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Messages - thehawk

Do we need to now change this thread to 'Gangne and other stories from the rancid NLC?'
Quote from: EG on May 01, 2008, 10:01:59 AM
Quote from: Slaky+ on May 01, 2008, 09:47:14 AM
An nice random present for Dave B:

Here's my present for the Cardinals fans, from Baseball Prospectus:

QuoteJust a hair behind the Cubs in what was expected to be a rebuilding year, the Cardinals are doing it by throwing strikes. No NL pitching staff has walked fewer men than their 74, leading to the third-fewest runs allowed and second-best ERA in the league. Without overpowering stuff—165 strikeouts, a mere 11th in the league—Cards pitchers have been pounding the strike zone and taking their chances.

They're winning this game of chance thanks to a strangely low home-run rate: just 19 allowed, third in the NL, in 243 1/3 innings. That number almost has to go up when you look at the pitchers on the staff.

There's a reason beyond the pitching staff for these figures. Clay Davenport noted last week that the Cards have played the weakest schedule in baseball. It's weak largely because it's been populated by teams that can't hit. The Cards have played seven games against the Giants (.365 SLG, 14th in NL; 14 HR, last); six against the Astros (.410 SLG, seventh in NL); five against the Brewers (.385, 11th; almost all innings pitched by RHPs) and nine others against the Nationals, Rockies, Pirates, and Reds. The Cardinals have played 75 percent of their schedule against teams with below-average slugging percentages. When that changes, they'll allow more home runs, more runs, and slip away from the top of the NL Central.

So it would appear that, once they come across a team that is patient, but hits the tar out of strikes, that their record may not be so good.  I just so happen to know a team like that (and can't wait to watch them to pound the mouthbreathers from a good seat  in their home park tomorrow).
Closers blowing leads, large numbers of runners left on base, questionable managerial calls, poorly timed injuries.  Nice to see this happening to the other NLC competitors

Quote from: butthead on April 20, 2008, 10:24:29 PM
Quote from: PTanner on April 20, 2008, 04:59:03 PM
Quote from: thehawk on April 20, 2008, 03:54:19 PM
So Gange comes in the top of the 10th with a 2 run lead and gives up back to back dingers to Encarnacion and, wait for it... Gabor. Torres completes the loss. I luurve this division.

Which flag will be atop the NLC from this point on this season, Ogdens?

That's right, Cards/Brewers/Astros/Pirates/Reds. Get used to it.

Speaking of flags, were the team flags flying above the scoreboard today? They had been missing the last fews days for some reason.

They were not, not excactly sure why (other than the fact that it was quite windy, but the other pennants were up around the field as were the santo banks and williams flags).
So Gange comes in the top of the 10th with a 2 run lead and gives up back to back dingers to Encarnacion and, wait for it... Gabor. Torres completes the loss. I luurve this division.
Rodan has returned. Its like every day is June for him now.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Greg Maddux, the Puppet Master
April 15, 2008, 10:13:53 PM
Quote from: AMV on April 15, 2008, 08:55:18 PM
Long-time lurker, first time poster.  This fits here, sort of.

Back in '88 I stayed after a game at the player's lot.  Ended up seeing Maddux.  I had nothing for him to sign (my pre-planning skills were incomplete at 14), so I asked him what a pitcher should do; he'd been doing pretty good and I figured I could learn instead of get an autograph.  He said this:

"Kid, all you need to do is to make the balls look like strikes and the strikes look like balls.  Work fast, get ahead and change speeds, and it doesn't really matter how fast you throw.  Keep 'em off balance and you'll win most of the time.  If you're not having fun then don't play."

That's what should go on Greg's plaque in Cooperstown.
Desipio Lounge / Re: The only site I'll ever need...
April 15, 2008, 11:11:05 AM
Quote from: Oleg on April 15, 2008, 10:55:43 AM
Quote from: Tonker on April 15, 2008, 09:21:09 AM
Quote from: EG on April 15, 2008, 07:39:58 AM
Quote from: Tonker on April 15, 2008, 02:27:34 AM
You should see Heathrow, or Gatwick (any of the London airports, actually), or Amsterdam Schiphol, or Munich though.  Magnificent.  Regular playgrounds, whether you're a cocksucker or not.

I haven't been there, but I've heard from some people that Heathrow is an airport to avoid at all costs.  I think the main complaint was about the lines and congestion?  Just what I've heard though.

If you're there on a Monday morning or a Friday afternoon, sure, it's pretty horrible.  But I've been flying in and out of Heathrow for years - for a long time I did it every week - without any problems, really.  They're pretty slick, the teething problems at T5 notwithstanding.

At Schiphol there's a champagne and oyster bar, and a casino.  In Bangkok you can get a massage while you wait for your flight.  Kuala Lumpur's pretty sweet, too.  I just don't understand why America's so far behind - in most things like this, you're World leaders.

You know what Schiphol really needs, don't you?  I mean, when in Amsterdam...

Shiphol was supposed to be a 'full service' airport but it didn't quite work out.

And Heathrow is fine if you don't have to change terminals (for example landing on an international flight, and then taking a flight elsewhere in Britian or Ireland).  The walk from terminal to bus and through the next terminal made O'hare look like Midway.
Quote from: butthead on April 11, 2008, 02:16:41 PM
Thats' why desipio pays KD the big bucks. Ask a question, get a sports column for an answer. Good work.

Can Rocky take over all the teams in town?

I would suggest we wait till after this off-season before we hand Rock the keys.  The moves he has made so far have made him money.  He collected rights fees from Comcast, bringing back Hull and Stosh didn't cost anything and brought big gates.  The only thing he's done that caused him to write a check is to hire McDonough (and that's small potatoes).

When I see the organ i zation writing checks for some free agents (including their own), I'll crown his ass.  I think he's going to do the right thing, but in this town I want to see the owner do the right thing first.
Quote from: Taylor2 on April 09, 2008, 08:16:59 PM
QuoteHOUSTON (AP)—St. Louis' Albert Pujols and Houston's Brandon Backe had a heated exchange as the Astros left the field after batting practice on Wednesday.

The exchange, which happened in front of Astros manager Cecil Cooper, lasted a few minutes. It involved yelling and ended with Cooper putting his arm across Backe and guiding him away from Pujols.

The incident apparently revolved around Pujols sliding into Astros catcher J.R. Towles in the eighth inning of the Cardinals' 5-3 win over the Astros on Tuesday. Towles said Pujols called the clubhouse after the game last night to apologize for the way he slid into home plate.

Towles said he thought Pujols slid into him instead of sliding into the plate, but that he accepted his apology and "it was over."

Backe, a right-handed starter, said Pujols approached him and asked why he was "pressing on about it." Pujols wouldn't discuss it in detail, but said: "he had a problem with me calling over there."

"You guys don't need to make this bigger than it is," an obviously annoyed Pujols said before walking off.

Backe had plenty to say about it though.

"I felt violated," Backe said. "I felt like he confronted me at a wrong time. I don't think it was very professional."

Backe was still red-faced from the exchange several minutes after it ended.

"It's apparent that we don't like each other," he said. "That's OK. There's plenty of other people I don't like in this game. It doesn't matter. The competition between he and I just escalated."

Brandon the best way to resolve this is the next time you face Fat Albert put a fast ball in his elbow and watch it explode.

I thought Edmunds was in San Diego.

But seriously, they both sound like whiny bitches.
Didn't realize Wild Irish Rose was "Savorin' Wine"
Quote from: BC on April 07, 2008, 08:12:28 PM
Quote from: Dave B on April 07, 2008, 11:49:28 AM
Phil Rogers ranks the Satanic Fowl #7 in his first "Power Rankings" poll. He's all excited over their 5-1 start. What he doesn't mention is that it was done at home against the Rockies (2-1) and a sweep over the Nationals (and the back of their shitty rotation). Washington is god-awful, but they may be better than the SF Giants.

The ERA for the Cardinals is just over 2 or something. Last year, they had about a six-week stretch where their ERA was something like 3.40, it was no surprise that is when they almost took the division lead and had a certain somebody scared to almost-death. For the rest of the season, their pitching was terrible and it showed in their record. I hope the same thing happens this year. Their offense is pretty bad and will not be able to overcome even a mediocre pitching staff.

Add about .83 to that ERA, as they gave up 5 tonight (and lost).  One trip through the rotation is not significant.  I suspect that, given time, the Cardinals staff will be what we thought they would be.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Kerry Wood Sploogefest Thread
April 07, 2008, 01:46:55 PM
Quote from: Waco Kid on April 07, 2008, 10:39:15 AM
Quote from: Dave B on April 07, 2008, 10:12:17 AM
The one thing I've noticed about Woody is how he just gets the ball and throws it. No screwin' around between pitches, taking deep breaths, walking around the mound, and getting all dramatic like most closers. I think he just wants to come in, slam the door, and go home.

I noticed that yesterday. Wood got in there, threw strikes, and got the save. I'm so used to the Dumpster high wire act, it was refreshing to see the closer not fuck around.

I also noticed that Soto looked like he was in a real hurry to get the ball back to Wood (even seemed to be rushing the ump a bit after a foul ball).  Maybe Wood's intro music should be the minute waltz.
Desipio Lounge / Re: Kerry Wood Sploogefest Thread
April 06, 2008, 07:54:57 PM
Quote from: ~Apex on April 06, 2008, 06:08:45 PM
Splooge x 20. In one fucking day. Octaroons.

Intrepid reader:  Carlos Zambrano

Don't forget to hydrate.
Desipio Lounge / Kerry Wood Sploogefest Thread
April 06, 2008, 03:58:53 PM
Cannot believe this doesn't exist, but Kerry has 3 saves this week, today getting Lee to a soft grounder and blowing away Tejada.  The opening day outing was a bit unpleasant but he's now looking like I thought he would look and how NL batters feared he would look.