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Author Topic: Starlin Castro Unbridled Manlove with a Side Order of Sploogetasticism Thread  ( 101,049 )


  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 07, 2010, 08:34:43 PM
Nice pop-up, loser.

Intrepid reader: Al Yellon

Time to cut bait.


  • Fukakke Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,624

Another number 13, another season saved.

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
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Quote from: Andy on May 07, 2010, 03:05:30 PM
I think the move is as much to fix the defense as anything.  They should have won Dempster's start, but Theriot misplayed two grounders that a normal shortstop makes outs out of. 

The part that makes no fucking sense is that the Cubs knew they were going to do this at some point this season, but they didn't play Theriot even one inning at second all spring.

I don't think he forgot how to play second. He won't even have to adjust the zip on his throws to first. Instead of his usual 88 hoppers he'll be shorthopping Lee, who'll dig his weak shit, no problem. He made a couple nice turns there last night.

I like the move. GO Kubbeez.
The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 3,220
Well for one night at least, it was fun as hell to be a Cubs fan. Very cool that Starlin is going to hold at least one major league record for a while.

At least until Vitters comes up and drives in 9 runs in his debut.


  • Hank White Fan Club
  • Posts: 386
Quote from: Shooter on May 07, 2010, 08:48:03 PM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 07, 2010, 08:34:43 PM
Nice pop-up, loser.

Intrepid reader: Al Yellon

Time to cut bait.

So do we trade him to mets for Jose Reyes to then trade Reyes to SF for Edgar Renteria?

Internet Apex

  • SSM's Resident Octagonacologist
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Quote from: BBM on May 08, 2010, 11:12:01 AM
Quote from: Shooter on May 07, 2010, 08:48:03 PM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 07, 2010, 08:34:43 PM
Nice pop-up, loser.

Intrepid reader: Al Yellon

Time to cut bait.

So do we trade him to mets for Jose Reyes to then trade Reyes to SF for Edgar Renteria?

Hold on, big shooter. Wait until he completely fails as a prospect and then flip him to the O's for Tejada.
The 37th Tenet of Pexism:  Apestink is terrible.


  • Hank White Fan Club
  • Posts: 817
Quote from: Internet Apex on May 08, 2010, 06:13:00 PM
Quote from: BBM on May 08, 2010, 11:12:01 AM
Quote from: Shooter on May 07, 2010, 08:48:03 PM
Quote from: Dr. Nguyen Van Falk on May 07, 2010, 08:34:43 PM
Nice pop-up, loser.

Intrepid reader: Al Yellon

Time to cut bait.

So do we trade him to mets for Jose Reyes to then trade Reyes to SF for Edgar Renteria?

Hold on, big shooter. Wait until he completely fails as a prospect and then flip him to the O's for Tejada BRIAN ROBERTS!!!!!.
"I never read this book the Cardinals wrote way back in the day regarding how to play baseball."

Powdered Toast Man

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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What's the difference in Starlin playing meaningless biesbol in Chicago versus meaningless biesbol in Iowa or Buttfuckingham, Tennessee or Crotch Scratch Springs, Florida?  For fuck's sake, he was proving that he was above thr competition in the minors.  Why not bring him up?

An article on Fangraphs basically said they wanted to break Spring Training with him, but waited it out to guarantee control through 2016, unlike the Braves and Jayson Heyward.  I know a lot of you like to think you know better, but this team sucks.  Maybe the Cubs are trying to see what they have here.  In other words, let's just see how this plays out. 

Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

  • Fukakke Fan Club
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Quote from: Powdered Toast Man on May 09, 2010, 08:09:38 AM
What's the difference in Starlin playing meaningless biesbol in Chicago versus meaningless biesbol in Iowa or Buttfuckingham, Tennessee or Crotch Scratch Springs, Florida?  For fuck's sake, he was proving that he was above thr competition in the minors.  Why not bring him up?

This is fine if he plays. What some people fear is that, whenever he starts to struggle, he'll find the major league bench and lose those ABs, which won't help his development at all.

Quote from: Powdered Toast Man on May 09, 2010, 08:09:38 AM
I know a lot of you like to think you know better, but this team sucks.

Who here is saying they don't? That's exactly the point. Bringing up Castro so young, like moving Zambrano to the pen, strikes a lot of us as a dumb win-it-now move by a team that is not even remotely ready to begin winning it now.

But if this is actually what's best for Castro's development, so be it. (It's kind of nice that the Cubs are finally calling up a "kid" from the farm under the age of 27.) We've been burnt too many times before to trust this, though.


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Quote from: Powdered Toast Man on May 09, 2010, 08:09:38 AM
What's the difference in Starlin playing meaningless biesbol in Chicago versus meaningless biesbol in Iowa or Buttfuckingham, Tennessee or Crotch Scratch Springs, Florida?  For fuck's sake, he was proving that he was above thr competition in the minors.  Why not bring him up?

Here's the thing, he "proved" he was above the competition at AA by hitting well for a month.  Would he have kept up his .990 OPS in AA over a whole season?  I have no idea.  But saying he "proved" something in 26 games in AA this year to me sounds like all the idiots who claimed Micah Hoffpauir had solved major league pitching because he'd managed a .934 OPS in 80 plate appearances in 2008. 

Now granted, I'm not saying Castro is going to be bad.  But it seems idiotic to call up a 19 year old who hasn't got a full season in AA and ask him to be the difference maker this season (and Hendry and Lou can claim whatever they want, but that's exactly what is happening).

Oh, and let's not forget that it appears that the team is going to be on a much stricter budget now, and the Cubs have likely just made this kid into a "Super 2" player for arbitration purposes.  I hope Castro is awesome, but the way this whole thing has been handled from an organizational standpoint is fucking idiotic.

Which I guess isn't that surprising.

Powdered Toast Man

  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 1,921
I understand both your points and I can't say I disagree.  I was also a little sauced when I typed that out.

Kermit IV

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Starlin is the first Cub player born in 1990 or later to make the MLB.  I feel old.


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
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Quote from: Kermit IV on May 10, 2010, 12:01:36 PM
Starlin is the first Cub player born in 1990 or later to make the MLB.  I feel old.
Shit, I'm even older than you...

Fork must want to die.
"Javier Baez is the stupidest player in Cubs history next to Michael Barrett." Internet Chuck


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 8,694
Quote from: Kermit IV on May 10, 2010, 12:01:36 PM
Starlin is the first Cub player born in 1990 or later to make the MLB.  I feel old.

He might be the first Cub player in my lifetime who is younger than me.
I will vow, for the sake of peace, not to complain about David Ross between now and his first start next year- 10/26/2015


  • Johnny Evers Fan Club
  • Posts: 4,605
Quote from: SKO on May 10, 2010, 12:07:26 PM
Quote from: Kermit IV on May 10, 2010, 12:01:36 PM
Starlin is the first Cub player born in 1990 or later to make the MLB.  I feel old.

He might be the first Cub player in my lifetime who is younger than me.

Mine was Kerry Wood.
"Javier Baez is the stupidest player in Cubs history next to Michael Barrett." Internet Chuck