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Author Topic: The Way Way Back  ( 877 )


  • Most people my age are dead.
  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 4,000
  • Location: Berkeley, California
The Way Way Back
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:35:03 AM »
I was expecting something like "Little Miss Sunshine".  Instead this is a "feel good" movie of a different sort.   It is about a "nerd" coming out of his shell.  (Do nerds have shells or have I mixed a metaphor?)  This is the second movie that I have seen this summer that is carried by a 14 year old boy.  The characters in the movie are all stereotypes, and the outcome is predictable.  Nonetheless the movie is enjoyable because we want the result.  The best part about this movie is the casting.  Steve Carrell is the heavy.  Sam Rockwell plays Bill Murray almost as well as Bill Murray would.  Toni Collette is the mother with issues. Maya Rudolph is the Earth Mother.  The writers/producers of the movie gave themselves, as actors, some of the best scenes.  There are a bunch of teenage actors who play roles that you have seen over and over again, but do it so well that you don't mind.  It took me a long time to figure out who some of the teen age girls were supposed to be since their characters and looks were so much alike.  Since I am trying to boycott summer blockbusters this year, this was worth seeing.
If I had known that I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.   (Plagerized from numerous other folks)