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Messages - bocaj

Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 12, 2008, 04:30:49 PM
Quote from: Kerm on May 12, 2008, 10:29:45 AM
Quote from: Eli on May 10, 2008, 09:37:31 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 10, 2008, 07:55:22 PM
Quote from: Slaky+ on May 10, 2008, 11:43:33 AM
Quote from: Kerm on May 09, 2008, 01:40:13 PM
Quote from: Andy on May 09, 2008, 01:32:48 PM
Considering this week's espisode is called "Goodbye, Toby", I think Toby's leaving.

NBC is making an Office spinoff, it's going to premiere after the Super Bowl and it appears it will star Ed Helms as Andy Bernard and Amanda Peet.

Sweet.  We can watch her read her lines in a monotonous voice in yet another NBC show.

I loathe Amanda Peet.

You hate everything. Just like Kermit. Right, IAN?

Actually, I'm supposed to be the guy that hates everything.

Bocaj just assumes I hate everything because I hate everything he says.

Amanda Peet should have retired after The Whole Nine Yards.

Oh, Kermit. You're just like all the guys in 3rd grade, with there cutie (sp) shots and such. When will you just admit that you love me, and stop flaming me so gratuitously?
Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 10, 2008, 07:55:22 PM
Quote from: Slaky+ on May 10, 2008, 11:43:33 AM
Quote from: Kerm on May 09, 2008, 01:40:13 PM
Quote from: Andy on May 09, 2008, 01:32:48 PM
Considering this week's espisode is called "Goodbye, Toby", I think Toby's leaving.

NBC is making an Office spinoff, it's going to premiere after the Super Bowl and it appears it will star Ed Helms as Andy Bernard and Amanda Peet.

Sweet.  We can watch her read her lines in a monotonous voice in yet another NBC show.

I loathe Amanda Peet.

You hate everything. Just like Kermit. Right, IAN?
Quote from: Weebs on May 09, 2008, 02:54:56 PM
Quote from: Thrillho on May 09, 2008, 02:47:27 PM
Quote from: Weebs on May 09, 2008, 12:37:18 PM
I'm going to defend myself with the sheer fact that I care more about my career than almost anything else at this point.  I'm entering a very, VERY competitive field and would rather have a job I enjoy when I get out of college rather than seek instant gratification in the form of slutty bitches that I couldn't tolerate for more than 5 minutes before wanting to stab them in the throat.  I guess I hold myself to slightly higher moral values.

Sexy stabbing?

(BTW, Weebs... FWIW, I'm thinking you might want to cut out this whole earnest moral values kick before you wake up one day to find your bed in the middle of the quad an NSBB "Social" thread.)

Well it's not like I'm a giant pussy.  I'm just saying I have my priorities set and I could give a crap about maintaining some sort of social standard.  If I was some freak that sat home 24 hours a day and maintained no communication with the outside world, I'd welcome open criticism.

No you wouldn't. Believe me, I'd know.
Quote from: TDubbs on May 09, 2008, 01:53:23 PM
Quote from: Weebs on May 09, 2008, 01:50:11 PM
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

Then how does your position put you on a relatively higher moral ground or indicate that you have higher moral values?

I guess a better way to say it is I think I have my priorities in the right places and choose to not conform the standard of the "college life" in favor of pursuing a goal I find more important.  And it's not like I neglect having a social life.  I just know how to balance it correctly and I make sure certain things take priority over others.  I'll allow myself to relax a bit more in two weeks when I'm done working as the lead designer on an 85+ page document, writing another paper, writing an online interactive narrative, designing and scripting a single player level, writing another document for a virtual world and working on a project outside of classes creating new levels for Portal.  THEN I'll spend some more time at the bars and searching out beautiful women with massive hogans.

Take it from a bunch of assholes that have real jobs and make money.  If you don't just drill chicks and party, you're missing out.  You have the rest of your life to be a doucherocket.  Nobody gives a shit where you went to college or what your GPA was or anything.  Just graduate barely and you'll be fine.  It's called life.  Seriously Weebs (and Boc, if you can grow a pube or two), let us live thru your college lives.  I don't want to hear about you going and seeing stupid fucking movies every Friday night.  I want to hear about you making fucking movies with fucking.

I try growing them, believe me, I do. But everytime I try making one come out, I just end up bursting a vein in my eye or getting my jaw stuck together for 20 minutes. Am I doing something wrong (besides double posting)?
Quote from: RV on May 09, 2008, 02:08:23 PM
Quote from: Weebs on May 09, 2008, 01:50:11 PM
writing an online interactive narrative, designing and scripting a single player level, writing another document for a virtual world and working on a project outside of classes creating new levels for Portal. 

I have no idea what any of this means. Are you building a time machine or something? College sounds a lot harder than it was back in the early oughts.

If this is a time machine... then, yes, he is building a time machine.
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 12:31:09 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 12:24:20 PM
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 12:19:39 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 12:01:06 PM
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 11:14:17 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on May 09, 2008, 09:43:51 AM

You guys are both fucking nerds.  You're both college students.  Seriously, and I'm being serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING.  I don't give a shit what, but get off the damn interweb and e-bitch slapping each other.  For fucks sake, go see what a real woman's vagina looks like in the flesh.  It might look a little scary at first, but once you put your weiner inside of it, it's awesome.  DO IT.  DO IT NOW.  3,2,1. . .GO.  5,4,3,2,1. . .

They're both in college?  What the fuck is a matter with you people?  I wholeheartedly agree with TDubbs on this one, and I will add much wiser words (obviously not mine)...  I also highlighted the key points for your own edification.

Grandpa: Are you gettin any? You can tell me. Are you gettin' any?
Dwayne: [shakes his head no]
Grandpa: Christ! what are you? 15? My God man! You gotta be gettin' that young stuff! The young stuff is the best stuff in the world. Your jail bait, their jail bait. You turn sixteen and your looking at three to five.

Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Fuck a lotta women, kid, I have no reason to lie to you. Not just one, a lotta women.
Richard: Okay, dad, I think we get it.
Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Are you getting it? Is it going in anywhere? No, don't show me the pad. I don't wanna see the fucking pad.

No thanks. I'm not looking to fuck any 15 year olds, anytime soon (though, maybe later on...).

But, anyways, does arguing on a messageboard automatically mean you're not "fuck[ing] a lotta woman"? I'm sure there's at least one special person out there who would beg to differ.

"Fuck a lotta women"

women>15 year olds

Shouldn't you be in class?

"You gotta be gettin' that young stuff! The young stuff is the best stuff in the world. Your jail bait, their jail bait. You turn sixteen and your looking at three to five." Ummm, then what does that mean exactly? I've already turned sixteen, so, whatever he's telling me to "be gettin'" would land me with "three to five." But this clarification is inane. By the way, it's summer break for me.

I skipped that part because it doesn't conveniently fit my needs.

Besides, take the advice relative to your legal position...  now who's being nitpicky?

And if it's summer break, get a job.  Go bang some dirty poon.  Smoke some reefer out of a skull.  Have fun. 

I'd figure I'd have to at least wait 'til sun-down before I go digging up dead bodies, don't you think?
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 12:19:39 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 12:01:06 PM
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 11:14:17 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on May 09, 2008, 09:43:51 AM

You guys are both fucking nerds.  You're both college students.  Seriously, and I'm being serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING.  I don't give a shit what, but get off the damn interweb and e-bitch slapping each other.  For fucks sake, go see what a real woman's vagina looks like in the flesh.  It might look a little scary at first, but once you put your weiner inside of it, it's awesome.  DO IT.  DO IT NOW.  3,2,1. . .GO.  5,4,3,2,1. . .

They're both in college?  What the fuck is a matter with you people?  I wholeheartedly agree with TDubbs on this one, and I will add much wiser words (obviously not mine)...  I also highlighted the key points for your own edification.

Grandpa: Are you gettin any? You can tell me. Are you gettin' any?
Dwayne: [shakes his head no]
Grandpa: Christ! what are you? 15? My God man! You gotta be gettin' that young stuff! The young stuff is the best stuff in the world. Your jail bait, their jail bait. You turn sixteen and your looking at three to five.

Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Fuck a lotta women, kid, I have no reason to lie to you. Not just one, a lotta women.
Richard: Okay, dad, I think we get it.
Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Are you getting it? Is it going in anywhere? No, don't show me the pad. I don't wanna see the fucking pad.

No thanks. I'm not looking to fuck any 15 year olds, anytime soon (though, maybe later on...).

But, anyways, does arguing on a messageboard automatically mean you're not "fuck[ing] a lotta woman"? I'm sure there's at least one special person out there who would beg to differ.

"Fuck a lotta women"

women>15 year olds

Shouldn't you be in class?

"You gotta be gettin' that young stuff! The young stuff is the best stuff in the world. Your jail bait, their jail bait. You turn sixteen and your looking at three to five." Ummm, then what does that mean exactly? I've already turned sixteen, so, whatever he's telling me to "be gettin'" would land me with "three to five." But this clarification is inane. By the way, it's summer break for me.
Quote from: Andre Dawson's Creek on May 09, 2008, 12:04:35 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 11:03:36 AM
Quote from: Andre Dawson's Creek on May 09, 2008, 09:47:59 AM
Recycled material from Elf?  Did you even see either movie?

But I suppose this sums it up the best.

Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 12:39:33 AM
But that's irrelevant because I didn't like the movie to began with.

Yes, nit-picking a grammar mistake dissproves my whole arguement. Bravo! You're a fucking genius. No, no, don't actually contend any of my points, just show how I used "begin" wrong.... Ya, that'll do it.

No, what invalidates your whole argument is your admission that you just didn't like the movie to begin with.  Any discussion past that point doesn't matter.  If I were to contend you inherently accept the concepts and leaps made in a superhero movies as being not grounded in "the real world", just didn't like the movie to begin with.  If I were to say to you that certain sacrifices have to be made when porting source material that has been established for decades in order to keep a movie at a reasonable length, just didn't like it to begin with.

The fact that you have a 4th grade education is irrelevant.

So I'm not even smarter than a fifth-grader? Wow, I wrongly added an "s" and an "e," and you pointed that out: do you feel smart now, or something? But, if you would be knowing what you're talking about, then you'd know that the reason I didn't like the movie was because it tried to be so funny and wasn't, which detracted a lot from the movie: making the flat and predictable plot even worse, making the lack of much action worse, and making the anti-climatic ending worse. These are the reasons I didn't like it, dumbass. The part about it not being realistic was what I was referencing in respect to my not already liking it. The aforementioned reasons are why I didn't like it, and when Weebs contending the realism argueeeeeeeeement is when I said, basically, it doesn't matter because I didn't like it to began with. So, in summary for your idiotic sake: I didn't like the movie because it was unfunny, predictable and horrible developed (plot-wise) and the fact that it wasn't realistic (within the world of Iron Man comics) didn't really matter to me because I didn't expect to be and the movie sucked even with that point notwithstanding.
Quote from: powen01 on May 09, 2008, 11:14:17 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on May 09, 2008, 09:43:51 AM

You guys are both fucking nerds.  You're both college students.  Seriously, and I'm being serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer, GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING.  I don't give a shit what, but get off the damn interweb and e-bitch slapping each other.  For fucks sake, go see what a real woman's vagina looks like in the flesh.  It might look a little scary at first, but once you put your weiner inside of it, it's awesome.  DO IT.  DO IT NOW.  3,2,1. . .GO.  5,4,3,2,1. . .

They're both in college?  What the fuck is a matter with you people?  I wholeheartedly agree with TDubbs on this one, and I will add much wiser words (obviously not mine)...  I also highlighted the key points for your own edification.

Grandpa: Are you gettin any? You can tell me. Are you gettin' any?
Dwayne: [shakes his head no]
Grandpa: Christ! what are you? 15? My God man! You gotta be gettin' that young stuff! The young stuff is the best stuff in the world. Your jail bait, their jail bait. You turn sixteen and your looking at three to five.

Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Fuck a lotta women, kid, I have no reason to lie to you. Not just one, a lotta women.
Richard: Okay, dad, I think we get it.
Grandpa: [to Dwayne] Are you getting it? Is it going in anywhere? No, don't show me the pad. I don't wanna see the fucking pad.

No thanks. I'm not looking to fuck any 15 year olds, anytime soon (though, maybe later on...).

But, anyways, does arguing on a messageboard automatically mean you're not "fuck[ing] a lotta woman"? I'm sure there's at least one special person out there who would beg to differ.
Quote from: Andre Dawson's Creek on May 09, 2008, 09:47:59 AM
Recycled material from Elf?  Did you even see either movie?

But I suppose this sums it up the best.

Quote from: bocaj on May 09, 2008, 12:39:33 AM
But that's irrelevant because I didn't like the movie to began with.

Yes, nit-picking a grammar mistake dissproves my whole arguement. Bravo! You're a fucking genius. No, no, don't actually contend any of my points, just show how I used "begin" wrong.... Ya, that'll do it.
You can be realistic within a giving set of rules or world, per se. So, say, in a world were these amazing technologies exist or some super-humans are created, you can still be realistic in that framework--realism is subjective in and of the rules of the world that the comic book set, or is elaborated upon. But that's irrelevant because I didn't like the movie to began with. Again, they didn't spend any time on the characters: drinking once or twice and having sex with one chick doesn't really set a precedent for you being an alcoholic womanizer. And his character doesn't really change at all, basically all he does is say he's not going to build weapons anymore. You don't feel for his personal problems and issues at all. It just seemed empty. Instead of so many lame "jokes," they should have developed the character, or even thrown in more fighting scenes. The movie was way too long for what little actually went on. But whatever, I thought it was an unfunny, shallow, and predictable movie, is all.
Quote from: Weebs on May 08, 2008, 11:22:09 PM
Quote from: bocaj on May 08, 2008, 11:11:24 PM
Am I seriously the only one who saw how much this movie sucked? Just in short: mindless, predictable plot (knew who was the "baddy" within the first 15 minutes); pathetically stupid one-liners and unrealistic/childish gimmicks; no plot whatsoever: Stark's "change" wasn't believable at all, and not even substantiated; the action was lame and poorly crescendo (i.e., I seriously thought, during the final battle, that there was still going to be another "huge" fight... I was wrong); and, lastly, it was just horrible unrealistic, in general: Stark should have died at least 20 times (even with it being in within a comic book world, it tried to be all serious, yet here a guy is diving into a dune at 200 mph in a giant metal suit, walking away with scratches). All the faults built on each other, and the movie became unwatchable--the whole sum greater then parts bullshit. Was everyone just dazed by his shinny metal suits, and forgot that there was other stuff going on?

I don't think this movie ever tried to take itself THAT seriously.  Especially not in the sense that  Batman Begins did, trying to ground its hero within a very believable world.  Even with how much of a genius Tony Stark is, I doubt anybody can build a reactor or whatever the hell his little electro-magnet thing was inside a cave in the middle east using some missile casings and iron.  The technology used throughout the movie was obviously fictional, and I think there was very little to suggest this was a real world, outside of the characters.  And that's what comics are generally supposed to do.  They reflect some part of our culture or of human nature with realistic characters in unrealistic settings.  I think Batman Begins was the rare exception to the superhero movie formula.  Sure, there's plenty of times Stark should have been dead: when he first tried to fly and slammed into the wall at 100+ mph, when he crashed in the desert, etc.  Hell, even his armor was apparently indestructible, but once he lost his mask, what's-his-face was able to crush it with almost no effort.  I think this movie is one of the perfect examples of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  I don't think it would have been anywhere near as good as it was though without Robert Downey, Jr.  He made Stark a believable character in the obviously fictional world.

Ya, I agree that it's not supposed to be entirely realistic, but if that stance would have been taken then I think I would have liked it better. To me, it just seemed like Favreau kept throwing in recycled material from Elf in the movie. It seriously tried way too hard to be funny... but it wasn't, at all. Robert did an good job acting the part, but the script didn't flesh out the character one bit, and THAT is what comic books are about: us flawed humans in supernatural or extraordinary situations. The character was way too static, the plot was ridiculously predictable (probably more so than any movie I've ever seen), and the many jokes flopped more often than not (to me, the crowd seemed to eat them up....). This all adds up to a lot of eye-rolling and faux-clapping (since when do people need to clap like douchebags in approval for a particular joke, at the theater? Isn't just the forced laughter enough?) by me.
Am I seriously the only one who saw how much this movie sucked? Just in short: mindless, predictable plot (knew who was the "baddy" within the first 15 minutes); pathetically stupid one-liners and unrealistic/childish gimmicks; no plot whatsoever: Stark's "change" wasn't believable at all, and not even substantiated; the action was lame and poorly crescendo (i.e., I seriously thought, during the final battle, that there was still going to be another "huge" fight... I was wrong); and, lastly, it was just horrible unrealistic, in general: Stark should have died at least 20 times (even with it being in within a comic book world, it tried to be all serious, yet here a guy is diving into a dune at 200 mph in a giant metal suit, walking away with scratches). All the faults built on each other, and the movie became unwatchable--the whole sum greater then parts bullshit. Was everyone just dazed by his shinny metal suits, and forgot that there was other stuff going on?
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
May 01, 2008, 08:45:30 PM

Has anyone heard of this potential new Fox cartoon. It looks like it could be good, and I have hope that it will be good (but, then again, being a Cubs fan, hope comes easy). The guy that worked on this awesome show is on for it. And Hurwitz will bring along Bateman, Arnett and Winkler; so, it will probably be worth a watch just to hear some fresh banter between them, for old time's sake. I also find it quite benevolent of Mitch, and the rest of them, to work with Fox again; though, I'm sure Cross won't be, any time soon.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 27, 2008, 06:37:56 PM
Looks as if they took a little from the end of this for their plot, no? Though, it seems that Amazons are a more tasteful choice then slutty swingers, in the Colonies.