
OK A-holes.  It's fixed.  Enjoy the orange links, because I have no fucking idea how to change them.  I basically learned scripting in four days to fix this damned thing. - Andy

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Messages - Andy

Boobtube / Re: Survivor
May 16, 2005, 10:15:26 AM
The most ludicrous thing about Ian's decision was that he gave up so that the fat girl that he had a crush on could win 100K (the second place take.)

However, I think Tom was going to lie to Ian and take Katie to the finals.  At least I would have.  She only got one vote and it was Ian's.  You could tell how badly Tom wanted to win, with the way he berated everybody in the last four shows.  But give him credit he won every immunity challenge down the stretch, just like Colby did.  What we'll never know is if he had the stones to throw off the last deserving adversary to guarantee a win.  Colby didn't.

And lastly, this was a good season, one of the better ones in fact, but what was with all the crying?  Ian cried all the time and so did all of the women.  Heck, Stephenie acted more like a man than everybody except Tom.
Mariotti rips the Fish for trading Lee, but somehow manages to completely miss the most damning thing about the trade.  One year after trading Derrek for the first baseman of the future they had to spend more than twice what Derrek is getting from the Cubs for a guy who's older and can't catch the ball.

But really, all Jay's column was about today was an excuse to recount how Derrek's dad showed (allegedly) his mandingo to some stewardesses in a hotel hallway.

But who hasn't done that?
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 21, 2005, 03:16:29 PM
I liked watching Dwight try and drink water while wearing the "broken nose face shield" during the basketball game was pretty good.  The Office is a very funny show.  You can see Ricky Gervais' fingerprints all over it.  When NBC bought the rights to Coupling they ruined it by not letting the creator do anything.  They just made an unfunny Friends rip off and slapped his name on the end of it.  I just hope his checks cleared.
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
April 18, 2005, 01:29:47 PM
Actually you're the only one who's crying, but I did enjoy the music.
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
April 18, 2005, 08:57:58 AM
At the end of last night's epsiode they finished with, "On the next season of Arrested Development..." and then showed some previews.

This would have been big news, except on the DVDs of Season One, Mitch Hurwitz says that they did that at the end of season one and had no idea if there really was going to be a season two.

According to the message board at May 19 is decision day as to the renewal of our favorite show.
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
April 15, 2005, 03:13:25 PM
He points out that the end of Sunday's show could be sad because it has coming attractions for a show we might never see.

The "on the next Arrested Developments" hardly ever happen anyway.

Here's hoping that if AD gets axed HBO scoops it up.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 07, 2005, 09:12:03 AM
One of the funniest scenes on any show all year.

"What's an inverted penis?"
"You mean...a vagina?  Because I want that covered."
"I thought you had yours removed?"
"I had a hysterectomy.  They remove your uterus, not your vagina.  They're not the same thing."

Boobtube / Re: The Office
April 03, 2005, 11:12:54 AM
I liked when the boss was interrupting the diversity trainer (the black guy) and then asked what his name was, when the trainer said his name was Mr. Brown, the boss said:

"I will not call you that.  Nice try though.  That was a test, right?"

Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
March 30, 2005, 03:53:24 PM
Watch them in order.  Every show is funny on its own, but it's funnier when you realize how many "extra" jokes are built up from previous references.

By the way, I don't want Morgan Freeman to narrate my life anymore, I want Opie Cunningham.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 28, 2005, 09:22:59 AM
The former Fox president was also believed to be an Arrested Development fan, and she's the one who cut the order from 22 to 18, hoping to keep the show profitable (because it's one of Fox's most expensive shows because of all the location shooting they do and the size of the cast) and to keep it out of sweeps so that a bad May ratings run wouldn't doom it to cancellation.

Last night's show was the first filmed after the order was cut to 22 and has a joke about the order for new Bluth homes cut from 22 to 18 and solved by moving the company from the expensive top floor of a building to the second to the top floor.  They apparently re-wrote half the show just to make that joke.

One of the things that seems to all but guarantee AD's return is The Bernie Mac Show is kaput, with Bernie blowing up to Jerry Lewis size with his treatment for his dread disease.  And, with That '70s Show trying to stick around for another year without Ashton or Topher, Fox pretty much needs Arrested.
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
March 28, 2005, 09:17:30 AM
Fellow NIU alum Dan Castellanetta played the "good doctor" last night.  When he explained to Michael that his appendectomy went well but there was an infection he quietly said "D'oh."

Dan just happens to be the voice of Homer Simpson.

I just finished watching the DVDs from the first season, and the show is actually funnier the second time you see the episodes because they have so many hidden jokes and so many jokes that are only funny after you know what's going to happen.

For example in the current season, it starts with Buster being distraught that Lucille One has thrown out his "hand" chair, and he goes on and on after he gets it back about how much he'd hate to lose his "hand."

In the same show, a Fox News update in the background of a scene has the announcer reading about a "seal attack".  It means nothing...until three shows later when Buster's taking his first ever swim in the ocean (fully clothed) and has his hand eaten by a seal.  Which just happens to be wearing a bow tie...just like the one Gob kicked out of his act and threw into the ocean.

Just a great show.
Boobtube / Re: The Office
March 25, 2005, 04:26:48 PM
I watched it.  They actually planned the Illinois game to end at 8:30 just so I could watch it.  I think it's got potential to be very funny, but then I'm an unabashed fan of the original.  Ricky Gervais the other co-creator collaborated on the "teleplay" for the first episode, which pretty closely mirrored the first episode of the UK version of The Office.

Steve Carrell is great, and Rainn Wilson is perfect as the American version of Gareth. 

They've already got the awkward pauses down, and I'll keep watching.

Right now the only show with humans in it that is consistently funny is Arrested Development, with Scrubs coming the closest runner up.  We NEED The Office to be good, people!
The Old Feedbag / Re: Beer
March 23, 2005, 01:18:47 PM
I can drink Guiness all day.  All freakin' day.  I think the most I've ever had in one sitting was a dozen.  I got plenty drunk, but I never once thought "I can't drink another one."

I also took a dump the next day that looked a lot like Gary Coleman.

It's why Guinness is the perfect beer.  Your hangover only lasts until your bowels make a move.
The Old Feedbag / Re: Beer
March 22, 2005, 03:56:47 PM
You can fill up on beer? 
Boobtube / Re: Arrested Development
February 21, 2005, 01:50:38 PM
If Fox is dumb enough to cancel "Arrested Development" (the only funny non-cartoon they have left), you would think NBC would pick it up.  They need good shows.  Maybe they can make it Law and Order: San Quentin?