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Author Topic: The Atheist Communist Caliphate Made Flesh, Spread the Clusterfuck Around Thread  ( 489,142 )

Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Quote from: MikeC on October 15, 2009, 03:29:35 PM
QuoteIt does look like Rush will pursue legal action against those who published a couple of quotes attributed to him that he insists he never made -- one about slavery not being all bad and another about James Earl Ray deserving a Congressional Medal of Honor. It will be very interesting to see what comes out of it.

QuoteIf any "serious" news outlets reported fake quotes from Rush as real without fact-checking them, let them fucking have it.

Our moribund media establishment deserves everything they have coming to them.

Does CNN count as serious? Because they ran with the fake quotes like giddy little school children.....

Yes, CNN counts as "serious."

So, just as I said in the post you quote, fuck them.

BOOM, I'm roasted.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Quote from: Chuck to Chuck on October 15, 2009, 03:46:31 PM
Quote from: MikeC on October 15, 2009, 03:29:35 PM
Everyone knows Limbaugh is a racist, it just fits the narrative to attribute made up quotes to him.
It also fits the "Magic Negro" and "Donovan McNabb" quotes, too.

The reason it fits so well is because it fits, regardless of the truthiness of it.

Come on, Chuck. Fabricated quotes like these are just part of the liberal wet dream conspiracy to defame a great 'Merican.

QuoteLimbaugh responded to a Reuters report about a University of Chicago study that found that "a majority of young blacks feel alienated from today's government" by asserting, "Why would that be? The government's been taking care of them their whole lives."

QuoteLook it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There I said it.

QuoteAfterschool program -- don't we already have afterschool programs? Don't we already have -- what do you call it, extracurricular events? Midnight basketball -- I mean, we've done it all. We've taken the favorite sport of gangs, and we put it at midnight to get them on the basketball court.

QuoteOn April 14, Limbaugh suggested the "correct" way to look at a situation in which Obama sent the military to retrieve American hostages from Somali pirates was that "if only President Obama had known that the three Somali community organizers were actually young, black Muslim teenagers, I'm sure he wouldn't have given the order to shoot."

QuoteIt is clear that Senator Obama has disowned his white half, that he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side.

QuoteObama is "more African in his roots than he is American" and is "behaving like an African colonial despot."

QuoteIt's Obama's America, is it not? Obama's America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. I mean, you put your kids on a school bus, you expect -- you expect safety. But in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on.'

Lance Dicksons Arm

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Seemingly lost in all of the discourse I've heard over the last 24 that Irsay and Goodell would be crazy to think Limbaugh is better for NFL business than some quiet, nondescript rich guy who wants to own part of a football team.  The NFL is a business first.  This stance is the same one that most smart business owners would take...particularly when they are about to sit down and bargain with a union that is 60% black.   I think it's incorrect to distill their objection to Limbaugh into some type of liberal agenda-mongering.   I agree with Limbaugh more often than not...and I wouldn't want any part of him as an owner.

This is not much different than had the Tribune chosen a bid from Mark Cuban to buy the Cubs.  Cuban's not a racist...he's not particularly political (as far as I know)...he's just a jerk who could've been needlessly risky.   Who needs the trouble?

You don't have the right to own a NFL team.  A point that I would think Limbaugh would agree with. 

But as with seemingly every argument that even remotely involves always turns into him vs. the evil media.  It's his security blanket.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Quote from: Lance Dicksons Arm on October 15, 2009, 04:12:53 PM always turns into him vs. the evil media.  It's his security blanket.

That, plus painkillers and divorces, amirite?

Chuck to Chuck

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Quote from: Lance Dicksons Arm on October 15, 2009, 04:12:53 PM
But as with seemingly every argument that even remotely involves always turns into him vs. the evil media.  It's his security blanket meal ticket.


Lance Dicksons Arm

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Quote from: Eli on October 15, 2009, 04:14:53 PM
Quote from: Lance Dicksons Arm on October 15, 2009, 04:12:53 PM always turns into him vs. the evil media.  It's his security blanket.

That, plus painkillers and divorces, amirite?

Yea, ubrite.


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Quote from: Eli on October 15, 2009, 04:14:53 PM
Quote from: Lance Dicksons Arm on October 15, 2009, 04:12:53 PM always turns into him vs. the evil media.  It's his security blanket.

That, plus painkillers and divorces, amirite?

See, he'd be a great NFL owner.  What NFL player can't sympathize with those kind of experiences?


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,263
People who never listen to Rush don't know he talks in satire alot. He has been in the business 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for 20 years. He knows the "drive by media" as he calls it will only grab soundbites from him and not bother to listen to the entire part of the program.

One quote you did put up i heard on air myself, the kid being beaten up on the bus. Rush was doing his usual satire routine about how this should not be happening in Obama's post racial America. He was also commenting as your link provides on the newsweek story of how white people are born racists to go along with the "beer summit."

The newsweek article was stupid to begin with but someone in the media thought it was worthwhile and he ran with that. If someone is deranged enough to publish an article saying white people are born racists, then they must believe that kid on the bus deserved to get beat up because he was a racist as well. Welcome to Obama's post-racial America, NOT.

That piece also tied in with Tea Party protestors as "racists" anyone who disagrees with Obama is a "racist." Its all just one big fucking joke that the left trys to portray as some kind of champion for race relations. Rush knows its a joke being portrayed as serious hard hitting news.

How the hell do you argue with people when their first comeback is to call you a racist for simply stating a different opinion? Thats what Rush does, he makes fun of the hypocrites on the left. And his main point which is continually never covered by the liberal press is you can't have the greatest post racial president ever when he is the one out in front calling everyone and their mother a racist for disagreeing with him.

Another one mentioned here is the "Magic Negro" comment. Again the link you provide will do.....

QuoteOn March 19, 2007, Limbaugh highlighted a Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Obama as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro' " -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an LA Times columnist, David Ehrenstein." Limbaugh later asserted: "I'm going to keep referring to him as that, because I want to make a bet that by the end of this week I will own that term," adding, "If I refer to Obama the rest of the day as the 'Magic Negro,' there will be a number of people in the drive-by media and on left-wing blogs who will credit me for coming up with it and ignore the LA Times did it, simply because they can't be critical of the LA Times, but they can, obviously, be critical of talk radio." Limbaugh continued to refer to Obama as the "Magic Negro" throughout the broadcast -- 27 times, to be exact -- and at one point sang "Barack, the Magic Negro" to the tune of "Puff, the Magic Dragon." Limbaugh defended his use of the song, stating, "Well, that's what we always do here. We do parodies and satires on the idiocy and phoniness of the left."

Pretty much what I just explained above, with the bus comment.
Hail Neifi, full of hacks, thy glove is with thee

Gil Gunderson

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Quote from: MikeC on October 15, 2009, 05:09:41 PM
People who never listen to Rush don't know he talks in satire alot. He has been in the business 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for 20 years. He knows the "drive by media" as he calls it will only grab soundbites from him and not bother to listen to the entire part of the program.

One quote you did put up i heard on air myself, the kid being beaten up on the bus. Rush was doing his usual satire routine about how this should not be happening in Obama's post racial America. He was also commenting as your link provides on the newsweek story of how white people are born racists to go along with the "beer summit."

The newsweek article was stupid to begin with but someone in the media thought it was worthwhile and he ran with that. If someone is deranged enough to publish an article saying white people are born racists, then they must believe that kid on the bus deserved to get beat up because he was a racist as well. Welcome to Obama's post-racial America, NOT.

That piece also tied in with Tea Party protestors as "racists" anyone who disagrees with Obama is a "racist." Its all just one big fucking joke that the left trys to portray as some kind of champion for race relations. Rush knows its a joke being portrayed as serious hard hitting news.

How the hell do you argue with people when their first comeback is to call you a racist for simply stating a different opinion? Thats what Rush does, he makes fun of the hypocrites on the left. And his main point which is continually never covered by the liberal press is you can't have the greatest post racial president ever when he is the one out in front calling everyone and their mother a racist for disagreeing with him.

Another one mentioned here is the "Magic Negro" comment. Again the link you provide will do.....

QuoteOn March 19, 2007, Limbaugh highlighted a Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Obama as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro' " -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an LA Times columnist, David Ehrenstein." Limbaugh later asserted: "I'm going to keep referring to him as that, because I want to make a bet that by the end of this week I will own that term," adding, "If I refer to Obama the rest of the day as the 'Magic Negro,' there will be a number of people in the drive-by media and on left-wing blogs who will credit me for coming up with it and ignore the LA Times did it, simply because they can't be critical of the LA Times, but they can, obviously, be critical of talk radio." Limbaugh continued to refer to Obama as the "Magic Negro" throughout the broadcast -- 27 times, to be exact -- and at one point sang "Barack, the Magic Negro" to the tune of "Puff, the Magic Dragon." Limbaugh defended his use of the song, stating, "Well, that's what we always do here. We do parodies and satires on the idiocy and phoniness of the left."

Pretty much what I just explained above, with the bus comment.

Rush is just misunderstood.  He doesn't love to hate; he hates out of love, his love of satire

...and people who don't look like him.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Sounds like Rush is now demanding affirmative action for loud-mouth idiots.
Andre Dawson paid his $1,000 fine for the Joe West incident with style. Dawson wrote ``Donation for the blind`` in the memo section of his personal check.

Gil Gunderson

  • I do justice-y things.
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News dump:

QuoteWASHINGTON — A Senate panel plans to vote next week on three long-stalled nominees to fill the National Labor Relations Board.

The five-member board, which resolves conflicts between unions and management, has worked with three vacancies for nearly two years because of political wrangling in the Senate.

Business groups have complained that the views of one nominee — former union lawyer Craig Becker — are "out of the "mainstream." But the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has rejected requests to hold a hearing on Becker.

Becker and two other nominees have enough votes to clear the committee. They also face a confirmation vote in the full Senate.

Earlier this year, a federal appeals court said hundreds of NLRB decisions were invalid because the board cannot act with just two members.

QuoteThe AP reports that Louisiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell has refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple because he believes that such marriages don't usually last very long:

"I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house," Bardwell said. "My main concern is for the children."

Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.

"I don't do interracial marriages because I don't want to put children in a situation they didn't bring on themselves," Bardwell said. "In my heart, I feel the children will later suffer."

If he does an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all, he said.

"I try to treat everyone equally," he said.

The couple said they "will consult the U.S. Justice Department about filing a discrimination complaint."

Waco Kid

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As usual Rush can dish it out, but can't take it.

What reaction did Rush really expect after years of setting the precedent that he is a loudmouth jackass.

Chuck to Chuck

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 4,831
Quote from: MikeC on October 15, 2009, 05:09:41 PM
People who never listen to Rush don't know he talks in satire alot.
If you are going to quote James Taranto, have the decency to attribute.