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Author Topic: Lost: The Final Boner  ( 83,124 )


  • Sam Fuld Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #375 on: May 05, 2010, 03:24:03 AM »
Anyone else think that the white/black, good/evil may come down to the random kid in the jungle and Walt? Or are we at the point where we give up on Walt?

Richard Chuggar

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #376 on: May 05, 2010, 05:14:15 AM »
Quote from: RW on May 05, 2010, 03:24:03 AM
Anyone else think that the white/black, good/evil may come down to the random kid in the jungle and Walt? Or are we at the point where we give up on Walt?


That kid in the jungle has to be young Jacob. 
Because when you're fighting for your man, experience is a mutha'.

Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #377 on: May 05, 2010, 08:37:51 AM »
Quote from: RW on May 05, 2010, 03:24:03 AM
Anyone else think that the white/black, good/evil may come down to the random kid in the jungle and Walt?



Quote from: Richard Chuggar on May 05, 2010, 05:14:15 AM


Quote from: RW on May 05, 2010, 03:24:03 AM
Or are we at the point where we give up on Walt?

Long past it. I'd be willing to bet he makes another cameo appearance, just because they're bringing back everyone they can this season for little cameos, but I think they all but wrote him out of the show with his off-island meeting with Locke last season.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #378 on: May 05, 2010, 09:32:13 AM »
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 04, 2010, 11:39:42 PM
FWIW, I liked the episode but am kind of with Sepinwall on the deaths...

QuoteAnd I'm not sure what the point was of Sun's various twists and turns with Widmore and Ben and whatnot during the Oceanic Six period

That. I kept wondering if her shady meetings with Widmore off the island would be addressed. But everything from the point that they reached the dock on was so intense that I found myself not giving a shit about any answers. I look for entertainment first and answers second and we got plenty of the former this week.

I think Chuck would rather watch a half hour monologue of someone reading an Island Q&A than an action packed half hour of hot sub action.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #379 on: May 05, 2010, 09:51:14 AM »
DPD. The remaining chumps on the island are pretty much stuck there now, right? Sub got blowed up. No pilot to fly the Ajira plane. I guess they could sail Desmond's boat on the proper heading to get out of there, but I don't see that hai.

Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #380 on: May 05, 2010, 09:57:28 AM »
BTW... When did Desipio's "Lost Season 5" thread get swallowed by the bacon loop?


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #381 on: May 05, 2010, 10:20:50 AM »
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 05, 2010, 09:57:28 AM
BTW... When did Desipio's "Lost Season 5" thread get swallowed by the bacon loop?

I wasn't sure if it was taboo or not to mention the disappearance of all threads with no activity since 11/6/09

Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #382 on: May 05, 2010, 10:54:36 AM »
Quote from: Yeti on May 05, 2010, 10:20:50 AM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 05, 2010, 09:57:28 AM
BTW... When did Desipio's "Lost Season 5" thread get swallowed by the bacon loop?

I wasn't sure if it was taboo or not to mention the disappearance of all threads with no activity since 11/6/09

This is downright tragic:;u=82;sa=showPosts

Kermit IV

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #383 on: May 05, 2010, 11:09:52 AM »
Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Are we sure Lapidus is dead?

Also, I had the exact same thought about Sun and Jin's kid.  Idiots.

Richard Chuggar

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #384 on: May 05, 2010, 11:19:01 AM »
Quote from: Kermit IV on May 05, 2010, 11:09:52 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Are we sure Lapidus is dead?

Also, I had the exact same thought about Sun and Jin's kid.  Idiots.

He dead.
Because when you're fighting for your man, experience is a mutha'.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #385 on: May 05, 2010, 11:21:06 AM »
Quote from: Kermit IV on May 05, 2010, 11:09:52 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Are we sure Lapidus is dead?

Also, I had the exact same thought about Sun and Jin's kid.  Idiots.

I think Lapidus is dead. He's not an important enough character to ridiculously survive, like Jin did with the freighter explosion.

And he got a solid one-liner send off with his exasperated "Aw...hell" before getting smacked with a big door.


  • Resident Curb Warmer
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #386 on: May 05, 2010, 12:12:28 PM »
Who else thinks Sawyer is going to wake up next week from his bump on the head and "remember" the flash-sideways world?  Or maybe he'll just start speaking Korean.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #387 on: May 05, 2010, 12:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Weebs on May 05, 2010, 12:12:28 PM
Who else thinks Sawyer is going to wake up next week from his bump on the head and "remember" the flash-sideways world?  Or maybe he'll just start speaking Korean.

Not bad Weebs.

I'm intrigued by the Claire-Jack alt. timeline hook up. What does it mean for island time? There's gotta be something to it. I still don't really get why Claire has become a major character again.


  • Resident Curb Warmer
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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #388 on: May 05, 2010, 12:50:16 PM »
Quote from: Slaky on May 05, 2010, 12:16:00 PM
Quote from: Weebs on May 05, 2010, 12:12:28 PM
Who else thinks Sawyer is going to wake up next week from his bump on the head and "remember" the flash-sideways world?  Or maybe he'll just start speaking Korean.

Not bad Weebs.

I'm intrigued by the Claire-Jack alt. timeline hook up. What does it mean for island time? There's gotta be something to it. I still don't really get why Claire has become a major character again.

It could just be that Claire is Jack's connection to the regular timeline, although he kind of seems to be connecting with everybody. One thing that still doesn't make sense to me is Jack's injury in the very first episode of this season.  Why was he the only one that had cuts/bruises from the bomb explosion? 

Kermit IV

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Re: Lost: The Final Boner
« Reply #389 on: May 05, 2010, 01:43:17 PM »
Frank Lapidus, 04.04.10.  NEVER FORGET.