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Messages - thehawk

Jay Cutler looked like he was having fun out there.
Desipio Lounge / Re: 2009 College Football Thread
December 26, 2009, 05:57:56 PM
So where is Urban Meyer going?
The Dead Pool / Re: Sports Machine Unplugged
December 24, 2009, 01:19:18 PM
He was my pre-Versus source for all things rodeo.
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 02:14:47 PM
Quote from: Slack-E on December 18, 2009, 02:05:59 PM
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 02:00:02 PM
Quote from: Fork on December 18, 2009, 01:58:21 PM
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 01:56:54 PM
Quote from: Fork on December 18, 2009, 01:52:51 PM
Quote from: Oleg on December 18, 2009, 01:51:20 PM
Can someone try to convince me that Hossa is not on the 5 best players in the NHL?  Especially with how good he is on defence?

Intrepid Readers: Alex Ovechkin, Henrik Lundqvist, Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Pavel Datsyuk

Where do we sign?

Ovechkin, fine.  Malkin, OK.

The other three?  Is Crosby really that good on defence; or does his offence make up for it?  Datsyuk?  Really?

I'll need CT to back up your Lundqvist love.

I'm really asking, I don't know.

So, fine.  6th best?

Top 10, until Toews bumps him off.

Good enough for me.  Man, he's awesome.

Congrats Fork on pissing in Oleg's Cheerios. He's here to spread some joy about Marian Hossa's excellence you just pooped in his lunchbox.

We get enough Malkin and Crosby talk from the Dope in Hyde Park. Knock it off.


Thanks, Slak.  Hossa does indeed rule.  I was trying to quantify it.  I always knew he was a point-per-game player, but I had no idea he was so damn good on defence.

Right now, the entire Hawks team is a awesome sundae made with awesome ice cream, awesome syrup and a side car of awsome.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Totally Unlistenable
December 16, 2009, 09:59:00 PM
Quote from: Pre on December 16, 2009, 09:42:05 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on December 16, 2009, 09:15:44 PM
I'm gonna post it on my Comcast account.  WGN can sue me for overusing my fair use if they like.

I think you mean WGN's shareholders creditors.

we've been through this already'd
Desipio Lounge / Re: Totally Unlistenable
December 16, 2009, 11:53:08 AM

And let me add that I enjoyed listening to the radiocast last night (had to go to the Bulls game).  Kudos to you three for making Kaplan listenable.  Loved the Theriot comment regarding where he should play [Second... or Japan]
Desipio Lounge / Re: Totally Unlistenable
December 16, 2009, 11:49:45 AM
Quote from: CT III on December 16, 2009, 11:05:09 AM
Quote from: thehawk on December 16, 2009, 10:51:44 AM

2(b).  If any of you follow Hockee, you know that "Mr. Blackberry" Jim Basille (who is Mr. Bettman's Cuban) tried to buy the Phoenix Cayotes out of bankruptcy, in order to move them to Hamiliton, Ontairo.  The NHL recently convinced the (US) Bankruptcy Court that, as the NHL would not approve of Basille as an owner or the move of the team, the court should take a lower offer from the league.  Due to a very old and odd Supreme Court Case, MLB is in a even better legal position than the other sports league (including then NHL), as the Court ruled that baseball was a 'pasttime' and thus not subject to anti-trust law at all.  Now Congress could had made a show of attempting to repeal the anti-trust exemption if Cuban went public long and loud enough (see steroids hearings, actions when the strike occurred etc.), but I think the courts at this point would take the position that the MLB can reject who it wants to on pretty much whatever basis it would like.

Hawk, isn't the Coyotes case a bit more complicated though?  There was more than a dispute over the highest bid/transfer of ownership.  The NHL's primary argument is that once they took possession of the team, Jerry Moyes did not have the right to place the team in bankruptcy in the first place.  Also, Balsillie's stated intent was to purchase the team and then move them to Hamilton, ON, which would have major impact on the Phoenix situation as well as the Toronto and Buffalo franchises.  I guess what I'm saying is the Cubs sale is more of a straightforward ownership transfer disagreement, while Balsillie's plan involved moving of the club out of the country and potentially having a major economic impact on two other franchises in the league.  I doubt that's a situation that any bankruptcy judge in his right mind would want to touch.

The NHL did try to get the bankruptcy thrown out on the basis that Moyes didn't have the right to put the team into bankruptcy, but, as the court decided which offer that was taken, that argument must have gone away in some manner.  While I haven't read the case, I am not sure that the intent to move the team mattered that much, as I believe the decision was based on the fact that the NHL has a near absolute right to approve a new owner for any or no good reason.  Thus, if Basille would not be approved (as the NHL made clear), the Court decided that Basille's bid was not likely to be able to be achieved.  For the court to have accepted Basilles deal, they would have had to, in effect, rewrite the NHL league rules, which I'm pretty sure the court didn't want to touch either (while the Bankruptcy courts have the power to terminate contracts like leases and such, they do not have the power to rewrite them).
Desipio Lounge / Re: Totally Unlistenable
December 16, 2009, 10:51:44 AM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on December 16, 2009, 10:26:09 AM
Quote from: Oleg on December 16, 2009, 10:14:10 AM
2. Chuck, when you said that if Cuban were to offer the most money for the team and was denied ownership, the Tribune shareholders would have filed suit.  Wouldn't they be filing suit as league owners, and are therefore not allowed to use MLB?  Would there have been a way to challange the anti-trust exemption in that case?

Well, I'll let a lawyer (like Stew) answer whether a shareholder suit would be considered a suit by the "Owner."  I would think that they shareholders, as a class, could sue MLB and say, "You prevented us from maximizing the sale of an asset we own."  That would certainly seem to have Clayton Act issues ("illegal restraint of trade").

Man, would that have been fun.

2 (a).  It likely wouldn't have been the Tribune's shareholders who sued but its creditors as the company is in bankruptcy and they are the ones hurt by taking a lesser deal.  The creditors arguably has no agreement with MLB, so their case is somewhat better than the shareholders.

2(b).  If any of you follow Hockee, you know that "Mr. Blackberry" Jim Basille (who is Mr. Bettman's Cuban) tried to buy the Phoenix Cayotes out of bankruptcy, in order to move them to Hamiliton, Ontairo.  The NHL recently convinced the (US) Bankruptcy Court that, as the NHL would not approve of Basille as an owner or the move of the team, the court should take a lower offer from the league.  Due to a very old and odd Supreme Court Case, MLB is in a even better legal position than the other sports league (including then NHL), as the Court ruled that baseball was a 'pasttime' and thus not subject to anti-trust law at all.  Now Congress could had made a show of attempting to repeal the anti-trust exemption if Cuban went public long and loud enough (see steroids hearings, actions when the strike occured etc.), but I think the courts at this point would take the position that the MLB can reject who it wants to on pretty much whatever basis it would like.
Quote from: Internet Apex on December 11, 2009, 09:19:26 AM
Quote from: MAD on December 11, 2009, 09:12:37 AM
I'm being serious when I say I think they should consider hiring Weis to run the offense.

The thinking is based on my opinion that Lovie will be brought back for one more year, which is mostly based of course on the Bears not wanting to eat too much salary (1 year instead of 2), while justifying the retention by saying that Lovie's Cover-2 was crippled by Brian Urlacher's absence.  This will not only buy more time on his contract, but will make the decision to get rid of Smith AND Urlacher easier if it turns out that Urlacher's not worth the investment anymore--a case which gathers increasing strength with time--and the team blows again next year, further clearing the way for a clean start. 

At the same time, the team is going to need to account for this season's clusterfuck.  The organization can choose to blame Lovie, Marinelli, Babich and Co, for their inability to properly scheme, make adjustments and motivate various high-paid sacks of shit on the line....but that would lead right back to whacking Lovie with 2 years left on his deal.  On the other hand, considering that the offense was an equally disappointing band of retardation, the easier move to signify the organization is being proactive would be to whack the unaffiliated Ron Turner.  I've never been very passionate about Turner either way, but he makes a good scapegoat. 

In the meantime, who the hell is going to come here for what would, under this scenario, seem to be a lame duck season?  Well that's where the chubby bastard who's raising retarded kids on a farm 90 miles away comes in.  While Weis is certainly not desperate for a job as he still gets paid by his dumbfuck ex-employer, he would still, I imagine, need to restore his credibility as an offensive schemer who's already had success in the league if he ever wants another chance, before  everyone catches on to the fact that it's all Belichick and Tom Brady. 

It's probably doomed to fail, which means we at least would have 2011 to look forward to, when the Bears get to start drafting again, but what the fuck.

I'm glad you're the only one seriously considering it. If it's a lame duck season for Lovie in 2010, I'd rather they stick with Turner. If they bring in a lame duck OC for a lame duck coach, the quarterback will have to learn his third offense in three years with a certainty that he's going to learn a fourth the following year. I don't see the point. The Bears need new players more than they need new coaches.

I think Angelo and Lovie will get one more year and then the team will clean house and hire a new GM and Head Coach to run the draft, with a near certainty that it'll be a top 5 draft pick. The Bears are going to blow next year. We can only hope that they do so to the fullest possible extent. I've never been that type of fan, that roots for his team to lose but that's what Angelo has brought me to with this roster.

The biggest concern I would have with hiring Weis right now is that, if the senario that MAD described happened (Lovie getting fired at the end of the 2010 season), The Bear's braintrust would likely just elevate Weis to the HC position, which I do not want to see.

The Old Feedbag / Re: French market
December 07, 2009, 12:56:57 PM
Went on Saturday.  Still a bit of teething problems, and not all of the booths are open yet (including the frites and beer stand), but lots of good stuff there.  Not cheap though (about 7-10 bucks for the various sammwich options), but a lot of good choices.  Think most everything should be open by the 15th.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Happy Thanksgiving to all
November 26, 2009, 07:38:25 PM
Quote from: CBStew on November 26, 2009, 05:58:35 PM
including Mike C

Nothing like a long evening of post-thanksgiving drinking.  Hope everyone has a good time.