
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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Messages - Andy

Just for the record, my comment was much more positive than Chuck's. 

Then again, a dead badger is more positive than Chuck.

And for the record, I'll go to war with Mike Fontenot and Ryan Theriot any day.  Good, solid baseball players with good approaches at the plate?  It's Lou's willingness to play them that started this turnaround.
In the lineup yesterday, the Cubs' pitcher started the day with a batting average 100 points higher than his catcher.

Ouch, babe.

Looks like Hank White to the rescue the last week of July.  What they need to add is the one thing they claim to be looking for, a righthanded hitting outfielder with some pop.  Especially since Clifford has begun running into outfield walls on a regular basis.  I fear for the full-time return of Jock to RF if this isn't addressed.

The Cubs have already picked up as many games in July on the Brewers as they did in June.  Just thought that was interesting.
I'm sure you click on it every day anyway.  But if you get a chance, head over to the homepage and click on the "How are things going?" link.

For a day anyway, she's crying for a different reason.  Oh, you need to turn your sound up.  It's safe for work, I promise.
When it was 5-0 I thought about those terrible games in 2004 when the Cubs got big leads on the Cardinals 6-0 and 5-0 I think and lost them both, and I thought, "Too bad we can't do one of those to the Brewers, that kind of kick to the nuts lasts a long time."

Who knew?

Count me in among the horde of idiots honking his horn and pumping his fist on the drive home.  Just saw the highlight with Len's call which was tremendous, but for this one I was glad to hear it through Pat Hughes' "eyes" with his always great home run call and Ron screaming like a banshee in the background.  Those two are at their best when something awesome happens, and I was more than happy to share it with them.  I also don't know how I kept the car on the road.

Treefuckingmendous.  Good times.

If a game is on the line, the Cub you want at the plate is E-ramis.  Always.
Now you tell me.  I just got done polishing Yovani Gallardo's fucking Hall of Fame plaque!  Great, now I'll toss it in the corner over there with the ones I made up for Drew Hall and Ted Power.
One way or the other, the defining game of the 2007 Cubs season may very well have been played this week.  Let's hope it was yesterday and the six run eighth, and not Thursday and the five run ninth.

People may eventually pooh-pooh (yes pooh-pooh) the Grand Slam yesterday because the Cubs had already taken the lead on E-ramis' triple, but we know the difference between a five run lead and a one run lead with this bunch.

Plus, it was just so fucking cool.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
May 08, 2007, 11:11:11 AM
What are you guys doing in here?

What are you doing in here?

I pay for this privilege!

Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
April 30, 2007, 03:21:19 PM
Come on, Dr. Z was right on about the Bears lousy 2006 draft.  Who did they get that was worth a damn?

They traded their first round pick and got some girl defensive back named Danielle Manning.  They drafted a defensive back who can't cover anybody named Devin Hester and it's not like he could do anything else.  Then, in the fifth round they drafted a piece of crap defensive end named Mark Anderson who can't play the run.  It's not like those three guys can play any role in getting to a Super Bowl or anything.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Opening. Day. Female. Odges.
April 02, 2007, 09:14:59 AM
The best thing about this opening day is that every team is undefeated.

Except for the Cardinals.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The only site I'll ever need...
March 07, 2007, 11:35:53 AM
Jake would be of help.  Try him at his e-mail and see if he ever checks it.

The only other guy I know who lives in KC is Joe Carter and you DO NOT want him getting a hold of your e-mail address.  He keeps pestering me about why Pete Rozelle never returns his IMs.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
February 26, 2007, 02:02:01 PM
"Oh're up."

"These studs are way too far apart."

"You are dressed just like the servants!"

"Why is this so hard...that's what she said.  Oh, no, I'm doing it."

I enjoyed Karen messing with Jim about all of her ex-boyfriends.  She's the balls.  I'm going to miss her.

I loved Roy's reaction.  He just whipped that beer bottle at the mirror, and his brother, not seeming to know or care why they were breaking stuff, just joined right in.

"Are we going to get arrested?"
"No, I paid them off."
"The Jet Ski money?"
"All of it."

"Yes, we did set a date.  But I don't want to talk about it.  I could use some space here!"

"I run a small fake ID business out of my car, with a laminating machine I stole from the Sherriff's office."

Still the funniest show on TV.

30 Rock?  The first rule of 30 Rock still applies.  When it's not about Tina Fey, it's funny, when it's...not so funny.
Desipio Lounge / Phil Rogers' time machine
February 23, 2007, 08:21:18 AM
In the second page of today's "column" on Felix Pie by Phil Rogers, Phil apparently invents a time machine:,1,1416741.column?page=2&coll=cs-home-headlines

Quote[Pie] almost played alongside Sammy Sosa in 2004 but suffered a bone bruise sliding into third base on a triple just before circumstances forced Hendry to make a call to Double-A for two outfielders, Murton and the unfortunate Adam Greenberg (hit in the head with the first pitch he saw in the big leagues and still trying to get back) got the call while Pie slowly healed. the Cubs didn't trade for Matt Murton until July 31, 2004, and the Florida call-ups of Murton and Greenberg happened just before the All-Star Break in 2005, how could any of this be true?

Phil just confused Sammy Sosa with Jeromy Burnitz. why Phil makes the big bucks.
Boobtube / Re: Friday Night Lights
February 22, 2007, 03:04:41 PM
Connie Britton gets better looking every week.

The show is still tremendous, even when the plots get ludicrous (like the three episode Smash steroids thing).  The characters are great, and I just like looking at Lyla and Tyra.

Oh, and Mrs. Stanwyck, who is aging pretty well, and can still throw a punch.

Just put it on the Underhills tab.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
February 06, 2007, 08:58:13 AM
Quote from: JD, Too on February 05, 2007, 03:13:53 PM
Yeah, I still peruse King's crap.  Here's a saucy nugget.  No link because you all know where to find him.

QuoteI love how Favre announced he was coming back on the Friday of Super Bowl week, and told the local paper in town. That is so classic Favre. He picked the time where the world would be most focused on something else, so he could get the minimum amount of attention. Beautiful.

Is Farvarah not the same guy that, last offseason, basically held up the Packers from doing anything significant because they were waiting on word whether he'd be back?  And didn't he have press conferences where he'd announce that he still hadn't made a decision? 

Oh, and by the way:

QuoteTom Brady and O.J. Simpson shared the same South Beach restaurant, but not the same table, Friday night.

If you were a waiter at a restaurant and OJ and his date dined there and she forgot her are damn sure going to throw those fucking things in the dumpster.  Am I right?  High five!

Desipio Lounge / Re: You Tube discoveries
January 29, 2007, 11:38:53 AM
Blades of Glory, starring Will Ferrell, Gob Bluth, Napoleon Dynamite, Hayden Fox and Amy Poehler.