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Messages - thehawk

Quote from: Brownie on August 18, 2009, 10:46:12 AM
Quote from: thehawk on August 18, 2009, 10:42:01 AM
Quote from: Brownie on August 18, 2009, 08:31:52 AM
Quote from: Fork on August 18, 2009, 07:35:05 AM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on August 18, 2009, 12:23:07 AM

QuoteAbout 12 people were carrying guns, including at least one semi-automatic assault rifle, outside a building where President Obama was speaking today.

No one was arrested outside the VFW National Convention in Phoenix, according to the Associated Press, where hundreds of people demonstrated both for and against health care reform. There are no reports that the 12 were part of an organized group.

The man spotted carrying the assault rifle and a pistol, who gave his name only as "Chris", was asked why he was armed. "Because I can do it," he said. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms." You can watch the video from (go to about 1:30). He's being interviewed by a man who's also wearing a handgun.

Two police officers kept close by. Carrying guns, including the AR-15 assault rifle, is legal under Arizona law.

"If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time," said Detective J. Oliver.

If this trend continues, eventually, someone's gonna cross a line.

Somewhere, an otherwise law-abiding citizen, carrying a gun at a Presidential event ("because I can"), will get too close for Secret Service comfort and be temporarily relieved of their firearm and/or freedom.

Further proof, of course, that Obama wants to take our guns.

The contradictions heightened.

I'm guessing someone will take a pop at Obama.

The challenge will be for guys like Limbaugh and Beck to blame the Libruls instead of their own rhetoric aimed at the low-hanging fruit.

Nah, the blame would fall squarely on the guy who would take a pop at Obama.

Do you think that would be the case when one of these guys flinches or the shoulder strap on their AR-15 slips and a sniper takes them out?


Wish you were right Teej, but the words "Ruby Ridge" keep ringing in the back of my head.
Quote from: Brownie on August 18, 2009, 08:31:52 AM
Quote from: Fork on August 18, 2009, 07:35:05 AM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on August 18, 2009, 12:23:07 AM

QuoteAbout 12 people were carrying guns, including at least one semi-automatic assault rifle, outside a building where President Obama was speaking today.

No one was arrested outside the VFW National Convention in Phoenix, according to the Associated Press, where hundreds of people demonstrated both for and against health care reform. There are no reports that the 12 were part of an organized group.

The man spotted carrying the assault rifle and a pistol, who gave his name only as "Chris", was asked why he was armed. "Because I can do it," he said. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms." You can watch the video from (go to about 1:30). He's being interviewed by a man who's also wearing a handgun.

Two police officers kept close by. Carrying guns, including the AR-15 assault rifle, is legal under Arizona law.

"If we need to intervene, we will intervene at that time," said Detective J. Oliver.

If this trend continues, eventually, someone's gonna cross a line.

Somewhere, an otherwise law-abiding citizen, carrying a gun at a Presidential event ("because I can"), will get too close for Secret Service comfort and be temporarily relieved of their firearm and/or freedom.

Further proof, of course, that Obama wants to take our guns.

The contradictions heightened.

I'm guessing someone will take a pop at Obama.

The challenge will be for guys like Limbaugh and Beck to blame the Libruls instead of their own rhetoric aimed at the low-hanging fruit.

Nah, the blame would fall squarely on the guy who would take a pop at Obama.

Do you think that would be the case when one of these guys flinches or the shoulder strap on their AR-15 slips and a sniper takes them out?
Quote from: CBStew on August 13, 2009, 06:14:47 PM
Maybe German politics are even sillier than ours.

"Debate is raging in Germany over whether a campaign poster using a now infamous photograph of Chancellor Angela Merkel in a deep-cut evening gown is cleverly ironic or downright tacky.

However you see it, the poster is adding some spice to what is shaping up to be an otherwise dull campaign leading up to Sept. 27 German parliamentary elections.

The poster shows a picture of Christian Democrat candidate Vera Lengsfeld, 57, in a low-cut evening gown alongside a well-known 2008 photo of Merkel, the party leader, taken at her appearance at the gala opening of Oslo's opera house.

"We have more to offer," reads the slogan under the revealing photos of the two women's chests — a twist on the Christian Democrats official slogan, "We have the power."

Read more:

Thanks Stew, always good to keep abreast of European affairs.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Pollyellon banned me
July 25, 2009, 11:25:50 AM
Quote from: PiniellaTailOnTheDonkey on July 24, 2009, 09:24:01 AM
Now that's what we in the journalism biz call a hot lede!

QuotePHILADELPHIA -- They put the scoreboard in the wrong place at Citizens Bank Park. It's behind the left field stands -- which means that not only is it not visible from large swaths of seats, but it blocks what would have been a really nice view of the Philadelphia skyline that you can see in the photo I took before last night's game. Granted, there were low clouds blocking the view, but on a sunny day, that would have been a really nice vista. From my seat in the LF corner, you have to crane your neck to see the board. They put some of the information available there on other boards, but it's scattered around and hard to fix your eye on one place to find it all.
The board should have been placed in center field, where more people could see it.

And here is the beautiful, don't-need-binoculars-at-all view that has Al crying into his bologna without:

Factually Al is full of balongna.  There are two multi function boards in the outfield wall that mimic the video board and provide pitch information. Actually the park is pretty nice and having one boad keeps the bull pen open and provides the standees pertty good views.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
July 13, 2009, 12:00:38 PM
Quote from: Tinker to Evers to Chance on July 13, 2009, 11:21:12 AM
Quote from: Brownie on July 13, 2009, 10:37:14 AM
Quote from: Fork on July 02, 2009, 12:27:18 PM

The combination of recession + crowded DOOMwagon means this type of deal will come around again.

Keep your eye on and something will show up.

By the way, last night was a blast, even if the Cubs' last half inning resembled David Duke held up to a mirror. Skybox on Sheffield has good food, good beer, a nice view of the action, accommodating staff. Other than the 65-year-old fatass who threatened to beat the shit out of my friend, it was a great evening. TheHawk was the only other known Intrepid Reader there.

TheHawk is a belligerent 65- 41 year-old fatass?


I also had a great time.  Although I must have had too much beer there, as I could have sworn I saw Shawn Marshall playing Left Field in the 9th.
Quote from: flannj on July 08, 2009, 06:13:44 PM
Quote from: MAD on July 08, 2009, 12:28:15 PM
Quote from: MidgetSellingWater on July 08, 2009, 12:00:00 PM
Not flying quite as high any more -

QuoteDykstra, 46, has no more than $50,000 in assets and between $10 million and $50 million in liabilities, according to a petition filed Tuesday with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Central District of California.

That's got to be some sort of record for asset/liability ratio.
Between $10 million and $50 million in liabilities?
Nice tight bid / ask spread.

Its a check off box on the form you file with the Bankruptcy Court.

But you also have to file a list of your largest creditors:

Hard to believe he would slip through Washington Mutual's and Countrywides crack underwriting procedures.  Also note that second  item on the list.  Que Gil? (I know your federal, but employee withholding related debts are sometimes not dischargeable in bankruptcy)
Quote from: Fork on July 08, 2009, 02:57:19 PM
Quote from: MidgetSellingWater on July 08, 2009, 12:00:00 PM
Not flying quite as high any more -

Hey lawyer-types...

This doesn't protect him from criminal prosecution, does it?

Nope, but fraud is hard to prove.
Quote from: ChuckD on July 08, 2009, 11:53:38 AM
Quote from: PenFoe on July 08, 2009, 11:52:00 AM
I know the name of this thread sucks.
Deal with it.

Or suggest a better one and I'll change it.

I first noticed a conspicuous absence of "twat." That might be a good start.

Beat me to it Chuck.  Especially if it will be filled by the likes of Stone, Manderich and Buck the lesser.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Desipio Rooftop game
July 02, 2009, 10:44:25 AM
Quote from: Brownie on July 01, 2009, 10:00:52 PM
Which of you morans are going?

Raises Hand
Desipio Lounge / Re: Borb Brenly is the Truth.
June 26, 2009, 10:25:02 AM
Quote from: Slak on June 26, 2009, 09:37:00 AM
Quote from: Internet Apex on June 26, 2009, 08:24:45 AM
Quote from: TDubbs on June 26, 2009, 05:31:56 AM
Quote from: BH on June 25, 2009, 06:34:10 PM
Quote from: TDubbs on June 23, 2009, 03:44:44 PM
I just went to the Twisted Spoke that is still open on Sunday.  Great, great food and a beer selection that would make uppity beerfags like Apex & BH happy.  And the outdoor rooftop seating makes for a great view of the middle levels of some buildings and the roofs of a few others.

Drinking something other than Bud Light in a bottle makes me an uppity beerfag?


If having functional tastebuds makes me an uppity beerfag, I'll be that.

I'll drink an IPA to that, sir.

Raising my Guinness and nodding
Quote from: RV on June 24, 2009, 09:27:16 AM
Quote from: Slak on June 24, 2009, 09:06:56 AM
Quote from: MAD on June 24, 2009, 12:03:20 AM
Gregg's blown like 3 or 4 of these games.  Most of your run-of-the-mill closers will blow about 6 to 8 of these games in a season.  Kevin Gregg is not elite--hell, he has to have his mittens pinned to his jacket in the winter--but  he's actually performed about what you'd expect out of a guy who's not the Fruitbat, not KRod, not the claymation version of Burl Ives from "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer" (C'mon, work with me here).  He's certainly no worse than Kerry Wood.  This game sucked, but I'm-a-going to refrain from calling for this tard's head just yet.

Huard you beautiful bastard.

Huey is an idiot. How dare he not call for the tard to be tard and feathered. The guy had the nerve to blow a save after being the Cubs best reliever this month. And he's right around 80% in converting save opportunities, about what you'd expect from an average closer. What a gutless asshole.

Edited to note that morph already covered Tardface's acceptable averageness in the Gregg thread.

This.  If this was the Hockee thread I would also point out that the Cubs are still +2 for the week when it comes to last at-bat decisions.
Quote from: MAD on June 17, 2009, 09:49:59 AM
Quote"He can go do as many Howard Stern shows as he likes . . but he will no longer appear on HBO Sports or 'Joe Buck Live,' " HBO Sports president Ross Greenburg told The Post yesterday.

How charitable of this Greenburg douche to give his permission for Lange to continue to appear on a show over which he has no contol over.

And why is this news?  Why would Artie Lange give a fuck about being BANNED from HBO Sports?  Now, if he were BANNED from HBO entirely, that might sting for for a guy who may have opportunities to develop work  there, but HBO Sports?  Oooh, that's a burn.

Didn't you hear that Artie was being considered for Byant Gumbel's job on RealSports?

Gotta love the Post as well, for essentially saying "HBO Sports has banned Lang for saying horrible horrible things... which we will now reprint for you in full"
Desipio Lounge / Re: Score some fucking runs thread
June 16, 2009, 06:51:26 PM
Quote from: Kermit, B. on June 16, 2009, 05:01:30 PM
Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on June 16, 2009, 04:35:08 PM
Quote from: Brownie on June 16, 2009, 04:12:12 PM
It's on air now, and listening to Chet. At one point, he mentioned that Hernandez yesterday offered to wire everyone the money if they gave them their bank acct #s and routing numbers.  That's when Rogers did some research and found his criminal history. Ergo, Rogers is suspended and barred him from the next meeting. Now, he's on the lam.
Wait.  Rogers is on the lam or Hernandez is?

QuoteHow fun would it be if Rogers didn't have a moment of clarity and everyone gave their bank acct and routing numbers out?
Boy am I glad I'm not their banker.

I'd love to be their lawyer right now, though.

Not sure I want to be North's lawyer right now (although my guess is that Hernandez was HIS GUY! and so never had anyone do any diligence).
Quote from: CBStew on June 15, 2009, 09:21:24 AM
Quote from: Jon on June 15, 2009, 08:31:16 AM
Quote from: morpheus on June 15, 2009, 08:27:57 AM

Nonpartisan awesomeness.


There is a disease which is probably spread by mosquitoes which are bred along the banks of the Potomac.  I think that the disease causes everyone who works in DC, not merely in government, to believe that the rest of the world is the boondocks, and nothing important can possibly happen anywhere else. 

Its probably waterborne, I've seen it infect residents around the Hudson and East Rivers as well.