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Author Topic: You Tube discoveries  ( 414,988 )

Al Yellon

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #405 on: February 13, 2007, 11:32:58 PM »
Last Blog Ever

Intrepid Reader: Hawk Harrelson

Partial transcript of one young girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk boy's plunge into autism/dementia/total self-awareness:
A certain person sent me a message saying, "Hi Dax, everyone who watches your blog thinks you're retarded. Everyone. All of your subscribers. And they watch because they think you're stupid, and it's fun to watch stupid people." Well I've got news for you. All of my subscribers. All of my viewers that...

Some of you were convincing like charmingwizkid. She sends me a video. She seems... Oh. And you. If you're watching and you're thinking, "Hey this is fun to watch. This kid's retarded."
Well I'm not retarded.

Oh and I've got news for you. all of my viewers. Y'all are the ones who don't know things.

I could. <punches air> <rubs head and growls>

Okay. So, are you still watching? Are you thinking "Look at this stupid [sic] idiot.




  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #406 on: February 14, 2007, 12:04:41 AM »
Quote from: ChuckDickens on February 13, 2007, 11:32:58 PM
Last Blog Ever

Intrepid Reader: Hawk Harrelson

Partial transcript of one young girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk boy's plunge into autism/dementia/total self-awareness:
A certain person sent me a message saying, "Hi Dax, everyone who watches your blog thinks you're retarded. Everyone. All of your subscribers. And they watch because they think you're stupid, and it's fun to watch stupid people." Well I've got news for you. All of my subscribers. All of my viewers that...

Some of you were convincing like charmingwizkid. She sends me a video. She seems... Oh. And you. If you're watching and you're thinking, "Hey this is fun to watch. This kid's retarded."
Well I'm not retarded.

Oh and I've got news for you. all of my viewers. Y'all are the ones who don't know things.

I could. <punches air> <rubs head and growls>

Okay. So, are you still watching? Are you thinking "Look at this stupid [sic] idiot.



Oh my.

You know, he kind of looks like someone we once knew.  Someone special.

JD, Too

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #407 on: February 14, 2007, 07:57:39 AM »
You guys are so good at teaching me stuff...
          stuff, I...
didn't know.

Never let 'em see ya cry, Dax.
"Ad hominem attacks, and childish ones at that, do not an argument make."----- IT

Al Yellon

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #408 on: February 14, 2007, 09:49:39 AM »
QuoteYou know what? Words. Hurt worse. Than if someone throws a sledgehammer and hits your crotch. Over and over.

Then if you're a girl, they just hit your face with it. Or typing. Just typing.

P.S. Cool Moves. Are you ready for them? I don't think you are. Wait. Sit in your seat, because this is going to be cool.


  • Guest
Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #409 on: February 14, 2007, 04:10:12 PM »
Wow.  I bet he loves dolphins and nails a lot of chicks.




  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #410 on: February 14, 2007, 04:16:02 PM »
Quote from: Xenu on February 14, 2007, 04:10:12 PM


Wow.  I bet he loves dolphins and nails a lot of chicks.

He wasn't as boastful as IT, but he almost sort of looked like him.

Anyway, the line about "being kicked in the crotch by a frozen sledgehammer if you're a guy or, if you're a girl, being hit, ummm, in the face" kinda proves that the kid would need a manual were ever to find himself with a member of the fairer sex.

Everyone knows that the closest thing to getting hit in the nads for a female is the breasteses.


  • Guest
Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #411 on: February 14, 2007, 04:18:55 PM »

This kid is going to go to jail for raping/stalking/wearingsomechick'sheadasahat.


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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #412 on: February 14, 2007, 04:20:41 PM »
Quote from: Xenu on February 14, 2007, 04:18:55 PM

This kid is going to go to jail for raping/stalking/wearingsomechick'sheadasahat.

Scre that. This kid is a post office full of dead bodies waiting to happen.


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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #413 on: February 14, 2007, 05:15:11 PM »
I've watched half a dozen of these.  It's got to be fake.  Shit.  I'm disappointed.


  • Pollyellon Fan Club
  • Posts: 190
Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #414 on: February 14, 2007, 11:13:43 PM »
I think he's talking about Big Jim at the beginning of this:

Seriously this guy kills, I saw him in K.C. and got hoarse from laughing.

JD, Too

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #415 on: February 14, 2007, 11:37:57 PM »
Quote from: ChuckDickens on February 14, 2007, 09:49:39 AM
QuoteYou know what? Words. Hurt worse. Than if someone throws a sledgehammer and hits your crotch. Over and over.

Then if you're a girl, they just hit your face with it. Or typing. Just typing.

P.S. Cool Moves. Are you ready for them? I don't think you are. Wait. Sit in your seat, because this is going to be cool.

Hi, gaywad...<karate CHOP>
"Ad hominem attacks, and childish ones at that, do not an argument make."----- IT


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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #416 on: February 24, 2007, 08:54:42 PM »

James Westfall

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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #417 on: February 25, 2007, 10:13:06 AM »
Is anyone checking these kids houses for guns?  Seriously.  It's got Columbine written all over it.

D. Doluntap

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #418 on: February 25, 2007, 02:57:28 PM »
What happened to quality TV like this:



  • Apul is edad.
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Re: You Tube discoveries
« Reply #419 on: February 26, 2007, 08:11:17 AM »
Quote from: Paul Tanner on February 24, 2007, 08:54:42 PM
I have a new signature:

Step two: Slip the peal over your Randy Johnson. Start pitchin'.
The Thirteenth Tenet of Pexism: Internet Apex is the id barking at you and you deserve everything you get from it.