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Messages - Andy

Desipio Lounge / Re: The only site I'll ever need...
August 14, 2007, 01:20:34 PM
I'll be at the game on Thursday.  It's random school supply giveaway day.  I hope I get paste.  It'll save me money on a hot dog.

Oh, no!  They're going to suspend Prince for the Cardinals series starting tomorrow! 

Oh, no!  I enjoy worrying more about the team behind us than the team in front of us.
Quote from: BC on August 11, 2007, 06:48:17 PM
Maybe I was wrong last night. The Cardinals faced Lowe today and just flat wore him out. Ankiel needs to get plunked, he's leaned out over the plate and pulled pitches on the outside corner out of the park on two of his three homers.

Of course, the Cardinals get the Padres and Dodgers when those teams are playing absolutely horribly while the Cubs played those teams when they were hot.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Phuck you, Philadelphia
August 05, 2007, 07:33:02 PM
I would think turning him into a left fielder is probably a safer first attempt than just trading him.  Besides, when Prince spends the 2009 season recovering from his gastric bypass surgery, Braun can play first.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Phuck you, Philadelphia
August 05, 2007, 05:06:04 PM
Jose Mesa's got nothing.

The first out was the homer that Rowand caught.  The second would have been a rocket single except Charlie Manuel had Jimmy Rollins standing right behind the bag and Prince was thrown out.

Then he walked Kevin Mench, and Geoff Jenkins just hit a rope that bounced (on one hop) off "Kevin" Roberson's glove and there are runners at second and third.  Manuel just told Mesa to walk Ponch Estrada to load the bases (putting the winning run on) for gritty little asshole Craig Counsell.

Desipio Lounge / Re: Phuck you, Philadelphia
August 05, 2007, 05:00:57 PM
The highlight (other than Derrick Turnbow pulling a Sean Marshall and walking a pitcher in the 10th) was that the two-out game tying single was a pretty routine grounder to great-hit, no-field rookie Ryan Braun.  Not only should he have had it, but he so completely whiffed on it that he couldn't even keep in the infield which would have only made it 6-5.

As as I say this he hits what would have been his second homer of the day, but Aaron Rowand just pulled it back into the park for the first out in the 11th.

Jock would have probably charged in behind second base on that one.
Quote from: BC on July 30, 2007, 01:28:18 PM
Let's say that...

This week:

Cubs go 2-5
Brewers go 2-4
Cardinals go 4-2

Standings would be:

MIL 59-53 --
CHC 57-53 1 GB
STL 53-55 4 GB

Next week:

Cubs go 2-5
Brewers go 1-5
Cardinals go 5-2

MIL 60-58 --
CHC 59-58 .5 GB
STL 58-57 .5 GB

Week after (Remember that STL plays both MIL and CHC):

Say the Cardinals sweep the Brewers at MIL while the Cubs can only win 1 of 3 from the Reds, then the Cardinals go to CHC and win 2 of 3 while the Brewers can win 2 of 3 from the Reds...

Cubs go 2-4
Brewers go 2-4
Cardinals go 5-1

STL 63-58 --
MIL 62-62 2.5 GB
CHC 61-62 3 GB


That scenario is realistic, and doesn't even take into account worst-case scenarios that could see the Brewers and Cubs even farther behind than the 2.5 and 3 games back they are in this scenario.

I'm still trying to follow this.  Where do the 15-1 and 12-1 losses the Cardinals have posted on their way to a 1-5 road trip through Pissburgh and DC fit in?
See, this is why the Brewers can't win.  They half-assed this.  Ned needed to beat up his annoying catcher.  Just yelling at him isn't enough.  Hell, if all you had to do is yell at the catcher to win a pennant, Lou's Mariners would have been to six World Series with all the bitching he did at John Marzano and Dan Wilson.

If you're serious about winning, you do what it takes.  Ned should have punched his fat assed catcher.  Some guys just don't have what it takes, I guess.
The whole "professionally made sign" thing needs to go.  Honestly, if you're older than 12 and you make a sign to take to a game (unless it says "Oh, how humiliating" on it) you need to be kicked out of the game, stripped to your Depends and forced onto the street with a high powered hose.

Its' just so...Cardinals.

Also, I wanted to interview this douche and went to his site to contact him.  Check out what's missing on the Contact Us form:

Anybody see a Submit button?  Guh.
Quote from: BC on July 30, 2007, 01:28:18 PM
Let's say that...

This week:

Cubs go 2-5
Brewers go 2-4
Cardinals go 4-2

Standings would be:

MIL 59-53 --
CHC 57-53 1 GB
STL 53-55 4 GB

Next week:

Cubs go 2-5
Brewers go 1-5
Cardinals go 5-2

MIL 60-58 --
CHC 59-58 .5 GB
STL 58-57 .5 GB

Week after (Remember that STL plays both MIL and CHC):

Say the Cardinals sweep the Brewers at MIL while the Cubs can only win 1 of 3 from the Reds, then the Cardinals go to CHC and win 2 of 3 while the Brewers can win 2 of 3 from the Reds...

Cubs go 2-4
Brewers go 2-4
Cardinals go 5-1

STL 63-58 --
MIL 62-62 2.5 GB
CHC 61-62 3 GB


That scenario is realistic, and doesn't even take into account worst-case scenarios that could see the Brewers and Cubs even farther behind than the 2.5 and 3 games back they are in this scenario.

Stop it.  Just stop it.  What makes you think the Cardinals can go 14-5 in a season when they struggle to even approach .500.

How about this scenario?  The Cubs and Brewers team planes collide in mid air and the crash lands on the Bears training camp in Bourbonnais?  Roger Goddell, Bud Selig, The Pope and GW Bush decide that in the best interests of the Midwest that the NFL and MLB seasons be cancelled, and they declare the Cardinals the winners of the World Series and the Packers the winners of the Super Bowl?

Now THERE is something to worry about.
Somebody talk BC in off the ledge.  This is like the morans who think that the earlier the Cubs get into first the better chance is that they'll blow it.  You'd think it was as easy as just waiting until September 30 to take the division lead.

If the Cubs are a good team, they'll take over first place, put their head down and start sprinting away from every other team in the Central.  It won't matter if that happens tomorrow night, next week or next month. 

All St. Louis accomplished this past week was to gain two games on a team who isn't going to be in first place much longer, and to do it in a way that pretty much kills what little confidence that team had.

The Brewers have a much better team than St. Louis, and the Cubs have a better team than either of them.  When all's said and done the Cardinals will be right where they ought to be.

Third place.
Quote from: The Ghost of Chris Benoit on July 16, 2007, 02:49:46 PM
Quote from: Andy on July 16, 2007, 02:44:31 PM
Have any Cubs' fans noticed yet that "It's Gonna Happen" is written in the font the Red Sox use on their uniform fronts (both home and road?)

Quote from: Corn-fed on July 16, 2007, 10:44:52 AM

I think they zoomed in on one of these shirts Fan Cam-style yesterday.

It looked like it was written in Red Sox lettering.


Quote from: The Big Cheese on July 16, 2007, 12:02:52 PM
It was definitely Red Sox font, Red Sox colors, the schmo prob got a good deal on a bunch of left-over placards from '04.

He wore the matching "It's Gonna Happen" hat and tshirt and managed to get the hat on Woo-Woo, presumably gratis. 

Oh for chrissakes, if you're going to expect me to read my own messageboard, you're dopier than I am.
Have any Cubs' fans noticed yet that "It's Gonna Happen" is written in the font the Red Sox use on their uniform fronts (both home and road?)

If "it" is I'm going to get pissed and try to beat that guy to death with his Busch Stadium-esque professionally painted sign, then "it" is indeed going to happen.
Colin Cowherd was going on today about how he knows Tejada did steroids because "he gave Rafael Palmeiro the B-12 shot", "Jose Canseco says Miguel did 'roids" and because Tejada is only on pace to hit 14 home runs this year!

Colin did not point out (because I'm sure he doesn't know) that Tejada broke his wrist on June 21.  Little, insignificant detail, there.

The reason this works is because Lou uses him properly.  Dusty would have put at second and left him there "because a dude's got to get comfortable, dude."