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Messages - TJ

Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 23, 2008, 04:27:56 PM
I was just saying his sentiment is right on. If the Cubs conclude this season in a way they haven't this past century, it would be great to see Maddux as part of it. If he costs close to nothing, Al is right: even his road splits are better than the crap being put up there as the Cubs' No. 5 starter. He'd be here for depth and to provide a few quality starts.

When I said they need a SP more than they need a CF, I sort of misspoke. I was feebly trying to compare this to the signing of Edmonds. Let me pose the question this way: if a Kyler Burke type guy (and paying Maddux's salary) would be all it would take to get him here, wouldn't you agree that it'd be worthwhile to take a flyer on him? Wouldn't you agree he'd provide more value than Edmonds?

The Edmonds nightmare will be over in a couple weeks: either he'll start hitting, or he'll be busing tables at his restaurant in St. Louis. If the Cubs take a flyer on Maddux and he starts to suck, I'm sure they'd work out a way to make the end of his career as graceful as possible as soon as the shit hits the fan. You think he'd want to keep going out there every 5th day if he made Jason Marquis look like Cy Young?

Short version of what I just said:
1. I like Maddux.
2. It would be cool to see Maddux catch lightning in a bottle one last time.
3. I think the chances Maddux would provide value to the Cubs are significantly higher than the value Edmonds is providing.
4. If the Padres don't demand any players that can, you know, play, then the risk is low enough to justify it.
5. Like Edmonds, the Maddux experience would end quickly if it didn't work out.

If bringing Maddux in here necessarily means no other SP can be acquired, forget it.

But sentimentally, yeah.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 23, 2008, 02:14:50 PM
I don't disagree with Yellon's sentiment. We could use a SP much more than we could use a CF, so if Maddux is available for almost nothing, what's the harm?
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 20, 2008, 04:21:02 PM
Quote from: Indolent Reader on May 20, 2008, 04:16:58 PM
Quote from: The Paul Popovich Experience on May 20, 2008, 04:10:11 PM
Quote from: Mike D on May 20, 2008, 03:38:55 PM
Some people wonder why we bother rattling the cages of those sob sisters at the other limp-wristed sites.

This.  This is why.  Fact is, I'm pretty certain there are people at these sites who--I know, I know, this may hard to believe--for one reason or another are completely unaware that sites like this exist.  So while our going over there and causing trouble may seem to some like self-congratulatory back-slapping, it's reallly a means to shaking out any recruits.  After all, two of the finest morans that we have here--Slaky and Kerm--originally hung their hats at BCB and NSBB, respectively.  I'm certain there are many other desipiots who found this place only after they spent time at these other places.  The ones who are aware of this place and choose to stay in mother's den...these are the people we delight in mocking.  But I'm pretty convinced there are some people there that should probably be here instead.

Welcome, 5 outs.  You scum-sucking douchebag.

What if one STARTED at this smart-ass site? Hell, what if you were hanging around before Paul? Before there even WAS a Desipio message board? Does that make me an incurable agitator, or just a raging homicidal maniac that just happened to find like-minded Cub fans? A site where any of us will cap your ass in a heartbeat if you refer to the team as "Cubbies" or if you bring your own box lunch to the fucking ballpark.

BTW, I was hanging around when Dolan actually had a genuine DAILY Dose, but I digress.....wealth and fame have corrupted the grab-ass interwebs star, the fucking Mick.

What if one was a part of the original Desipio messageboard?  The one that didn't make it out of its infancy? 

You, me, Andy and KD.

That was good times.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 20, 2008, 02:15:28 PM
Quote from: Lance Dicksons Arm on May 20, 2008, 02:13:08 PM
But I don't think Thrillho is a plagiarist.  Too classy for that.

Plagiarism aside, of course.

Was Thrillho a Boston Red Sox fan since he was a little girl?
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 20, 2008, 11:40:09 AM
Quote from: Kerm on May 20, 2008, 11:08:35 AM
Quote from: Poon on May 20, 2008, 11:00:27 AM
Ok, now I'm new here and don't know all the jokes that have been cracked and all of that stuff, but that shirt is fucking horrible.

You passed the first test.

For the second test, mail me a money order and I will ship you the new Desipio shirt.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
May 20, 2008, 09:20:53 AM
Quote from: Chuckosan on May 20, 2008, 09:19:24 AM
Pshaw!  I once got a letter from Markos "Kos" Molsoutas (the owner of SportsNation) telling me to stay off the site.

Desipio Lounge / Re: The Phil Rogers Curse?
May 19, 2008, 03:46:30 PM
Quote from: CT II on May 19, 2008, 03:20:06 PM
Quote from: PTanner on May 19, 2008, 03:06:41 PM
Solider Fangen wird gefüllt mit Immigranten auf! = ALE-ESS-YEW!


Rather it said "Soldier Field is filled with illegal immigrants!" when I put it in English and translated it to German.

Not anymore. The Fire moved to Bridgeview.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The Phil Rogers Curse?
May 19, 2008, 09:51:19 AM
Quote from: CT II on May 19, 2008, 09:48:59 AM
Quote from: PTanner on May 19, 2008, 08:42:37 AM
Quote from: Slaky+ on May 19, 2008, 08:18:46 AM
In second place was "The Fast Cash Option at the ATM."

Just in front of dipped Italian Beef.

Nothing should be in front of dipped Italian Beef.

I don't know. I always pictured CT's power rankings to go thusly:

Quote1. Joe Kmak - retired backup catcher keeps getting better and better. And he was awesome to start with.
2. Jim Oberweis campaigns - for pure entertainment value, nothing on TV is better.
3. Dipped Italian Beef
Quote from: Mike D on May 16, 2008, 09:52:29 AM
Quote from: PTanner on May 16, 2008, 09:45:12 AM
Quote from: Eli on May 16, 2008, 09:32:45 AM
Quote from: PTanner on May 16, 2008, 09:05:02 AM
Isn't there some pancake house chain around Independence, something like the 49er or something like that? Pretty damn cultured, as far as I recall.

IHOP, I think.

We KNOW that's cultured. Shit, it's International, for crying out loud!

Isn't KC south of the newly re-named "IHOP/Waffle House" line?

Also, I was in KC once for a whole week (work-related), and I positive it.  I was in a bad mood when I arrived, because it was after that retarded Cubs/Expos game in 2000 which I watched at O'Hare when the Cubs lost like 16-15.  Can't remember the places we ate at, but I do remember The Hurrican and Ziegfields.  Good times.

Is Jake Potter dead, or did he just grow weary of BC? Isn't he a KC guy?
Every July 4 I go to Las Vegas with a group of friends, and spend 4 days there, which is too long. Because of that, we schedule a day trip to a ballgame. It started innocently enough, with us renting a car and driving down to Phoenix to watch Mark Mulder come five outs from throwing a perfecto vs. Bob Brenly's and Mark Grace's D-backs. It continued with two more trips to Arizona, once in 2002 to watch the Dodgers knock off the D-backs, and then again in 2004 as the D-backs celebrated Brenly's axing by losing to Minnesota (and I celebrated by watching the fifth game of my $50 5-team parlay come in on the out of town scoreboard). Then we mixed in a trip to LA (to watch the D-backs and Dodgers yet again), and then PETCO in 2006 to see Chris R. Young's fist and Matt Morris' beard duel.

This year, we're going to San Francisco to catch the Cubs and the Giants play in a 4:05 game at Pac Bell SBC AT&T Park. Here's the catch: Game starts at 4:05 PT (weird), and we have a 9:00 flight out of SFO to McCarran. Berkeley, Stew, how much should I allow for traffic/BART/packed mule to get back to the airport?
Quote from: Eli on May 14, 2008, 10:33:26 AM

I'm thinking about making a trip to Chicago in July with my girlfriend!!! to visit some friends and see a Cubs game.  The weekend that seems to work is July 11-13, when the Cubs are playing the Giants.

Since it's a weekend, all tickets appear to be snapped up.  So what's the best way to go about finding tickets?  Stubhub?  Or do any morans here have tickets they don't want for that weekend? 

Suggestions are appreciated.

Go the day of the game, and buy tickets at the Wrigley Field box office. They always have definitely a few they hold back unless every sponsor and visiting players' wives want to go.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
May 13, 2008, 01:37:17 PM
Quote from: PTanner on May 13, 2008, 01:11:56 PM

The Bears, or any other team in the NFL, would have some tough sledding to out-dumbass Gang Green as far as draft picks go.

Remember the year they cut the entire draft class? The year they took Jeff Lagemann with the #7 pick, prompting Kiper to say "The Jets have no idea what the draft is for"?

Steak balls.

[Thrillho]If you don't remember, you can relive[/Thrillho]
Desipio Lounge / Re: Peter King's MMQB
May 13, 2008, 12:00:36 PM
Quote from: Andre Dawson's Creek on May 13, 2008, 11:51:16 AM
Quote from: CT II on May 13, 2008, 11:31:42 AM
Quote from: TJ on May 12, 2008, 09:01:33 AM
Quote from: RV on May 12, 2008, 08:50:59 AM
Quote from: Three times a JD on May 12, 2008, 08:39:31 AM
I apologize if you read this far because this post kinda sucked, too.

I think I think you couldn't be more wrong about this. So a guy who was the #4 pick in the draft and will be lucky to have Ron Dayne's career MIGHT BE a bigger disappointment than the guy who quarterbacked the Bears to their first Super Bowl in 20 years?

I'm sure if Pter King actually polled Bears fans and football writers that have actually followed the Bears (or simply picked up a media guide), he'd be shocked that you could find 15 first-round Bear draft picks in the past 20 years who have been more disappointing than Rex:

Ced Benson
Brad Muster
Michael Haynes
Marc Colombo
John Thierry
Alonzo Spellman
David Terrell
Stan Thomas
Rashaan Salaam
Cade McNown
Curtis Enis
Walt Harris
Curtis Conway
Wendell Davis
Rick Mirer (Essentially the No. 1 pick in 1997)

Brad Muster?!?  Say it ain't so, TJ, say it ain't so...

Can I start the list of second rd busts with Fred Washington? What the  fuck did that guy ever do in a Bears uniform?

First guy to suffer two simultaneous decapitations.
Quote from: Mike D on May 12, 2008, 01:27:26 PM
Quote from: LoneStarCubFan on May 12, 2008, 12:38:08 PM
Quote from: Dave B on May 12, 2008, 11:52:05 AM
I concur. I was thinking of that series as an example of what could have happened this year if the Cubs had gotten off to a smilar slow start. The panic level hit DANGER for fans at Wrigley that weekend and things got out of control.

For me that season went off the rails when Mercker, Bako and Farnsworth conspired to blow that big lead against St. Louis on a night they were poised to move into a tie for first. Happened in late June as I recall.

Indeed, LoneStar.  The night before, Rammy blasted a gap double to right-center off of Isringhausen for a comeback win in Game 1.  I was in Bowling Green, KY, for the next night getting my drink on at some Ruby Tuesday's when Mercker and Farnsworth and such blew a big lead and Mercker went into a speed-induced freakout on the umps, blaming them, apparently, for his inability to not suck, yielding me with an Eyre-like hangover the next morning. The next night I was driving back to Chicago when Cesar Izturis made 7 errors and hit into 18 double plays.  The Cubs never drew that close to the Tards again.

Can we lock this thread?  2004 was the shittiest season, from beginning to end, in my life.  Shittier than 1997 because they dragged us all the way to the finish line before kicking us in the nuts.

It was Alex Gonzalez who made 85 errors vs. the Cards. Cesar was busy molesting Dodgers.
He screwed up a double switch. Ramon Martinez hit a go-ahead double but was called out for batting out of order. Baker apparently tried to explain the double-switch by "pointing" to Martinez and then to the pitcher from the dugout. CB Bucknor mysteriously did not understand. The Cubs wound up winning late on back-to-back HRs by Sosa and Alou, I believe.