to go as a Cubs fan all of these years. I'd also like to bring out something CT III wrote years ago (in 2011) - it was in some Tony LaRussa thread. I actually saved it because it rang so goddamn true for me that I never forgot it.  It felt good reading it then - during another losing season - and it came true. Glorious, indeed.  Keep doing what you do, guys.

Quote from: CT III on October 28, 2011, 10:47:20 PM
Quote from: Sterling Archer on October 28, 2011, 10:42:21 PM
Quote from: Gilgamesh on October 28, 2011, 10:41:31 PM
I move that this thread be destroyed and never spoken of again.


Bah, who gives a shit?  Honestly, outside of Dogpatch?  Nobody.  Theo Epstein is going to build this shit here in Chicago.  And the Cubs are going to win.  And when they do, it's going to be the story of the fucking century.  The Cards fans will cry because they have more World Series titles and the Sox will bitch because they did it first and it won't matter because nobody gives a shit because it all pales in comparison to a single Cubs win..  The Cubs will win the World Series, and all other teams will cease to exist.  And we'll be as obnoxious and insufferable as a billion Red Sox fans.  It will be glorious.  Fucking glorious.


Boulder, eh?
If you want a shirtless hug, I'm at 13th and Walnut.
Thanks for helping the Cubs win the World Series. 
You were pretty amazing, all in all.

Now go away forever.
The $184 million rain delay. 
I just keep crying today.

I work with some Indians fans. I saw one this morning and I just hugged him. I didn't know what to say.

Everyone at work wants to talk to me today, but I'm not sure I'm capable. I should want to talk about this over and over but I'm still a wreck.

Thanks for being a part of all this for so long.
Forever Kyle Hendricks.
Desipio Lounge / Re: I admit it...
November 01, 2016, 10:06:05 AM
You people are awful for hating holidays.
What's wrong with you? 

Lighten up, Francises.