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Messages - CubFaninHydePark

Quote from: CT III on November 29, 2009, 07:22:21 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on November 24, 2009, 05:21:23 PM
Hub Arkush via WSCR reporting that the Bears have expressed informal interest to John Gruden, Mike Shanahan and Bill Cowher.

Listened to Arkush and Hampton prior to the game.  First of all, I think Hamp may be borderline retarded. 

Second, Arkush clarified this report.  According to Hub, the Bears have specifically looked into Bill Cowher as a possible replacement, and nobody else.

Cowher has said he's "very interested" in the Bears job.  I'm willing to drive one of the dump trucks of money myself.

Also, Cowher opens up the possibility of Cowher Hours.  Them's good times.
This is pretty ridiculous:

QuoteThis is health care in the world of Christian Science, where the sick eschew conventional medicine and turn to God for healing. Christian Scientists call it "spiritual health care," and it is a practice they are battling to insert into the health-care legislation being hammered out in Congress.

Leaders of the Church of Christ, Scientist, are pushing a proposal that would help patients pay someone like Lewis for prayer by having insurers reimburse the $20 to $40 cost.

The provision was stripped from the bill the House passed this month, and church leaders are trying to get it inserted into the Senate version. And the church has powerful allies there, including Sens. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), who represents the state where the church is based, and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), who said the provision would "ensure that health-care reform law does not discriminate against any religion."

I had little respect for Kerry to begin with--now that I know he's a special-interest advocate for religious whackjobs, whatever shred of respect I had for the man is gone.

But if this goes into effect, who wants to join with me in starting a Christian spiritual healing business?  $20-$40 a prayer?  That's easy street if there's ever been one.  It still astonishes me that there are enough fucking morons in this world to make bribing Senators to vote for this insanity worth the time and money.

QuoteThe Internal Revenue Service allows prayer treatments to be itemized on income tax forms as medical expenses. And a few federal insurance programs, such as those for military families, already reimburse for prayer.

Seriously?  Maybe Michelle Bachman can push for an expose to be done on Congressmen and women that vote with and otherwise offer support to the Christian Science lobby.  It would actually be useful to know who's batshit crazier than Kucinich and Bernie Sanders.
Quote from: Fork on November 19, 2009, 09:22:05 AM

Fuck the Iggles.

That is all.

That's how people in Pissburgh say it, you know.
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2009 College Football Thread
November 16, 2009, 04:39:59 PM
Quote from: SKO on November 16, 2009, 04:38:06 PM
Of their 11 national titles, 7 came in 1949 or before. The others were in 1966, 1973, 1977, and 1988. This isn't a fucking anomaly of mediocrity, this is reality. Notre Dame is not a powerhouse, and most likely never will be again.

Emphatically, THI.
Quote from: CT III on November 15, 2009, 09:06:55 AM
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on November 14, 2009, 10:17:11 PM
Quote from: CBStew on November 13, 2009, 05:05:53 PM
As long as I am on the subject of how little I understand the game, I see that Tommie Harris gets fined $7,500 for punching someone in the face.  Cutler gets fined $20,000 for verbally abusing someone.  Why didn't Cutler just punch the official in the face?  It would have been much cheaper, and far more satisfying.

The disparity is a total joke--but it's also patently offensive that anyone would be fined $20,000 for what they said.  There's no way an NFL official's psyche or authority is worth that much money.  There's no way their collective authority is worth that much.

I'm convinced that one of these days you're going to post something that makes my eyes roll completely around in my head. 

That'd be a pretty neat trick--you could win a talent show or join the circus or something with that.
Quote from: CBStew on November 13, 2009, 05:05:53 PM
As long as I am on the subject of how little I understand the game, I see that Tommie Harris gets fined $7,500 for punching someone in the face.  Cutler gets fined $20,000 for verbally abusing someone.  Why didn't Cutler just punch the official in the face?  It would have been much cheaper, and far more satisfying.

The disparity is a total joke--but it's also patently offensive that anyone would be fined $20,000 for what they said.  There's no way an NFL official's psyche or authority is worth that much money.  There's no way their collective authority is worth that much.
Quote from: B-B-Bears on November 12, 2009, 10:27:40 PM
Quote from: BBM on November 12, 2009, 10:25:48 PM
Can the bears trade Cutler for a 1st round pick and sign Orton to a five year 50 million dollar contract?

Or find some receivers who will finish routes and not fall down as the ball arrives.  And get some linemen who don't suck.

Hester as a #1 receiver is a disaster, yes?

The Bears have a #1?  I'm pretty sure you could violate the Geneva Conventions, have 10 prisoners at Guantanamo watch every Bears' offensive snap and not get a consensus on who the Bears' #1 WR was.
Quote from: fiveouts on November 12, 2009, 10:11:36 PM
This team is a serious fucking disaster.  Is there any other way to put it?

This offensive line is the sorriest and most retarded group of gutless pieces of shit to ever fail to protect a Bears QB?
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2009 College Football Thread
November 12, 2009, 03:09:35 PM
Quote from: MAD on November 12, 2009, 12:56:08 PM
 CFiHP's irrational agenda notwithstanding, Wanny's getting the last laugh right now.  

I have an agenda?

Wanny's track record is 1 Bowl Game in 5 years, and a 3-0 shutout to Oregon St. in that bowl game.

He has a good record now, but the one loss on Pitt's schedule tells more about any of their wins against mediocre to bad teams.  The last three weeks will tell the story about this season...but Cincy could still lose to Illinois and then to Pitt.  Even if Pitt wins out, it could be a BCS team w/o a win over a BCS Top 20 school (and if Cincy loses to Illinois, perhaps Top 30).

I'll be excited we're in a BCS game, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that Pitt's program or Wanny's coaching is anything close to good.

The best thing that you can say about him is what you could say about his Fins' tenure.  If you give him a little talent and a weak schedule, he can beat most of the teams on that schedule.  That's a ringing endorsement...
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2009 College Football Thread
November 12, 2009, 12:43:47 PM
I thought you all would want to know that Wanny has been "rebranded."

Everything about this piece, down to the author's bio is hilariously awful.  The only thing it gets right is that it would be hilarious if his college coaching internship lasts longer than Fat Charlie's.
Quote from: fiveouts on November 08, 2009, 02:32:16 PM
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on November 08, 2009, 02:19:32 PM
 There's so little salvageable talent on both sides of the ball right now, that things are probably going to get a lot worse before they get a lot better.  I'm not going to say Lovie is a good coach right now, but I'm also not delusional enough to believe that firing the coach is going to make one damn bit of difference in making bad football players play better than bad football players.

Horseshit "DOOOOOOOOM FOREVER AND EVER!" posts like this will be the reason why I will be placing a moratorium on reading anything about the Bears in the coming week.  

I said it was going to get a lot better.  It's just short-term doom.  If Cutler stays for a while, the team will win, but the offense surrounding Cutler, as well as a lot of the defense needs an overhaul.  That takes a little bit of time--but if it's done right, the team should be good for a while.

Or, I'll just quote what Dolan said:

QuoteThis isn't a playoff team, and worse, it's a team without many good young players.  You've got a quarterback, one linebacker, a running back you're optimistic about but no longer sure of, and a lot of mediocrity.

As much as I hate to join the meathead chorus, this looks like a team that needs to start over.
Quote from: Internet Apex on November 08, 2009, 12:24:01 PM

Just wanted to quote this for the "spoke way too soon" category.

And I haven't even brought the negative today--other than pointing out what was obvious...that Tommie is a gutless fucking asshole for that punch and shouldn't put on a Bears jersey again.  There's no place for that sort of selfish shit on a team that's only a step above the NFL's bottom feeders.

What really drove the point home today was the drive where Kreutz didn't snap the ball, then hitched in snapping it, causing two false starts before a play was run.  There's so little salvageable talent on both sides of the ball right now, that things are probably going to get a lot worse before they get a lot better.  I'm not going to say Lovie is a good coach right now, but I'm also not delusional enough to believe that firing the coach is going to make one damn bit of difference in making bad football players play better than bad football players.
Nice cheap shot Tommie--get the fuck off the field and never put a Bears jersey on again you selfish, worthless piece of shit.

Edit: What Tommie did epitomizes the phrase "gutless asshole."
Quote from: Gil Gunderson on November 07, 2009, 04:17:41 PM
Quote from: CubFaninHydePark on November 07, 2009, 04:11:14 PM
When (IF?) Obama Congress gets around to lifting the ban on gays in the military, he should lift the ban on women in "combat units."

Fixed, because the President cannot do it by fiat.

I think that the President could win a lawsuit that he could by Executive Order as Commander in Chief.  I can't see the Supreme Court rejecting a claim that military personnel decisions/policy are an Article II power, especially if a Democrat Prez would make the claim.

But I'm a reluctant believer in the unitary executive because I think it's the better Constitutional argument--not because I think it's good policy.
When (IF?) Obama gets around to lifting the ban on gays in the military, he should lift the ban on women in "combat units."