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Messages - CubFaninHydePark

Quote from: Fork on December 29, 2009, 07:24:47 AM
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on December 29, 2009, 12:11:20 AM
Quote from: Fork on December 28, 2009, 10:16:44 AM

The only recent disappointment has been the Blackhawks cancelling the construction helmet promotion on Jan. 10.

This is a surprise after last year's Pens/Hawks game?

The only surprise is that they did it in the first place.

The solution to construction helmets + hat trick is to have all the fans in the lower level wear their hard hats until all the fans in the upper level are done throwing theirs down.

But yeah--that was a surprise...McDonough needs better interns if nobody asked "so what happens if someone nets a HT and fans throw hard helmets from the 300 levels?"
Quote from: Yeti on December 29, 2009, 02:19:08 AM
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on December 29, 2009, 12:10:06 AM
Quote from: R-V on December 28, 2009, 11:08:34 PM
Quote from: CT III on December 28, 2009, 11:06:53 PM
Quote from: Slack-E on December 28, 2009, 11:05:47 PM
I don't care what happens to Lovie right now; that was satisfyin'. Like scratching an itch. Mmmmmhmmm.

I would say it was satisfying like kicking some dude you hate in the dick, but that's me.

I'm savoring it like a mouthful of bacon-wrapped cocktail weenies. Mmm hmm.

Page 3, 2nd row, middle.

Thanks for giving me a site that wants me to install a toolbar.

Sorry--didn't give me that option on a Mac or in Firefox.
Quote from: Fork on December 28, 2009, 10:16:44 AM

The only recent disappointment has been the Blackhawks cancelling the construction helmet promotion on Jan. 10.

This is a surprise after last year's Pens/Hawks game?
Quote from: R-V on December 28, 2009, 11:08:34 PM
Quote from: CT III on December 28, 2009, 11:06:53 PM
Quote from: Slack-E on December 28, 2009, 11:05:47 PM
I don't care what happens to Lovie right now; that was satisfyin'. Like scratching an itch. Mmmmmhmmm.

I would say it was satisfying like kicking some dude you hate in the dick, but that's me.

I'm savoring it like a mouthful of bacon-wrapped cocktail weenies. Mmm hmm.

Page 3, 2nd row, middle.
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 04:33:20 PM
I would have just drank through law school.

Not saying I didn't...
I didn't want to figure out how to break down quoting stuff in R-V's post...

But I think that as a matter of constitutional law, if you look at commerce clause cases, all of the regulations that the court has upheld have been about "positive" individual conduct--individuals have to do something.  But there are limits to the commerce clause, and Chemerinsky just ignores those.  I think that the individual mandate explodes the enumerated powers clause.  It's totally different than the race cases--those say that if you want to participate in the market, you have to do so in a way that treats everyone equally, because that has a substantial effect on interstate commerce.  That's fine.

But the individual mandate says "if you want to be alive and over 18, the mere fact of your existence has a substantial effect on interstate commerce."  At the point where Congress can reduce any exercise of power to mere existence, there are no enumerated powers.  Congress can do whatever it wants.

Even his taxation argument is flawed because he ignores the universality clause.  A selective tax on those who purchase health insurance would fail for the same reasons a selective tax on corporate bonuses would fail.

He also ignores that the court leans right, right now, and if Obama loses in 2012, it's going to lean even further right.  Even if Obama wins in 2012, absent some very unlikely circumstances, we aren't going to see a consequential president for court makeup until after the 2016 elections.  I'm generally for a strong Congress, but at the point where Congress can equate living with commerce clause implications, I have serious reservations.  From a matter of pure logic, we can't both be a society with a federal government of enumerated powers and a society with an individual mandate.

And even relatively liberal me think it's still more important to be a society of enumerated powers.

As for the generational stuff--I don't expect there to be any left for me when I'm old.  Which is why I think the battles need to be fought now.  I don't care if there's any left for me when I'm old.

What I'm more concerned about is that a self-entitled baby-boomer generation (the worst generation in American history) is going to destroy this economy and country with their selfishness.  Europe is only postponing the inevitable because we subsidize their defense spending.  The modern European welfare state would not and could not exist if European nations actually had to maintain armies and navies with any sort of real military capability.

At some point, the US is going to have to choose between maintaining its military or funding our insane health-care and retirement entitlements.  If we choose the latter over the former--and given how old people vote, there's a good chance we will--we will end up undermining our ability to project force, which is crucial for our economy...and we'll still ultimately lose the race between economic growth and the welfare state, further weakening our economy and making our obligations even more untenable.

I'm all about the cost-control measures of the bill, because I think they're necessary for the long run.  But the reality that we need to confront is that it's both fair and better for us in the long run if individuals who need top-end care give that up (or have it far more heavily rationed) in exchange for lowering costs and providing basic care to those who don't have it.

That's what needs to happen.  But there's no way the self-entitled, politically feckless and worthless, baby-boomer generation will ever accept that.  So hence, my desire to not ever be forced to subsidize the abysmal political and economic decisions of a generation that only made bad ones.

There will be a giant generational battle in my lifetime.  It's not going to be pretty, but the older crowd has no moral high ground to claim when it happens.
Quote from: CT III on December 18, 2009, 03:02:01 PM
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 01:56:54 PM
Quote from: Fork on December 18, 2009, 01:52:51 PM
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 01:51:20 PM
Can someone try to convince me that Hossa is not on the 5 best players in the NHL?  Especially with how good he is on defence?

Intrepid Readers: Alex Ovechkin, Henrik Lundqvist, Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Pavel Datsyuk

Where do we sign?

Ovechkin, fine.  Malkin, OK.

The other three?  Is Crosby really that good on defence; or does his offence make up for it?  Datsyuk?  Really?

I'll need CT to back up your Lundqvist love.

I'm really asking, I don't know.

So, fine.  6th best?

Goalies aren't players.  They're something else entirely.

This.  Because I'd also take Luongo, Brodeur, and maybe Fleurry somewhere in that set of players.

Datsyuk is probably the best two-way forward in the game--he's the better version of Hossa.  Crosby backchecks and plays defense better than anyone else on that list except for Datsyuk.

But if you're talking strictly forwards, Hossa is a top 5 forward in the league.  Ovechkin, Crosby, Datsyuk, Malkin, Hossa is how I'd rank them.
The only thing that I hate about the bill is the individual mandate.  It's just another way for the elderly to screw the young.

If I were independently wealthy, I would make my life's cause organizing the 35 and younger block to break the AARP's electoral back for eternity.  I think we'll see the day when young/working America tells retiring baby boomers to go fuck themselves and reap what they've sewn as far as electing people who have squandered social security and other entitlement spending, and that day isn't going to be pretty.

But I will be at the front of that revolution.

Until then, those of us who need little more than catastrophic care are going to be forced into risk pools to subsidize health care for older folks.  I still support the bill, but only because I have faith that the courts will have the good sense to strike down the individual mandate for the unconstitutional garbage that it is.

But, count this as one more exploitation of the "don't give a shit" young crowd.  It's a shame.  I'm a big believer in generational warfare politics, and I really hope that battle comes to pass and that the young people win it.
Quote from: BH on December 18, 2009, 10:50:24 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on December 18, 2009, 10:48:04 AM
Quote from: BH on December 18, 2009, 10:46:19 AM
Quote from: Weebs on December 18, 2009, 10:38:26 AM
Quote from: BH on December 18, 2009, 10:30:23 AM

"The Mariners have had perhaps the busiest offseason in baseball so far, but they're not about to slow down. Jon Heyman of reports that they're re-engaged in trade talks with the Cubs about outfielder Milton Bradley."

My guess. Felipe Lopez and Carlos Silva.

They're going to sign and trade Felipe López?  Get a brane, fatass.

Lopez was a joke. Silva probably isn't, unfortunately.

"According to's Jon Heyman, the Mariners have reemerged as a possible trade partner for the Cubs and Milton Bradley.
The M's are hoping to deal Carlos Silva and the $24 million remaining on his salary to the Cubs in exchange for Bradley and his $21 million tab. It'd be an impressive feat, though. Silva, 30, posted an 8.60 ERA and 1.70 WHIP in 30 innings this past season and a 6.46 ERA in 153 1/3 innings the year before. He's shown no signs of turning his career around and probably wouldn't fare much better in the tight confines of Wrigley Field.
Related: Carlos Silva, Mariners"

I thought you meant Jose Lopez.

I'm still drunk from last night. I meant Mario Lopez.

No deal unless they throw in Dustin Diamond.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Josh Vitters is, um, like, awesome
December 14, 2009, 05:16:56 PM
Well, the Cardinals only have one player on that just so happens that he's the best steroid-infused player in baseball.
Quote from: Slack-E on December 13, 2009, 12:08:24 PM
Should I Paulcast this abortion?

Only if you're going to use a coat hanger.  This game deserves no better.
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2009 College Football Thread
December 05, 2009, 02:48:36 PM
I really wish there were "ND interested in Wannstedt" rumors right now.  Or that the Wannstache was found detached, with what it's growing on to never be heard from again...

What an absolute kick in the nuts football game. 
Quote from: Waco Kid on December 03, 2009, 03:02:55 PM
Quote from: Slack-E on December 03, 2009, 02:49:25 PM
So I'm on Second City reading their live blog of the presser and one of the moderators, a Mr. SamFels, is asking tens of sarcastic questions about how each player's contract is ludicrous when compared to certain peers of theirs who have better stats and are less expensive. Examples:

QuoteQuestion for Patrick Kane
You make more than Alex Semin, who has two 30-goal seasons and you don't. how do you feel about that?

QuoteFollow up for Kane
You also make more than Corey Perry. How does that feel?

I understand the need to ask questions. Why are they getting the dollar amounts they ended up with and are they worth it. Those being hypercritical of these extensions need to ask themselves what the consequences are of not restructuring the team to fit these three players are.

What is it with Hawk fans on the internet? I used to read the 300 Level and those guys were the biggest bunch of assholes I'd ever come across. They hated failure and success with equal amounts of passion.

Now I'm sitting here, on a day where my favorite sports team just locked up three of the best players they have had in 30 years and I'm reading bitter, angry comments from people that love the team as much as I do. It's infuriating.

Hey, Jonny Toews is now compensated better than Mike Richards. Great, let's throw a hissy fit about it.

Jesus fucking Christ. No wonder everyone hates hockey fans.

I just read through that. One would think after years of Dollar Bill and bad Hawks' teams fans at least would take one day to be happy about the team. I guess for the SamFels' of the world it's better to bitch about everything. I can see it now "Well I don't consider the Hawks Stanley Cup Champs because they won it in five games instead of four lost to the Penguins"

'92'd (and 10'd?)
Quote from: Eli on November 30, 2009, 09:49:22 AM
Brian Urlacher, pining for Kyle Orton.

Quote"Look, I love Jay, and I understand he's a great player who can take us a long way, and I still have faith in him," Urlacher said. "But I hate the way our identity has changed. We used to establish the run and wear teams down and try not to make mistakes, and we'd rely on our defense to keep us in the game and make big plays to put us in position to win. Kyle Orton might not be the flashiest quarterback, but the guy is a winner, and that formula worked for us. I hate to say it, but that's the truth."

Almost sounds like someone who's hoping--or knows--he's going to be thrown overboard with Lovie.